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Former Member

APNU, AFC should stop prioritising their self-interest


IT is now a foregone conclusion that the Kaieteur News nor the Stabroek News will publish any of my letters since I do not tow their lines. It is surprising that these papers do not see the hidden agenda of the AFC and APNU. But I am positive they do, but their hate for the PPP/C is paramount to the nation’s interest.2014 Budget
The 2014 Budget is here and once again the AFC and APNU are ‘scissors happy.’ The AFC’s leader was so impatient that he and his cohorts leisurely strolled out of Parliament once again displaying utter disregard for their mandate to pursue the people’s business. It was the AFC’s ‘foreplay.’ These people are so irresponsible and yet they do not feel that they are wasting taxpayers’ dollars!
The theme of the 2014 Budget ‘A Better Guyana for ALL Guyanese’ is an apt one. It is amazing that when countries such as USA, Canada, Japan and the UK are having economic growth of less that 2%, our country is having a GDP of over 5% and this is real economic growth! For a period of over eight years this country has been achieving steady and sustainable progress in the standard of living enjoyed by the Guyanese people. The question people must ask is: What have been the contributions of the AFC and APNU towards this gigantic achievement? Absolutely nothing! Instead, they have doggedly attempted to thwart and impede such progress. Can you imagine if the Opposition has co-operated with the PPP/C government what our achievement would have been? Supporters of APNU and AFC I call upon you, please do some genuine research and stop reading the trash and garbage peddled by Stabroek News, Kaieteur News and Frederick Kissoon! The glass is not half empty!
This budget has superseded anyone’s expectations and right thinking individuals. That is, it has addressed the plight of the poor and vulnerable of this nation: increase in old age pension, GPL subsidy to pensioners, $10,000 allowance for each child going to school, and increase in the income tax threshold. This 220 billion dollars budget has indeed targeted the needs of this country. The President of Guyana, His Excellency Donald Ramoutar and his team have done more for this country than anyone before, since no other Government had ever faced such adversities and hardships. No one faced such an unrelenting, venomous and unpatriotic combined Opposition as the AFC/APNU. This man has defied the labours of Hercules. Keep up the fight victory is in sight! The APNU and AFC will understand soon that the ‘voice of the people is the voice of God’. The people of this country will not revert to ‘massa days’. The dark era of 28 years is gone forever!
GPL, Linden and Kwakwani
The government has once again come to the assistance of GPL and the people of Linden/Kwakwani and this should be lauded. It is not a waste of taxpayers’ monies when such monies are used to assist a depress area and an ailing service provider. It must be recalled that GPL, formerly GEC, was in an utterly state of disrepair under the PNC Government: monies were stolen, mismanaged and ill-spent. Capital replacement was very minimal and in some cases junks were purchased. The AFC or APNU cannot deny this, but they feel that such a subsidy will put the PPP/C Government in a good light in the eyes of the people. If the subsidy is not given to GPL electricity rates will go up, blackouts will be more frequent, the people will be devastated and who will get the blame, of course the PPP/C government! Once again their agenda to destabilise the government will be successful.
Some people feel that GUYSUCO is doing nothing towards the economic growth of this country and they are actually telling people that the sugar industry is dead and buried and could never ever be able to come to life again. In fact, on March 12, 2014, the Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan told Inews in an interview that ‘the party supports APNU in its call for a shift from decades of sugar production into a direction of ethanol production and aquaculture.’ It does not take an MBA graduate to figure out what Ramjattan was saying- semantics or not his meaning was clear. APNU does not support sugar production therefore AFC does not!
Then in the next scene, Moses Nagamoottoo, realising that AFC supporters are also sugar workers tried to repair the damage. He said that the AFC called for a ‘transformation’ of the industry ‘rather than COMPLETE closure.’ His attempt at damage control cannot fool anyone. These leaders will never be able to come clear on certain issues. But this man knows more about ‘banga mary’ than sugar, so he can be excused! Please Moses, PPP/C Government through the 2014 budget has everything in place for the revitalisation of the sugar industry and it is not through rearing ‘tilapia’!
I want these gentlemen to understand that the sugar industry in 2013 contributed 8.3% of our total exports or $ 112.2 million US dollars. Sugar contributed 3.9% to our country’s gross domestic product. The sugar industry is ‘ailing’ but is still making a meaningful contribution to our economy. In addition, the industry gives a livelihood to 18,000 workers and overall nearly 120,000 people of this country benefited directly or indirectly! Moreover, GUYSUCO supplies nearly 50% of the electricity demand in Berbice. Do you think ‘tilapia’ can make all these contributions? Is it wise to leave the known and blunder into the unknown? You never hear these facts on the ‘ALLIANCE CART ON THE MOVE’ on DTV 8 in Berbice.
The government transferred 195 million US dollars to GUYSUCO from 2005 to 2013 but 145.9 million US dollars out of this came from the European Union! So it is not the Government giving all the assistance to GUYSUCO. The PNC molested and raped GUYSUCO through the sugar levy so it’s payback time.
The Government has already embarked on strategies at all levels and the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Dr Leslie Ramsammy has the ability and competence to make GUYSUCO the most viable industry in this country. GUYSUCO, is one of the entities that has been maliciously starved of capital investment during the PNC era. It was deliberately ‘milked dry’ through the sugar levy to support many of the PNC Government failed ‘investments’ so the industry will need the patience and perseverance of the people of this country to allow it to bounce back. The problems faced by GUYSUCO are more operational in nature and I am positive that Mr Ramsammy and GUYSUCO’s Chairman and Board will resolve these problems and transform the entity into an economically viable one! The 2014 Budget has already laid out various strategies to handle these problems and they are workable.
If the AFC and APNU have an iota of interest in this nation’s development they will support the 2014 Budget. Stop prioritising your self-interest! The 2014 Budget is not a PPP/C budget, it is the people’s budget. It provides for the people of this country. Stop wasting taxpayers’ monies in Parliament and make yourselves useful.
I appeal to the Members of Parliament of both AFC and APNU to use their conscience to support and promote economic and social development of our country. One of you can make a difference so have the courage to think out of the box!
Lastly, remember the Chief Justice ruling: You do not have the legal right to cut the budget! The Constitution says that! The PNC knows that, they framed it in 1980 to ensure that the Opposition cannot cut the budget!
AFC Councillor/Region 6


