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What is striking about this document is how much thought the coalition has invested into quality of life issues. It is not only GDP growth that matters. Growth is obviously crucial, but humans also need security, education (including a first-rate university) road safety, humane housing with proper drainage and infrastructure, health security, women's rights, Indigenous rights, diaspora integration, etc.


Or mention of transparency in any deals with foreign examination of logging deals and cessation of shipping of unfinished logs etc. They were specific about rice and sugar...logging should have been given a paragraph. Artisanal mining should have been covered as well. Reform is necessary here.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

NICIL was started by the OLD PNC.


They need to abolish that thing.


That's something we would have to lobby for when the Coalition gets in.

It is necessary but its board should be civilians including the clergy with strict open practices inclusive of its yearly filing. It should not be heading GUYOIL or GPL or any utility. It should not be in the business of investing.  It's purpose is as a holding company. All its earnings should be handed over to the consolidated funds and these should only come from parliamentary approved liquidation of assets. and its staff should be paid as regular government workers by a central entity. We need a General services administration.


APNU+AFC last night said that is concerned about the dissemination of an incomplete and unofficial document purporting to be the coalition’s official manifesto.

“While substantial parts of the document contain policy initiatives that are currently being discussed, it can by no mean be considered an approved statement of policy of both the APNU and the AFC.

“Further dissemination or reliance on this document is therefore not recommended, as it does not represent the official manifesto of APNU+AFC.”

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU+AFC last night said that is concerned about the dissemination of an incomplete and unofficial document purporting to be the coalition’s official manifesto.

“While substantial parts of the document contain policy initiatives that are currently being discussed, it can by no mean be considered an approved statement of policy of both the APNU and the AFC.

“Further dissemination or reliance on this document is therefore not recommended, as it does not represent the official manifesto of APNU+AFC.”


Originally Posted by TK:

What is striking about this document is how much thought the coalition has invested into quality of life issues. It is not only GDP growth that matters. Growth is obviously crucial, but humans also need security, education (including a first-rate university) road safety, humane housing with proper drainage and infrastructure, health security, women's rights, Indigenous rights, diaspora integration, etc.

Did you read the officially released document? 


Good manifesto for post-election action.  Our manifesto becomes our mission, unlike the PPP/Kleptos trying to come up with all kinds of con about what they would do, that they did not do after 23 years.


They were too busy enriching themselves as parasites on the public purse, instead of taking care of the interest of the working poor.


However, the Coalition must not be given a free ride as we would use the manifesto as a Scorecard on their performance.  Vote them in, vote them out as the Trinis do.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

NICIL was started by the OLD PNC.


They need to abolish that thing.


That's something we would have to lobby for when the Coalition gets in.

There is a reason for not including it. Why would they want to abolish something thier own party brought in, in the first place .You are a such a dotish scumbag for not being able to figure that one out.


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