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APNU+AFC still to tell GECOM when it wants local government elections


Friday , October 16 2015, Source


TALK of having Bartica, Lethem, Mahdia and Mabaruma being made into townships have consequences for the promised Local Government Elections (LGE), according to a top official at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).  Given the status quo GECOM, which has already started preparations for LGE, is looking at a March 2016 date. This would include six municipalities (townships) and the 71 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs).

Notably, the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) administration hinted could be held by December 2015. However, the GECOM source made clear that an election before the end of 2015 may not be possible.

However, the GECOM official told Citizens’ Report that if the four areas are to be made towns, elections will be pushed back by months to later in 2016.

The official did say that there could be two sets of elections, one given the status quo, and another in the areas that are made into towns. However, the questions of costs and other important factors, such as demarcation of areas and voters’ lists are also major considerations.

“We are waiting to find out what they (APNU+AFC) want,” the GECOM source said.

The stated considerations do not include the calls from the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) for major reforms, including the resignation of GECOM Chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally. Now cast in the role of the political opposition, the former PPP/C administration has challenged the results of the May 2015 General and Regional Elections and the matter is currently before the High Court, at the stage of preliminary hearings.

The Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2015 law was passed, despite concerns expressed by the PPP/C that it ought not have been rushed through the House. Concerns were expressed about the provisions included in the law. Nonetheless, it was passed through the House by a government majority.

In the meantime, Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan, is said to have last met with GECOM last Tuesday.

Local government elections have not been held in Guyana since 1994. Prior to that, local government elections were last held in 1970. Subsequent to 1994, the elections could not be conducted because of the coincidence with the General and Regional Elections of 1997.

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However, the GECOM official told Citizens’ Report that if the four areas are to be made towns, elections will be pushed back by months to later in 2016.


The official did say that there could be two sets of elections, one given the status quo, and another in the areas that are made into towns. However, the questions of costs and other important factors, such as demarcation of areas and voters’ lists are also major considerations.


APNU+AFC still to tell GECOM when it wants local government elections, Friday , October 16 2015, Source

Elections can take place and when the status of these areas change, adjustments can indeed be made through selected elections to update their status.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They were quite vocal about local elections but yet after 5 months they have yet to put this in motion. Looks like the PPP still in power except for curly hair. 

Yes, the AFC/PNC scums were hollering about Local Election and dictatorship. 

Those same scums are quiet now.


Local government elections coming up late March/early April, after the budget. Add 2 and 2 and see what you get. Goodies galore in the budget.

No LGE since 1994. yuji and his "democratic friends" didn't blame Janet Jagan, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar but they're blaming David Granger. Not strange though.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Local government elections coming up late March/early April, after the budget. Add 2 and 2 and see what you get. Goodies galore in the budget.


Hey Gilly. Are you saying that the government is going to pull more wool over the voters eyes? Another con job coming next year? 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Local government elections coming up late March/early April, after the budget. Add 2 and 2 and see what you get. Goodies galore in the budget.


Hey Gilly. Are you saying that the government is going to pull more wool over the voters eyes? Another con job coming next year? 

SPOILER ALERT: Never trust a politician. Dem mek more promise than a sweetman and don't deliver.

I am just saying it will make sense for the coalition to put some goodies in the budget before the LGE.

Not to forget what Ramotar did before May 11 --- $10,000 school vouchers, back pay for public servants, electricity for Angoy's Avenue, etc.

Politicians ent stupiddy.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Local government elections coming up late March/early April, after the budget. Add 2 and 2 and see what you get. Goodies galore in the budget.


Hey Gilly. Are you saying that the government is going to pull more wool over the voters eyes? Another con job coming next year? 

SPOILER ALERT: Never trust a politician. Dem mek more promise than a sweetman and don't deliver.

I am just saying it will make sense for the coalition to put some goodies in the budget before the LGE.

Not to forget what Ramotar did before May 11 --- $10,000 school vouchers, back pay for public servants, electricity for Angoy's Avenue, etc.

Politicians ent stupiddy.

Exactly what I have been preaching all this time. People put way too much trust in Politicians and Preachers. Poor Cobra almost drank malathion after his party lost the elections. Prashad wants his own Indian country. And the list goes on.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Local government elections coming up late March/early April, after the budget. Add 2 and 2 and see what you get. Goodies galore in the budget.

No LGE since 1994. yuji and his "democratic friends" didn't blame Janet Jagan, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar but they're blaming David Granger. Not strange though.

Two plus two equals 50 percent increase in salaries for the ministers while pensioners get net $300.


Cain, Gilly, Mitwah, D2 and others have yet to concede that the afc/apnu pull a bait and switch on them. It will take a while for these people to accept that they were incorrect in supporting these bunch of scum now in office. Maybe they will change their handles and come back pretending to be PPP supporters.


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