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Former Member

Trevor Benn, Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall, Joseph Harmon, David Patterson, Egbert Field, and Errol Lewis.

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has told governing coalition supporters in the United States that they will have to pay their own airfares to return home to vote in general elections on March 2.

Addressing a fund-raising town hall meeting in Brooklyn, New York, Chairman of the PNCR’s New York Group, Errol Lewis said supporters would begin travelling to Guyana from February 1 and stay for the “must win” general and regional council elections.

“Some of us, who are registered, are encouraged to go and vote. Contrary to the other side who is paying chartered airlines to take people, we don’t have that. You would have to pay your own money but you need to be there because we are not going back,” he said Sunday.

Lewis also asked those, whose names are not on the voters list, to still return to Guyana to help secure the ballot boxes after the polls close at 6pm. “Those, who are not registered, are encouraged to go home and make sure that the ballot boxes stay where they are supposed to be,” said Lewis to the audience which was addressed by Chairman of the PNCR-dominated A Partnership for National Unity (APPNU), Joseph Harmon, and General Secretary of the Alliance For Change (AFC), David Patterson.

Last November, General Secretary of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, in an address to supporters in Toronto, Canada, appealed to them to return home to vote.

A section of the attendees at APNU+AFC fundraising town hall 2020 election campaign meeting.

Executive Officer of Region Three- (Essequibo Islands/West Demerara), Jennifer Ferreira- Dougall called on APNU+AFC supporters at the meeting in Brooklyn to lobby their relatives and friends in Guyana to go out and vote for a return of the David Granger-led administration. “On election day, start calling your family from 3 0’clock and tell them they got to get up…I’m asking you again: make sure your family vote and vote for the APNU+AFC government,” said Ferreira-Dougall, a long-time diehard PNCR activist in Guyana and New York.

The Guyana Elections Commission’s Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield said at the weekend that he would be talking with party representatives about possible convergence of supporters outside polling stations. He noted that people can be fined more than GYD$65,000 and jailed for six months if they annoy, molest or otherwise interfere with electors within 200 feet of polling stations.

There is no cut-off time by which those offences can be committed. Voting starts at 6am and ends at 6pm.

President Granger has assured visiting United States congressmen that the elections would be free and fair and there would be no disorder or lawlessness and America could look forward to Guyana playing a key role in the western hemisphere.

APNU+AFC candidate and PNCR General Secretary, Volda Lawrence’s call for supporters to vote and return to polling stations to keep watch was met with strong condemnation by the PPP.

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Lewis also asked those, whose names are not on the voters' list, to still return to Guyana to help secure the ballot boxes after the polls close at 6 pm.

Another puss mouth black man inciting violence. Since when PPP members have stolen ballot boxes? It's only a PNC thug activity.

skeldon_man posted:

Lewis also asked those, whose names are not on the voters' list, to still return to Guyana to help secure the ballot boxes after the polls close at 6 pm.

Another puss mouth black man inciting violence. Since when PPP members have stolen ballot boxes? It's only a PNC thug activity.

Heard on a talk show , one of the elections ,an attempt was made at Paradise on the ECD ,the perpetrators car was set on fire.

Who is this Lewis guy  ,some folks don't know when to shut their trap. Who going to book flight to go and protect ballot boxes.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lewis also asked those, whose names are not on the voters' list, to still return to Guyana to help secure the ballot boxes after the polls close at 6 pm.

Another puss mouth black man inciting violence. Since when PPP members have stolen ballot boxes? It's only a PNC thug activity.

Heard on a talk show , one of the elections ,an attempt was made at Paradise on the ECD ,the perpetrators car was set on fire.

Who is this Lewis guy  ,some folks don't know when to shut their trap. Who going to book flight to go and protect ballot boxes.

If it was an attempt, it was a failed attempt. No harm was done. No one was arrested so it could have just been false rumors to incite riots.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Who is this Lewis guy  ,some folks don't know when to shut their trap.

Who going to book flight to go and protect ballot boxes.

Perhaps this Lewis guy is completely wrapped-up with the occasion; hence he happily blurted out the group's focused part for the issue.


In 2015 GECOM did not allowed PPPC a recount, so Ballot boxes means nothing, votes are counted at polling booth. the Presiding Officer at each polling station would initiate the process of the counting of the ballots. These  ballots are counted in the presence of the polling agents who represent the respective political parties.

Bringing the crowd at the polling booth after poll is closed is intimidation to the opposition polling agents. 

I was a polling agent in 1985 at Victoria Village and can relate to this experience.  


skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lewis also asked those, whose names are not on the voters' list, to still return to Guyana to help secure the ballot boxes after the polls close at 6 pm.

Another puss mouth black man inciting violence. Since when PPP members have stolen ballot boxes? It's only a PNC thug activity.

Heard on a talk show , one of the elections ,an attempt was made at Paradise on the ECD ,the perpetrators car was set on fire.

Who is this Lewis guy  ,some folks don't know when to shut their trap. Who going to book flight to go and protect ballot boxes.

If it was an attempt, it was a failed attempt. No harm was done. No one was arrested so it could have just been false rumors to incite riots.

I don't think the person who mentioned the incident ,made the story up.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lewis also asked those, whose names are not on the voters' list, to still return to Guyana to help secure the ballot boxes after the polls close at 6 pm.

Another puss mouth black man inciting violence. Since when PPP members have stolen ballot boxes? It's only a PNC thug activity.

Heard on a talk show , one of the elections ,an attempt was made at Paradise on the ECD ,the perpetrators car was set on fire.

Who is this Lewis guy  ,some folks don't know when to shut their trap. Who going to book flight to go and protect ballot boxes.

If it was an attempt, it was a failed attempt. No harm was done. No one was arrested so it could have just been false rumors to incite riots.

There was a riot in Sophia when a pastor car and house was burned in 2015. The same very pastor who helps the said community in their crises and healing  and would give them credit from his little food business. 

Baseman posted:

I don’t understand.  If they live in NY how did they meet the residency rule to vote in Guyana?

That's true ,they have to prove it.

GECOM database is searchable , query with information can be entered for results.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t understand.  If they live in NY how did they meet the residency rule to vote in Guyana?

That's true ,they have to prove it.

GECOM database is searchable , query with information can be entered for results.

Not sure what you are saying. Seems the PNC is committing in your face fraud.  Who cannot make it, the Haitians will stand in. 

Dave posted:

In 2015 GECOM did not allowed PPPC a recount, s

SO why did it take almost a week before the election results were out and with the PPP fully involved in the counting process.

Recounts are for places like Jamaica where, despite ample numbers of villages in the middle of the mountains, by 10PM election results are announced.

And note that Jamaica uses the constituency based system so each constituency has to be separately counted because each represents a seat in parliament.

In Guyana this doesn't matter as the people only chose the president and the MPs are tokens and stooges who serve at the pleasure of each tribe's autocrat, removed and replaced the minute that they show any independence.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t understand.  If they live in NY how did they meet the residency rule to vote in Guyana?

That's true ,they have to prove it.

GECOM database is searchable , query with information can be entered for results.

Not sure what you are saying. Seems the PNC is committing in your face fraud.  Who cannot make it, the Haitians will stand in. 

I see, so GECOM will be counting ballots in Sao Paulo and Santiago de Chile, and Lima Peru, where the Haitians are now working?

Haitians arrive on COPA on a Wednesday and by Friday they are in Brazil.  Some staying there, and others moving to other points in South America.  They only enter Guyana because that's the only country that doesn't require a visa of them, and they get this as Haiti is a CARICOM nation.  Trinidad, Barbados and Antigua don't require visas of Guyanese.


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