Extracted from Guyanachronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I do not need to go point by point to highlight what happens when ass kissing trumps intellect. This fool need to take a course in economics 101. Growth in mature societies as the US cannot be compared with growth in impoverished third world societies. Guyana would need sustained growth ( real growth not from begging bowl economy) of 10% or more for a decade to conquer its poverty. The rest of his nonsensical rant emerges from the same kneebending, but licking ignorance.


It seems any ex member of the AFC who dares to speak against the corrupt practices within that political gathering faces certain character assassination. No wonder GR is keeping a very low profile.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It seems any ex member of the AFC who dares to speak against the corrupt practices within that political gathering faces certain character assassination. No wonder GR is keeping a very low profile.

some collie will do any thing for money,they will beg, steal and kill their own.we have some right here on GNI 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Former members of the AFC should follow the brave step taken by Mr.Yusuf and expose the corrupt and self centered practices of the so called "alliance for change".

you can tell them to do so,after all they is in freedum house 


First they came


First they came for Gomatie


 You said nothing because you're not related to her


Then they came for  Yusuf

You said nothing because you don't know him


One day they'll come for you


By then no one will be there  to represent you....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

First they came


First they came for Gomatie


 You said nothing because you're not related to her


Then they came for  Yusuf

You said nothing because you don't know him


One day they'll come for you


By then no one will be there  to represent you....

do yo think these asinine accusations will overwhelm the gross mismanagement, corruption and chronic nepotism that is the PPP management style? THe PPP is doomed because of their own greed.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

First they came


First they came for Gomatie


 You said nothing because you're not related to her


Then they came for  Yusuf

You said nothing because you don't know him


One day they'll come for you


By then no one will be there  to represent you....

where is gomatie today,working in some ministry


I'm amazed that some goons will go at any lengths perhaps even sell their soul to defend the 7 seat political gathering, in light of daring conflicts of interest, when a husband and wife operating within the camp with impunity.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm amazed that some goons will go at any lengths perhaps even sell their soul to defend the 7 seat political gathering, in light of daring conflicts of interest, when a husband and wife operating within the camp with impunity.

go wash bar-rat shit a batty


The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Indeed Guyanese are not fools; that is why the PPP is a minority Party. They see through the obfuscation and blame game to the real deal; the naked crookedness of the PPP.


Recently Ramotar said the people are not ready for local elections.  They know Jabba the Hutt is lying his fat corrupt ass off because in th e same voice he has you and his other dark arts minions yammering about snap elections and winning majorities.


If the People can understand the general elections how mych better would it be when they will be electing people they know for positions overseeing their communities. As I said, the PPP lives on lies, deceptions etc to mask their mismanagement.


Its not within GR's character to be so silent on current issues, its a clear sign he has some serious reservation against the sinister motives of the AFC, but too afraid to go public, fearing he come another Yusuf.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its not within GR's character to be so silent on current issues, its a clear sign he has some serious reservation against the sinister motives of the AFC, but too afraid to go public, fearing he come another Yusuf.

