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APNU+AFC manifesto to focus on “Decade of Development”

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Director-General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon

Director-General in the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon, says when the APNU+AFC political party releases its manifesto, it will focus on the “Decade of development”, looking to build on the path of development that is already in place.
First coined earlier this year by President David Granger, the APNU+AFC government has signalled that the forthcoming decade will be a “Decade of Development” for all Guyanese, particularly with the looming oil and gas industry. Harmon said the APNU+AFC manifesto will not be an ambiguous one.

“We are going to see a plan that is located within a bigger plan. Clear thoughts, clear plans, clear pathway for action. It’s not just a one-year, or a five-year plan, but one that will be part of the wider development of Guyana that people can buy into from now. You will see that and you will see clear original thinking and not just somebody tinkering with this and tinkering with that,” Harmon related, as he fielded questions at the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNC/R) weekly press briefing last Friday.

The PNC/R is the largest party of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) faction of the government. With Guyana already on a path to development, Harmon said the party’s focus is to build on that. “There are several things there in our manifesto that is actually being done. Our manifesto will, to some extent, be a continuation of these programmes that we are doing. With the manifestations of how we see Guyana developing in the next decade, a manifestation of how our Green State Development Strategy (GSDS) will affect the way in which governance takes place,” Harmon said.

“If you look at some of the renderings out there, you will find some elements of our thinking of our manifesto coming through. The written work is going on, but conceptually we have some ideas already, more than ideas, on what we propose to do, and this basically looks at a whole decade of how we are going to move Guyana for the period covered by our GSDS. ”

In politics, a manifesto is a publication issued by a political party before a General Election. It contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern. Each political party is expected to present one in the lead up to general elections. With Guyana set for general and regional elections on March 2, 2020, the contesting parties are busy presenting or completing their manifestos.
Guyana so far has some eight political parties that have indicated their intentions to contest the upcoming elections, six of which were launched this year alone. The new parties hope to challenge Guyana’s longstanding, and biggest political parties, the APNU+AFC and the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

Harmon explained that the APNU+AFC manifesto can be expected after the finalization of the new Cummingsburg Accord between the two factions of the coalition. The Cummmingsburg accord is the document which brought the APNU and AFC together as a coalition since 2015.

“The coalition manifesto is part of a four-stage process which we have engaged with the AFC. That process involves the acceptance and signing of core principles [that] will guide us in how we will conduct ourselves in the elections. The second stage is the agreements on the Cummingsburg Accord that will determine the composition of our elections team and so on. Third stage is the preparations of our manifesto, and the final stage is our campaign, launch of our campaign and so on,” he noted.

The PPP/C released excerpts of their manifesto last Friday, with promises of the entire document being released in January 2020. Of the newer political parties, the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), led by former Toshao, Lenox Shuman has also released theirs.
The most recent party, established earlier this month, is The New Movement, backed by businessman Dr. Turhane Doerga , and has a woman, Dr. Asha Kissoon, as the presidential candidate. Other parties thus far indicating their plans to run include the Federal United Party (FED-UP), having controversial lawyer Ryan Crawford; A New and United Guyana (ANUG), led by former PPP executive, Ralph Ramkarran; and the Citizen’s Initiative, which is yet to select a presidential candidate and or executive.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hey hey hey...dem PNC bais know foh push done and coke. Dem seh dem is victim but dem gat nuff nuff land foh mine gold...hey hey hey...dem is army bais suh dem know de jungle foh push de coke and smuggle de gold. hey hey hey...


"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least. Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

The PNC has proven throughout their existence that the only way they know is jiggery-pokery. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

The PNC has proven throughout their existence

that the only way they know is jiggery-pokery. 😀

That's true under Burnham for 17 yrs,  Hoyte tried it too in 1985, then finally he gave in 1992.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support. Even dunces in Guyana know that.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

The PNC has proven throughout their existence

that the only way they know is jiggery-pokery. 😀

That's true under Burnham.

And Hoyte. And Granger is shaping out to outdo both of them. He has already violated the constitution for nearly a whole year.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

The PNC has proven throughout their existence

that the only way they know is jiggery-pokery. 😀

That's true under Burnham.

And Hoyte.

And Granger is shaping out to outdo both of them. He has already violated the constitution for nearly a whole year.

