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@Former Member posted:

So the PNC will be going back to supporting foreign interference then? Will they then be abandoning their sovereignty cries?

This isn't going back to the CCJ. I can't see the other two COA judges going down that road of ridicule with Gregory-Barnes if she decides to put forth another argument as her 34+32=65.


This IS going to the CCJ. They will have no choice but to hear the case, seeing that they and PPP/C supporters are ecstatic that they are Guyana's apex court. 

See you back here in October.  

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely be heading to the CCJ, which is in recess from Aug 3 through October 2. 

They will have to afford us the same access and privileges they did the PPP by preventing a declaration.

By the time any declaration would be made there would be a new US government in power, the same government we have considerably more connections with.

Those US ambassadors and Senators that were bought with the help of Mercury will be of little effect.

Keep dreaming, PPP/C.

I don’t think you have thought this out adequately. Do you really think that the justices of the country’s apex Court will sit on a beach for 2 months as the country remains in an electoral crisis? That makes absolutely no sense. Someone once again is selling you false hope.


Since I have voted Republican before it will be very easy for me to vote for Trump. Especially since Biden is the least interesting of all the Democrats who signed on as Presidential candidates.

Voting for Trump is easy because after 4 years he will leave the White House. Can't allow the PNC to consolidate their despotic presence because it will embolden them to the detriment of Guyana and Guyanese.

I have but one vote so it will take much more than my vote to re-elect Trump. Hopefully for the sake of Guyana there are more cross over voters like me to make that a reality.


The same arm forces that keep Granger comfortable to be able to defy the election, the courts, the world, and the people of Guyana, the same arm forces will have to remove him if Irfaan Ali is sworn in. Granger must do the right thing and file an election petition accordingly. This man gives me endless reasons to believe that he is a shame to tell his supporters that he lost the election. (Note - Granger has to decide if he really wins the election or he wants shared governance but not both. If you allowed Granger to develop a new voters list, there is no chance for any party to ever contest election in Guyana again). Guyana is not going back to where Granger wants it to be. The Army may be predominantly Afro-Guyanese, but they are not stupid to allow Guyana to drift back in time. So, coolie must stop acting like coolie for once. Granger is feeding on your fear and non-violence. 

Last edited by Former Member

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