Did you not attack GR here? Why pretend the PPP ,main strategy is not to disparage individuals with flimsy accusation. Need I remind you of the fat pig you always post here to suggest Sase is a thief or the brassington checks to attack Moses or the fifth column plant Yususf to insinuate bigan and bagie cost matters more than NICIL failure to constitutional inform the parliament of its functioning. Get lost you rabid fool!

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Lastly, remember the Chief Justice ruling: You do not have the legal right to cut the budget! The Constitution says that! The PNC knows that, they framed it in 1980 to ensure that the Opposition cannot cut the budget!



AFC Councillor/Region 6


APNU, AFC should stop prioritising their self-interest

March 28, 2014

It can be changed, if the PNC and AFC to provide their support with the Government for majority of, at least, sixty six percent of the members of Parliament.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



every day more corruption is being revel against the ppp, and they keep sliding , the other day Kamla stick a nail in their coffen

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

It's my opinion not a PPP lie. You can use a laptop from Mc Donalds and have a different IP. Can't you?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


Skelly, all them posters on this site know you wan PPP soupnist.


Run for office with that LAZY OPPOSITION in Guyana.


Get real!



I raise my hat to Rohee, he got the best electoral operation since 1992.


If there is anything he has done,  he has gotten out his troops out into the field, even if he got to use state funds to do so.


Back to the PNC Ministry of National Mobilisation Days.


Carbin must be laughing how they copying his tactics.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


Skelly, all them posters on this site know you wan PPP soupnist.


Run for office with that LAZY OPPOSITION in Guyana.


Get real!


How about starting a new party? The BT(no pun intended..the Brian Teekah) party?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


Skelly, all them posters on this site know you wan PPP soupnist.


Run for office with that LAZY OPPOSITION in Guyana.


Get real!


How about starting a new party? The BT(no pun intended..the Brian Teekah) party?

It has always been on my mind.  I am retiring back to Guyana next year.  I have to feel the appetite of the people first for change before I set up shop.


if the people want the PNC and PPP, what can I do. That is called democracy.


In 2011 over 88% of the people vote for PNC and PPP.


That is a telling statistics.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


Skelly, all them posters on this site know you wan PPP soupnist.


Run for office with that LAZY OPPOSITION in Guyana.


Get real!


How about starting a new party? The BT(no pun intended..the Brian Teekah) party?

It has always been on my mind.  I am retiring back to Guyana next year.  I have to feel the appetite of the people first for change before I set up shop.


if the people want the PNC and PPP, what can I do. That is called democracy.


In 2011 over 88% of the people vote for PNC and PPP.


That is a telling statistics.



how about doing the right thing and start a coup this is the only way 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


professor you sink lower day after day from a ppp thief supporter to a lier

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese people are no fools, and are seeing the sinister motives of the AFC, if the budget is voted against and snap elections are called, the PPP/C will regain the majority.

Pick sense from nonsense.


If I know I will get a majority if the elections are called and I have the power to call the elections, WHY WOULD I NOT CALL THE ELECTIONS.



Bai KishanB aka Brian Teekah, you on a roll.



I resent this post from Skelly.


I do not agree with lots of things from KishanB and my IP is not Kishan's IP since I do not know Kishan.


Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.

bai the fella cannot help himself in berbice they call him dr crime

Please admin, clarify and clear up this PPP LIE from SKELLY.


Bai, I am not part of the PPP government. I am not a finiancial supporter of the PPP. I never voted for the PPP. So this is not a PPP lie. Stop associating the PPP with everything you post. You are smarter than that.

BTW..did you ever thinking running for political office in Guyana?


Skelly, all them posters on this site know you wan PPP soupnist.


Run for office with that LAZY OPPOSITION in Guyana.


Get real!


How about starting a new party? The BT(no pun intended..the Brian Teekah) party?

It has always been on my mind.  I am retiring back to Guyana next year.  I have to feel the appetite of the people first for change before I set up shop.


if the people want the PNC and PPP, what can I do. That is called democracy.


In 2011 over 88% of the people vote for PNC and PPP.


That is a telling statistics.



how about doing the right thing and start a coup this is the only way 


If nobody told you before; let me do it now. If you stop spewing this nonsense about violence and theft, you probably would sound smart and people would listen to you. However, because you "ghotay dhall" all the time, you sound like a juvenile. Next summer when I visit Toronto and Brampton, I'll make sure I give you a holler. 


It has always been on my mind.  I am retiring back to Guyana next year.  I have to feel the appetite of the people first for change before I set up shop. 

if the people want the PNC and PPP, what can I do. That is called democracy. 

In 2011 over 88% of the people vote for PNC and PPP. 

That is a telling statistics.


If I feel that the AFC can win a majority, I will support them. Supporting the AFC at this point and time is giving the PNC a majority. Never in my lifetime I would like to see the PNC rule Guyana again. We know that the AFC will never win a majority. Maybe in another janam?

Last edited by Former Member

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