Mentioned Hoyte ,while editing my post. There is no fear  Granger will be there for a long period , time isn't on his side due to age. The PPP need to reinvent themselves, they will be back after that. Have you noticed missing faces , at the manifesto launch ? there may be a shake up in the party , ayuh stay tuned  after March 2020 elections, by the way that's my take.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Where did i divert ? the AFC have their supporters , folks tend to think they are dead , to suit their own taste.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dem PNC bais know foh push done and coke. Dem seh dem is victim but dem gat nuff nuff land foh mine gold...hey hey hey...dem is army bais suh dem know de jungle foh push de coke and smuggle de gold. hey hey hey...

Hey hey PNC crime chief under Lord Burnham was de fuss govt official pushing dope when doin official duty...long befoe Jagdoe bais dem get involve. Hey hey hey...

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Where did i divert ? the AFC have their supporters , folks tend to think they are dead , to suit their own taste.

I was just pointing out you telling brother Gil that he is out of his mind which seems like a personal attack. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Where did i divert ? the AFC have their supporters , folks tend to think they are dead , to suit their own taste.

I was just pointing out you telling brother Gil that he is out of his mind which seems like a personal attack. 😀

There was no such intention.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 



DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Where did i divert ? the AFC have their supporters , folks tend to think they are dead , to suit their own taste.

I was just pointing out you telling brother Gil that he is out of his mind which seems like a personal attack. 😀

There was no such intention.

Ok then. I remember when I would comment either on the topic or on the politicians or their supporters (not on GNI), you told me that I just talk for talk sake. I thought at the time that your comment was a deviation from your claimed mantra of not attacking posters. I was well aware that some posters would personally attack and while I did nothing to stop or correct them, I desisted from either supporting their comments or even 'liking' them. I felt that while it was not my place to correct other posters, it was also not my place to support them.

I do make my own conclusions from the subject matter being posted and I don't seek concurrence on them nor do I feel obligated to seek apology for them. I also don't give a rat's ass if people chose to post fake news or avoid listing their sources. That is the Admin's responsibility and I have no interest in performing those functions. 

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 


Sean posted:

DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement . PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 


Sean posted:

DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement . PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

An advocate for the PNC clutching at straws to keep hope alive while the coalition parties are doing everything possible to rig the upcoming 2020 elections. Focus on rigging is a clear indication that the ruling parties know they cannot win fairly and squarely.  Rig or Lose!! This is the reality.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Harmon went to Queen's College. He is from the Essequibo Islands originally. Like Granger he joined the GDF even though he had several O level passes from Queen's College. Never under estimate him.

Last edited by Prashad
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An advocate for the PNC clutching at straws to keep hope alive while the coalition parties are doing everything possible to rig the upcoming 2020 elections. Focus on rigging is a clear indication that the ruling parties know they cannot win fairly and squarely.  Rig or Lose!! This is the reality.

Never ending bullcrap, you is a stats man ,heard you is wan big chebat on Wall St, use your noodle you will find out who clutching at straws. Do you think East Indians the major support base for the PPP, will to give the PPP a win ? when their numbers are dwindling, do you think the Afro and Mixed will wholly support the Indian Party ? Seems like you are buying in into falsity ,get with the times and face reality.

GECOM sorting out the phantom names , 19,000 ID Cards not uplifted since 2008, to date 300 uplifted since the notice posted. Thousands of past registrants fingerprints doesn't match fingerprints in the database. Under whose government the skulduggery was happening ?

It's easy to point fingers at PNC past transgressions ,condoning what happened under the past government.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 


Sean posted:

DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement . PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

Nah bhai, we taking everything you predict with a grain of salt 😊 .. none of your previous prediction came through😊 so why this one? 

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An advocate for the PNC clutching at straws to keep hope alive while the coalition parties are doing everything possible to rig the upcoming 2020 elections. Focus on rigging is a clear indication that the ruling parties know they cannot win fairly and squarely.  Rig or Lose!! This is the reality.

Never ending bullcrap, you is a stats man ,heard you is wan big chebat on Wall St, use your noodle you will find out who clutching at straws. Do you think East Indians the major support base for the PPP, will to give the PPP a win ? when their numbers are dwindling, do you think the Afro and Mixed will wholly support the Indian Party ? Seems like you are buying in into falsity ,get with the times and face reality.

