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Originally Posted by Django:

APNU-AFC can go any part of the country and will be accepted,

when yo have a party declaring themselves as Indo party,can

they be welcomed ?

PNC bullyism, and the katahars take a cue, cussing the PPP mercilessly but run scared shitless in the face of black bullyism.  Just ask TK how he had to scoot from Alboysetown in 2011.  Ask the cussbirds if they did not have to wear AFC big on their chest for protection when visiting PNC areas. Yet the PNC could go campaign in Lusignan, Berbice and other PPP strong holds.  Indians are a tolerant people listening what everyone has to say.  However, some of the bully attitude has seeped its way into the few Indians creating the katahar crew.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Django:

APNU-AFC can go any part of the country and will be accepted,

when yo have a party declaring themselves as Indo party,can

they be welcomed ?

PNC bullyism,

You will be shocked, petrified and highly enraged that the "vulgarity" that you wail about can be seen in any club and many INDIAN girls are doing the same thing.  Like it or not, that is how the younger crowd dance these days.

Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

These fricking BUXTONIANS hard ears.


Granger tell them to stay away from the PPP meeting and yet they still running behind Donald.


They only bring more shame on Granger and Nagamootoo.


SHame on them!

Buxton people stopped the governor's train in the 19th century.  Had a loud, and you will say vulgar march against Burnham when he murdered Rodney.


So why will they listen to any one.  It isn't against the law to heckle and in fact there is a long tradition of that.  When Burnham spoke to Guyanese crowds in NYC, and elsewhere there were always PPP hecklers there.  Bunrham didn't try to evict them.  He had fun with them.



GROW UP!   The pissing incident was one thing but I see noting wrong here.  There was no violence.  Merely people expressing their democratic right to "correct" a man who had come to tell them LIES.  The PPP has a very sordid record with Buxton and they will NEVER forgive them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Or like how your boy sperm bai wanted e unchle to knack de lil reporter

You seem infatuated by the thought.  Hey, it's a free society, know yourself out "bai".

No it will be a free society after may 12th. We still under the dictatorship now why you think Jimmy is back?


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