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APNU+AFC spent $1.2 trillion over five years – Ashni Singh

Ashni Singh
Ashni Singh

The APNU+AFC government spent $1.2 trillion between 2015 and 2019 while gathering revenues totaling $992 billion, according to Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for finance, Dr Ashni Singh.

In an interview with the Department of Public Information (DPI), Singh said this translated into an aggregate fiscal deficit of $130b over the period.

Singh described the state of public finances inherited from the APNU+AFC government as “nothing short of disastrous”.

He told DPI that despite the huge revenue collection, the Government utilized these funds in an unproductive manner through wasteful and inefficient expenditure.

On the subject of external debt, the Minister said that the previous government had contracted new external debt of US$400 million during their five years in office.

On domestic financing, DPI said in a release yesterday that Singh stated  that when the PPP/C demitted office in 2015, Government had left a net deposit at the Central Bank of $16 billion. He said that the new Government is now burdened with a net overdraft of $93 billion at the Central Bank. According to DPI, he said that if this overdraft is counted as domestic debt it would result in an effective breach of the domestic debt ceiling.

In addition to this, Government is also currently faced with the $30 billion NICIL bond of which $17 billion has been drawn down, and a whopping $12 billion owed to the Guyana Power and Light by government entities, including $7 billion owed to the utility by the Guyana Water Incorporated.

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Check the budgets one can find out if the figures are correct.

I have noticed the Parliament website is messed up since PPP came to office ,there are errors when trying to open files ,hopefully they fix it.


Everybody is an alarmist in Guyana. The sky is falling. And when the PPP leaves office one day, the same will be said of their rule. It is sad when Guyanese align with these 2 albatrosses and cannot see that THEY, collectively, are the problem and have been so for over 50 years.

@Former Member posted:

Everybody is an alarmist in Guyana. The sky is falling. And when the PPP leaves office one day, the same will be said of their rule. It is sad when Guyanese align with these 2 albatrosses and cannot see that THEY, collectively, are the problem and have been so for over 50 years.

Do you have any advice for Guyanese and what party they should for?

How do you solve the Problem, Igo?

@kp posted:

And now the PPP has to rescue the Economy AGAIN.

It takes a wise man to find that out in short order and an administration who can fit it like noting happen. The sourpusses must lick their wounds and put the country first.

@Viper posted:

It takes a wise man to find that out in short order and an administration who can fit it like noting happen. The sourpusses must lick their wounds and put the country first.

Watch out those sourpusses will come after you.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Do you have any advice for Guyanese and what party they should for?

How do you solve the Problem, Igo?

how about stop voting in the same 2 teefin parties that has been screwing Guyana over since they gained independence. Get these old dinosaurs out and bring in some new blood with fresh ideas and open to transparency.


Once abroad is easy to say don't vote here or there. Maybe we should be honest and tell the Guyanese people to do what we all did, Cut and Run overseas.

The people in Guyana , many don't have the migration option they are true patriots they stay and fight the battle, thy don't complain much and are content with life.

We overseas are experiencing the same political problem  but we are too close to complain about the issues.  Guyana has become our political punching bag for that we answer to no one.

Guyanese are a happy bunch of people race is only evident at election days, otherwise we are One People.

@kp posted:

The people in Guyana , many don't have the migration option they are true patriots they stay and fight the battle, thy don't complain much and are content with life.

Guyanese are a happy bunch of people race is only evident at election days, otherwise we are One People.

a. They complain a LOT. Always grousing about the country and its lack of opportunity. That "they don't complain much and are content with life" is at the root of the problem for the ones who decide to stay. It is at the root of the PPP/PNC maintaining a stranglehold on them. Until they stop being "content" with the shit doled out to them, then no foreign power, ex pat or anyone can help them.

b. NO, race is not just at election time. There is fear and distrust between Africans and Indians all the time, it only manifests at elections. Take you for example. When I first came on GNI you maligned and applied every negative stereotype about black people to me. And it wasn't election time. Nor did you ever say a word against the congenital racists like yuji, baseman, etc.

This is why I drop lash on y'all behinds

@Bigan Choka posted:

how about stop voting in the same 2 teefin parties that has been screwing Guyana over since they gained independence. Get these old dinosaurs out and bring in some new blood with fresh ideas and open to transparency.

The mushroom parties had new blood, they just don't know how to play the game.  It is the people who have to make the changes during an election.  But when the PNC is stealing votes, dead people are voting and migrants are coming home to complicate things, then how can we get rid of the dinosaurs?


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