GECOM sorting out the phantom names , 19,000 ID Cards not uplifted since 2008, to date 300 uplifted since the notice posted. Thousands of past registrants fingerprints doesn't match fingerprints in the database. Under whose government the skulduggery was happening ?

It's easy to point fingers at PNC past transgressions ,condoning what happened under the past government.

Frenno, you want the people to vote race. PPP/C and Gilly want the people to vote on the contents of the party manifesto. We all know that a race vote will work against the PPP/C. That's why our presidential candidate Dr Irfaan All is appealing to the wider electorate to check out the PPP/C program.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 


Sean posted:

DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement . PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

Not according to Mudwatta!!

Dave posted:

Nah bhai, we taking everything you predict with a grain of salt 😊 .. none of your previous prediction came through😊 so why this one? 

Were you around on GNI , 2015 Elections ?

Found the data on 2011 Elections for each polling stations in all Regions , figure out the skulduggery why the Elections was so close in 2015 , comparing the two elections.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An advocate for the PNC clutching at straws to keep hope alive while the coalition parties are doing everything possible to rig the upcoming 2020 elections. Focus on rigging is a clear indication that the ruling parties know they cannot win fairly and squarely.  Rig or Lose!! This is the reality.

Never ending bullcrap, you is a stats man ,heard you is wan big chebat on Wall St, use your noodle you will find out who clutching at straws. Do you think East Indians the major support base for the PPP, will to give the PPP a win ? when their numbers are dwindling, do you think the Afro and Mixed will wholly support the Indian Party ? Seems like you are buying in into falsity ,get with the times and face reality.

GECOM sorting out the phantom names , 19,000 ID Cards not uplifted since 2008, to date 300 uplifted since the notice posted. Thousands of past registrants fingerprints doesn't match fingerprints in the database. Under whose government the skulduggery was happening ?

It's easy to point fingers at PNC past transgressions ,condoning what happened under the past government.

Frenno, you want the people to vote race. PPP/C and Gilly want the people to vote on the contents of the party manifesto.

We all know that a race vote will work against the PPP/C.

That's why our presidential candidate Dr Irfaan All is appealing to the wider electorate to check out the PPP/C program.

Too late ... frenno...too..late , his credentials are against him , noticeably B.J getting nervous.

Next round when he is dumped , and a more favorable candidate runs , majority of the electorate may lean towards the Party.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:

Vish uncle ah tell them what to post. They know it's all lies but they have to follow ORDERS from the General..

Try something else , i have made Guyana my personal study. All documents obtained are from legitimate sources.

Found this recently , will compile the whole document later.



Images (1)
  • 1899_Award_BG
Django posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"Decade of Development" means the PNC doesn't plan to get outa government for the next 10 years at least.

Free and fair elections won't permit PNC to do that. Draw your conclusion.

Bhai , that's true. Currently it's a coalition APNU /AFC , so they can win again , without any jiggery-pokery .

APNU+AFC are essentially PNC which is the only component with mass support.

Even dunces in Guyana know that.

You are out of your mind !!!

My brother, stick to discussing the topic please. 😀

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 


Sean posted:

DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement . PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

That is not a fact. It is a prediction.

If my memory serves me correct, you have been wrong before on the NCV in Parliament and the court challenge at the CCJ. What is the degree of certainty in your prediction? And please indicate why you think that your prediction trump there prediction.

I have doubts that the PPP/doubts will win, not because of Irfaan and Jagdeo, but that the government with certain elements within GECOM will rig the election. Since their election (which is still in dispute) the APNU/AFC has ruled as  if they did not care what the voters think, that they know something all of us do not know. 

Zed posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Django at his usual diversion, that’s his comfort zone to run away from the truth. 


Sean posted:

DJ getting bassidy every time PPP has a sold out event and a top brass PPP member shows up. Let he try wide he dead house PNC deh ! 

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement . PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

That is not a fact. It is a prediction.

If my memory serves me correct, you have been wrong before on the NCV in Parliament and the court challenge at the CCJ. What is the degree of certainty in your prediction? And please indicate why you think that your prediction trump there prediction.

I have doubts that the PPP/doubts will win, not because of Irfaan and Jagdeo, but that the government with certain elements within GECOM will rig the election. Since their election (which is still in dispute) the APNU/AFC has ruled as  if they did not care what the voters think, that they know something all of us do not know. 

