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November 17 ,2020


The main parliamentary opposition, APNU+AFC is asking the National Assembly to direct the Government to procure and finance the assistance of expert and competent professionals who can close the investigation into the deaths of Joel Henry, Isaiah Henry and Haresh Singh.

In a motion lodged by Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, Geeta Chandan-Edmond, the party notes that two months after the early September murders they remain unsolved.

“To date these horrific deaths which are of public importance, concern and welfare remain substantially under investigated and unresolved and have been rendered inconclusive by the Guyana Police Force,” the motion contends adding that the GPF did not collect all evidence that was available.

It stresses that the Guyana Police Force continues to perform in a manner which is manifestly incompetent and has brought the Administration into ridicule, and disrepute and calls on the National Assembly to  condemn the killings, extend condolences to the families of the deceased and express concern about the state of the Police investigations into these murders.

The Assembly is specifically asked to note “the incompetence manifested by the Guyana Police Force and the clear indication that they lack the requisite skills to solve these heinous crimes.”

The “manifested…lack of requisite skills” presumably necessitates the procurement and financing of the expert assistance requested.

The final request of the motion is that the Assembly calls upon the Force to expedite the investigations accept and to cooperate fully with the international professionals with the aim of solving these crimes. fully and bringing to justice the perpetrators of these gruesome and barbaric murders.

Though the motion does not name the experts whose presence the government is expected to procure and finance, it is clearly intended to bolster efforts to have the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (Equipo Argentino de Anthropologio Forensica – EAAF).

The presence of the team was first proposed by the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) on September 10.

In a press statement the  GHRA had said that the primary purpose of the invitation is to provide the families and the society with a trustworthy version of the events surrounding the murders.

“Without an impartial version of the truth, acceptable to all right-minded Guyanese, these events will inevitably join the catalogue of unresolved atrocities embedded in Guyanese ethnic folklore.  Such events are never allowed to be conclusively buried. They survive in a mythical realm leaving the listener unsure whether the event had occurred in the 1960s, 1997, 2003 and so on,” the GHRA indicated.

The request for assistance has received a positive response from EAAF which has offered to send a team to Guyana including a forensic pathologist, a forensic anthropologist and a forensic radiologist.

Last Monday, Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn appeared to rule out any role for the Argentine investigators. He told reporters on Monday that the Government does not intend to go beyond its “normal lines” of engagement in trying to solve the murders. Benn said in cases of this nature, it’s a norm for authorities to engage overseas agencies from the United States, United Kingdom and Canada.

GHRA in turn has launched a fund-raising drive to cover the nearly $7 million cost of bringing the team to Guyana. As of Friday pledges of $1.2m have already been received.

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Chandan-Edmond seeking full disclosure on fatal unrest at Lusignan Prison

-lodges motion with Parliament

Geeta Chandan-Edmond

Geeta Chandan-Edmond

November 17, 2020


Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, Geeta Chandan-Edmond has submitted a motion calling on the National Assembly to compel the government to fully disclose everything that happened at the Lusignan Prison during the unrest of September 19 which led to the death of two inmates.

The APNU+AFC parliamentarian has also asked for the public to be fully informed of measures put in place to prevent a possible recurrence and for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government to “accept collective responsibility” for the unrest and the resultant loss of life.

In the motion submitted yesterday to the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, Chandan-Edmond contends that while it has been widely reported and confirmed that several prisoners were shot by members of the Guyana Prison Service resulting in injuries and deaths the lack of specific information surrounding the matters are of public concern.

Earl Graham

“The Home Affairs Minister has failed to provide answers…as to the circumstances which led to the unrest, injuries sustained and the subsequent deaths of several prisoners,” she stressed, adding that that the family of at least one of the dead prisoners is disputing the Govern-ment’s version of the events.

According to the Parliamentarian it is important and in the public’s interest for the specific facts and circumstances to be known and understood to prevent a recurrence.

While the motion, made public by the main opposition is titled “Appointment of a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the unrest at the Lusignan prison, the subsequent deaths of and the injury of several prisoners on the 19th day of September, 2020” there is no such request in its resolve clauses.

The preamble reminds that the Com-mission of Inquiry Act, Chapter 19:03 grants the President the power to establish a commission “to inquire into any matters in which an inquiry would in the opinion of the President be for the public welfare” but the motion itself does not request that such a commission be established.

Over the last few months there have been several incidents of unrest at the Lusignan Prison. The September 19 incident is however the only one to result in deaths after members of the GPS fired live rounds at inmates ostensibly to prevent a breakout.

According to a statement from the GPS on the matter, two prisoners were shot and killed while five others prisoners were injured by guards stationed in the prison’s tower in the midst of rushing towards the main gate to escape.

The shooting capped off hours of protests by inmates over a number of issues, including overcrowding at the facility and the risk of exposure to COVID-19, which were raised earlier in the day when the Home Affairs and Health ministers visited. Overcrowding at the facility has been a longstanding concern.

The deceased were identified as Earl Graham, age 51, who had been sentenced to three  months imprisonment for Mali-cious Wounding, Assault and Resisting Arrest and Winston Herbert, age 21 who was in custody for alleged rape.

Graham’s relatives have questioned the decision by guards to use lethal force and called for an investigation to be conducted into the circumstances surrounding his death.

Janice Williams, a sister of the deceas-ed, during an interview with Stabroek News stated that her family has not received any information as to what is being done to investigate the way in which her brother’s life was taken.

The woman said they were told that it was a prison officer who had shot and killed Graham while he was inside the perimeters of the prison.

Williams, who wanted to know whether or not the prison officer was being investigated, said that no one has reached out to the family or offered an apology since Graham’s burial.

When this newspaper contacted Director of Prisons, Gladwin Samuels, he had stated that the police were currently collecting statements and are conducting an investigation to determine the way forward.

Samuels explained that the use of force in prison is guided by outlined principles and he is positive that any investigation would reveal that the first act of the officer on the day in question, was not to go and shoot live rounds.

He further pointed out that if the threat levels continue to rise to a state which places the prison at risk to be overrun, then by law prison officers are mandated to increase their use of force.

@cain posted:

Oh rass banna, you deh pon stupidness early morning.

That was reality.  I lived through that time. I witnessed the Police robbing Michael Forde's bookshop. I witnessed the police raid a few houses and told the neighbours to mind their own business.


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