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While Granger Government is spending this money, theu DO NOT owned the hotel. Its owner is Wilfred Rambarran, who is one of their financier to PNC. 100M plus to renovate... then the government will rent the rooms from the hotel.

These are some of the reasons why, the CROOKS are determined to stay in office. 

Works on COVID-19 hospital progressing

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The former Ocean View Hotel is being converted into to a COVID-19 Hospital. Renovations on the building were seen on Sunday to be moving apace

By Tamica Garnett

CONSTRUCTION of the country’s first COVID-19 hospital is moving a pace. Works began last Monday on the former Ocean View Hotel, located on the Rupert Craig Highway, Liliendaal. The building is being converted to a COVID-19 facility for the incubation, isolation, quarantine and medical attention for persons diagnosed with, or suspected to have the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Work at the former Ocean View Hotel which is being converted to a COVID-19 facility is expected to take approximately two months

The works have an estimated timeline of approximately two months. However, some of the contractors working on the facility have noted that they have been facing constraints in sourcing materials and incorporating social distancing and necessary measures even as they go about refurbishing the building.

Nonetheless they are striving to meet the target timeline.
“To fulfill these large orders in a short space of time, a lot of the suppliers have challenges, these are some of the constraints we are facing in terms of getting the materials and supplies. It will take some time but we’re working to see if we can make that deadline, and finish in a month and a half or so,” Site Supervisor Wayne Newton explained.
Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) Senior Engineer, Naresh Mangar, explained that works on the building are currently being executed by two contractors – International Import and Supplies and Ivor Allen Construction.

“The two main contractors on the project right now they’re responsible for remodeling of the internal three floors. A section of the facility has three storeys. The three-storey section is the medical section which will include the ICU [Intensive Care Unit] on the ground floor and the two floors above will be the HDU [High Dependency Unit]. The L-shaped section of the building will be for isolation and quarantine,” Mangar explained.

Another section of building which is undergoing renovation

Mangar noted that the capacity of the facility is still being assessed, as the floor plan arrangement is still being worked out. However, according to some medical officials, the facility is expected to accommodate between 150 – 300 patients. Overall costs for the facility are also still being finalised, as the facility will also have to be outfitted once completed.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer (DCMO), Dr. Karen Boyle explained that when completed the facility is expected to have all the necessary basic amenities of a hospital,l including a pharmacy, laboratory and x-ray departments.

“The fact is we want to make the place comfortable for persons who are sick, moderate and mildly sick and possible ICU and HDU patients. We are going to outfit the place to provide those different levels of care for them to be triage, and they will be rooms for people who are convalescing,” Boyle explained.

The facility is one among a number that is listed for the housing of COVID-19 related patients, as government strives towards having the capacity to house at least 1,000 patients.

The idea to establish such a facility was put to the government by the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) after a new study found that Guyana could have as many as 20,000 COVID-19 cases in a month.
PAHO/WHO Resident Representative, Dr. William Adu-Krow, projected that should those numbers be realised five per cent or 1000 of those infected would need intensive care, and Guyana simply does not have the capacity for this.

Hence, the decision to transform the East Coast hotel facility into a “COVID-19 hospital” was made by the government, through the National COVID-19 Task Force, which is being chaired by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

The former Ocean View Hotel which is being converted into a COVID-19 Hospital
(Elvin Croker Photos)

According to Ministry of Public Health statistics, as at last Saturday, Guyana had recorded a total 45 cases of the virus, since the first case was registered on March 11. This number is inclusive of six deaths, and eight patients who have since recovered and tested negative for the virus.

Dr. Boyle said it was at the ending of March that a team from the Ministry toured the building to assess the conditions and possible works needed. A team from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MoPI) would have also visited the building to provide technical support.

In addition to ‘Ocean View’, it had been noted that the government is also considering the possibility of converting the former Guyana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) building on High Street into a similar COVID-19 facility.

In addition to facilities being considered, national quarantine and isolation facilities have already been established at the West Demerara Regional Hospital; the (East Bank Demerara) Diamond Diagnostic Centre; the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC); the (Timehri) Madewini Youth Centre; the Cliff Anderson Sports Centre and the National Gymnasium.

These facilities, collectively, will be able to accommodate one thousand persons.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where is the illegal squatter government getting all this money from? Looks like they want to empty the treasury before they leave? Or, is it they are trying to fool their supporters that the won the election?


The treasury is already emptied. The PNC has tendency to construct buildings but do not have furniture to fill the rooms.  They have a tendency to make plans but do not have the ability to execute them.



If a business employs people or is in a sector that the state see a benefit. Then the business should have state support. Lockheed Martin in America and Bombardier in Canada are examples.

Casablanca posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Oh shit. Ocean view. that was my spot. Swam in the pool there every afternoon when in Guyana.

Miss your glory days, huh?...

Wasn’t that a high class whorehouse?

Baseman posted:
Casablanca posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Oh shit. Ocean view. that was my spot. Swam in the pool there every afternoon when in Guyana.

Miss your glory days, huh?...

Wasn’t that a high class whorehouse?

Dah mighta been during PPP time, now dem guys changing it to fight virus. Nehru would have some input If he were around.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Casablanca posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Oh shit. Ocean view. that was my spot. Swam in the pool there every afternoon when in Guyana.

Miss your glory days, huh?...

Wasn’t that a high class whorehouse?

Dah mighta been during PPP time, now dem guys changing it to fight virus. Nehru would have some input If he were around.

Nah, I talking back in the day, pre 1992. 

skeldon_man posted:

Where is the illegal squatter government getting all this money from? Looks like they want to empty the treasury before they leave? Or, is it they are trying to fool their supporters that the won the election?

Payback time for APNU supporter Rambarran.  Hotel was rundown now it will newly renovated.

Bibi Haniffa

New Hotels and Housing schemes will not be able to recover Guyana after this virus is controlled.   There will be no visitors coming soon as there would be no money left in their bank accounts because the virus is preventing them from working. It would make a lot of sense for a PPP Government  to be installed.  Agriculture will be the answer.   


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