He seh “bring it on”!!!

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An advocate for the PNC clutching at straws to keep hope alive while the coalition parties are doing everything possible to rig the upcoming 2020 elections. Focus on rigging is a clear indication that the ruling parties know they cannot win fairly and squarely.  Rig or Lose!! This is the reality.

Never ending bullcrap, you is a stats man ,heard you is wan big chebat on Wall St, use your noodle you will find out who clutching at straws. Do you think East Indians the major support base for the PPP, will to give the PPP a win ? when their numbers are dwindling, do you think the Afro and Mixed will wholly support the Indian Party ? Seems like you are buying in into falsity ,get with the times and face reality.

GECOM sorting out the phantom names , 19,000 ID Cards not uplifted since 2008, to date 300 uplifted since the notice posted. Thousands of past registrants fingerprints doesn't match fingerprints in the database. Under whose government the skulduggery was happening ?

It's easy to point fingers at PNC past transgressions ,condoning what happened under the past government.

Frenno, you want the people to vote race. PPP/C and Gilly want the people to vote on the contents of the party manifesto.

We all know that a race vote will work against the PPP/C.

That's why our presidential candidate Dr Irfaan All is appealing to the wider electorate to check out the PPP/C program.

Too late ... frenno...too..late , his credentials are against him , noticeably B.J getting nervous.

Next round when he is dumped , and a more favorable candidate runs , majority of the electorate may lean towards the Party.

Haul yuh rrrrrr...... We got standby. We still have time to Nomination Day. The mighty Anil Nandlall ready, willing and able to step up to the frontline at the drop of a pencil. 😐

Zed posted:
Django posted:

Dave and Sean ,

ayuh two take note of my posts on this thread , after March 2 ,2020  ayuh two will be in agreement .

PPP will not cut it in the upcoming 2020 Elections .There is no dislike or hate , just the facts.

That is not a fact. It is a prediction.

If my memory serves me correct, you have been wrong before on the NCV in Parliament and the court challenge at the CCJ. What is the degree of certainty in your prediction? And please indicate why you think that your prediction trump there prediction.

I have doubts that the PPP/doubts will win, not because of Irfaan and Jagdeo, but that the government with certain elements within GECOM will rig the election.

Since their election (which is still in dispute) the APNU/AFC has ruled as  if they did not care what the voters think, that they know something all of us do not know. 

If you deemed i should say prediction , it will be factual after the 2020 elections.

The rigging mantra is for losers , the voters list is padded with thousands of voters , the PPP East Indian base have shrunken , they knew this and don't want to accept , so when they loose , they will shout rigged.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An advocate for the PNC clutching at straws to keep hope alive while the coalition parties are doing everything possible to rig the upcoming 2020 elections. Focus on rigging is a clear indication that the ruling parties know they cannot win fairly and squarely.  Rig or Lose!! This is the reality.

Never ending bullcrap, you is a stats man ,heard you is wan big chebat on Wall St, use your noodle you will find out who clutching at straws. Do you think East Indians the major support base for the PPP, will to give the PPP a win ? when their numbers are dwindling, do you think the Afro and Mixed will wholly support the Indian Party ? Seems like you are buying in into falsity ,get with the times and face reality.

GECOM sorting out the phantom names , 19,000 ID Cards not uplifted since 2008, to date 300 uplifted since the notice posted. Thousands of past registrants fingerprints doesn't match fingerprints in the database. Under whose government the skulduggery was happening ?

It's easy to point fingers at PNC past transgressions ,condoning what happened under the past government.

Frenno, you want the people to vote race. PPP/C and Gilly want the people to vote on the contents of the party manifesto.

We all know that a race vote will work against the PPP/C.

That's why our presidential candidate Dr Irfaan All is appealing to the wider electorate to check out the PPP/C program.

Too late ... frenno...too..late , his credentials are against him , noticeably B.J getting nervous.

Next round when he is dumped , and a more favorable candidate runs , majority of the electorate may lean towards the Party.

Haul yuh rrrrrr...... We got standby. We still have time to Nomination Day. The mighty Anil Nandlall ready, willing and able to step up to the frontline at the drop of a pencil. 😐

Is that true ? that may cut it to a close call.

