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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Anyone who can't think for them self, I have no respect for them. They are the enemies of the state. They're no politicians and they don't give a shit about people rather than their own self interest. They love to play cat and mouse game and want to be noticed.

Dude, the state is not the PPP's It belongs to those who vote against them as well. You do not by dint of your love for those scoundrels, get the right to call others "enemies of the state". Of course, thinking would have permitted you to ascertain that fact for yourself but that is not what you do.


Ramotat pays his son a leach fee 15k a month and believe 40US a month is adequate for a pensioner. Not what is a "game" ie as gaming the system. NICIL is before you and yet you are blind to the ways of the adroit crooks in charge of it pretending to have an interest in the welfare of the state.


They are thieves plain and simple and you in your active assault of others for disagreeing with you, do not get any right to sanctimoniously call yourself a thinker. You are one of their bridge trolls. You deluded fools keep the gate so they can steal at will.


Brassington buys 50,000 shares for NICIL, and 2.25 million shares in brother’s name

May 21, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



NICIL take over of GNCB Trust


Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington, just one day after challenging the opposition members to prove the allegations of corruption against him, is again the centre of another scandal.
This time, Brassington is coming under fire for a transaction that he might have initiated in the name of his brother, Jonathan Brassington, for 2.25 million shares in Hand in Hand Trust Corporation.
Brassington was the head of NICIL when it acquired the Guyana National Cooperative Bank (GNCB) Trust. NICIL then sold the GNCB Trust to Hand in Hand Insurance Company.
On October 13, 2003, the insurance company passed a special resolution to change the name of the new asset to Hand in Hand Trust Corporation.
NICIL, still headed by Brassington, became a major shareholder in the company.
NICIL held 250,000 shares in the Trust; the majority of shares was held by Hand in Hand Fire Insurance Company.
In 2009, by order of a resolution passed by the Board of Directors at Hand in Hand Trust Corporation, “the Board authorized an increase in the Trust Corporation Share Capital from $250M to $750M and further authorized the issuance of Preferred/Ordinary

Shares to cover the increased Share Capital.”
This meant that the Trust increased the volume of shares from 2.5 million to 7.5 million at $100 per share.
Immediately, JonathanBrassington bought 2.25 million shares for $225 million. This purchase gave him a one-third ownership in Hand in Hand Trust Company.

By September 2009, Winston Brassington who still represented NICIL as a major shareholder in the Trust company, signed for these shares on behalf of his brother who was at the time and still remains overseas.
Jonathan Brassington became the second largest shareholder in the Trust company after Hand in Hand Fire Insurance Company which held just over three million shares.
At the same time Brassington, acting on behalf of NICIL, increased its share holdings to 300,000.
Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan has labeled this transaction as another in a string of incestuous dealings.
He says, “Winston Brassington signed a special resolution on behalf of a Jonathan Brassington who some time in 2009 became the owner of 2,250,000 of the shares in Hand-in-Hand Trust Co. Incâ€Ķ.With this 45 per cent take of the share issue in 2009, a Brassington became the second largest shareholder in a Brassington-privatised companyâ€ĶThis is not only corruption: it meets the test of fraud.”
Ramjattan says that what is even more alarming is the fact that this transaction took place mere months before the company plugged a multi-million-dollar investment in the Berbice Bridge.
This investment has since been described as a ‘cash cow’ for its investors.
“The same Hand-in-Hand Trust is part of the Group which invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Berbice Bridge Company.

Winston Brassington was the financial architect of this project.”
The AFC Chairman in responding to Brassington’s challenge to prove corruption says that, “I would advise Mr. Brassington to consult with an attorney before making any further statement to the pressâ€ĶWhat he is doing, over and above misusing moneys that belong to the Consolidated Fund and therefore the people of Guyana, goes beyond financial incest; it goes beyond corruption: it is financial fraud.”
Ramjattan is also questioning why Brassington is now setting a condition for his resignation when his resignation had been announced several months earlier.
“I hope that Mr. Brassington has not changed his mind so that he can prevent access to the files and records that will conclusively establish the mounting evidence of fraud, corruption and illegalities surrounding NICIL which has surfaced with every passing day.”

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

People who stage protest on bitterness are seen as power hungry neemakarams. Them belly full but them still hungry. Mother used to say they will bore holes to the pot they eat from and still complain they're hungry. 

QUit projecting your ignorance. disappointment's about something or the other are the principal reason one is disappointed. Here the reasons are self evident, an autocratic and corrupt administration is brought under a system of accountability for the first time . Using trite phrases to carry a stilted tale only serve to  highlight you impoverished intellect.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

People who stage protest on bitterness are seen as power hungry neemakarams. Them belly full but them still hungry. Mother used to say they will bore holes to the pot they eat from and still complain they're hungry. 

QUit projecting your ignorance. disappointment's about something or the other are the principal reason one is disappointed. Here the reasons are self evident, an autocratic and corrupt administration is brought under a system of accountability for the first time . Using trite phrases to carry a stilted tale only serve to  highlight you impoverished intellect.

You will never be able to dissolve the PPP as you so stated, you're making them stronger than ever. Ignorance is what you spew daily without any rational reasoning. Which fair-minded Guyanese would be so vindictive against their president? Someone who is fighting a personal bitterness? Quit while you can!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

People who stage protest on bitterness are seen as power hungry neemakarams. Them belly full but them still hungry. Mother used to say they will bore holes to the pot they eat from and still complain they're hungry. 

QUit projecting your ignorance. disappointment's about something or the other are the principal reason one is disappointed. Here the reasons are self evident, an autocratic and corrupt administration is brought under a system of accountability for the first time . Using trite phrases to carry a stilted tale only serve to  highlight you impoverished intellect.

You will never be able to dissolve the PPP as you so stated, you're making them stronger than ever. Ignorance is what you spew daily without any rational reasoning. Which fair-minded Guyanese would be so vindictive against their president? Someone who is fighting a personal bitterness? Quit while you can!

 The PPP is a political party. That it is a corrupt party is different from it's right to be a party. I suggest you speak to rationalism only when you can string a linear argument together that does not depend on dragging itself painfully along on an emotional appeal. The president is a crook. Fair minded Guyanese would naturally abhor a crook. Alas there are not many of those available since like you they are consumed by the emotional race driven jaundiced political undercoating that eats at the culture. Bitterness? Of course! I am bitter that the thieves in the PPP have prospered unchecked until now!

Originally Posted by albert:

Judging from the crowd size i could tell this protest was truly massive. How come these images weren't posted here and elsewhere?

Based on this "massive crowd", Guyanese abroad have great mistrust of the PNC/AFC marriage and this is a sign of things to come for the AFC.

Berbicians will reject them at the next election since they have now found out that the AFC/KFC is full of liars and crooks and corrupt politicians who refuse to investigate their own.


Let us not forget that the AFC lied to us that they had an energized group of supporters in Berbice which we later found out to be a major lie when one of their own was claiming millions for KFC monies owed to him.

The AFC is doomed for failure. 


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