Last edited by Django

Blacks make up no more than 30% of the population and the party they support (PNC) has never won more than 42% of the popular votes in a free election. Indians still  make over 40% of the population and the party they support has won over 55% in most of the elections contested since colonial times.  As for population dwindling that applies to both Indians and Africans and less so for the Amerindians who now make up a solid 10 - 12% of the population and vote mostly for the PPP (About 80%). 

Django is ignoring real facts such as the AFC's 10% of the popular won in 2011 and 2015 came from PPP Indians.  They voted the same way in two elections (2011 and 2015) but not so in the 2018 local government elections.  The racism from the Granger government and its failures in reducing crime, increasing wages, and growing the economy has led to deep discontent amongst the population.  This discontent was reflected in the local government elections which showed a significant decreased of support of the AFC (4%) and the APNU or PNC (36%).  The PPP ran away with 60% of the votes.

Django,  why don't you give an explanation why the government's support has dwindled and the dominant partner (PNC) in the coalition has stated clearly that the AFC has little electoral value and should therefore be given less ministerial positions and parliamentary seats?




Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Blacks make up no more than 30% of the population and the party they support (PNC) has never won more than 42% of the popular votes in a free election. Indians still  make over 40% of the population and the party they support has won over 55% in most of the elections contested since colonial times

As for population dwindling that applies to both Indians and Africans and less so for the Amerindians who now make up a solid 10 - 12% of the population and vote mostly for the PPP (About 80%). 

Django is ignoring real facts such as the AFC's 10% of the popular won in 2011 and 2015 came from PPP Indians.  They voted the same way in two elections (2011 and 2015) but not so in the 2018 local government elections.

  The racism from the Granger government and its failures in reducing crime, increasing wages, and growing the economy has led to deep discontent amongst the population.  This discontent was reflected in the local government elections which showed a significant decreased of support of the AFC (4%) and the APNU or PNC (36%).  The PPP ran away with 60% of the votes.

Django,  why don't you give an explanation why the government's support has dwindled and the dominant partner (PNC) in the coalition has stated clearly that the AFC has little electoral value and should therefore be given less ministerial positions and parliamentary seats?


Banna get with the times ,and source some real data , East Indians are not over 40% of the population.

LGE don't mean squat comparable to General and Regional Elections.  The AFC got a little more than they deserved in 2015 Elections ,and your claim that the gov't major support dwindling is false, perhaps you are not getting the real information.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Blacks make up no more than 30% of the population and the party they support (PNC) has never won more than 42% of the popular votes in a free election. Indians still  make over 40% of the population and the party they support has won over 55% in most of the elections contested since colonial times

As for population dwindling that applies to both Indians and Africans and less so for the Amerindians who now make up a solid 10 - 12% of the population and vote mostly for the PPP (About 80%). 

Django is ignoring real facts such as the AFC's 10% of the popular won in 2011 and 2015 came from PPP Indians.  They voted the same way in two elections (2011 and 2015) but not so in the 2018 local government elections.

  The racism from the Granger government and its failures in reducing crime, increasing wages, and growing the economy has led to deep discontent amongst the population.  This discontent was reflected in the local government elections which showed a significant decreased of support of the AFC (4%) and the APNU or PNC (36%).  The PPP ran away with 60% of the votes.

Django,  why don't you give an explanation why the government's support has dwindled and the dominant partner (PNC) in the coalition has stated clearly that the AFC has little electoral value and should therefore be given less ministerial positions and parliamentary seats?


Banna get with the times ,and source some real data , East Indians are not over 40% of the population.

LGE don't mean squat comparable to General and Regional Elections

Your facts are not real since they are sourced from propaganda literatures coming out of Congress Place.  I don't give credence to anything coming out of that place.  Your daily attempt to paint a great image of the PNC on this forum has been utterly pathethic and laughable.

Billy Ram Balgobin

If the LGE don't mean squat why is your beloved leader, David Granger and his party bigwigs are using the result to twist the AFC's arm into accepting that they have little electoral value based on the 4% they won at the local elections?

Django, you are a tenacious but poor defender of the PNC.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If the LGE don't mean squat why is your beloved leader, David Granger and his party bigwigs are using the result to twist the AFC's arm into accepting that they have little electoral value based on the 4% they won at the local elections?

Django, you are a tenacious but poor defender of the PNC.  

Read the continuation of my  former post.

Last edited by Django

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