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Here’s how the APNU+AFC which accused the PPP/C of extravagance intends to spend your money at the Ministry of the Presidency:

1. Under ‘Other Spending’ which increased from $43.8M in 2015 to $196M in 2016 Harmon explains that $68M is for Presidential broadcasts; $5M for cable services; $1.5M for phones and accessories; $6.5M for advertising & $42M for climate change consultations. He could not however, say when and where these consultations are to be held.

2. Electricity charges which was $14.2M in 2015 is now being catered for to the tune of $119.69M. Harmon could not state the additional locations being covered that could have caused such an increase in light of the drop in fuel prices.

3. Fuel and lubricants rose from $17.6M in 2015 to $64M in 2016. When quizzed Harmon stated that it was as a result of new vehicles that were acquired.

4. Refreshments and meals rose from $10.6M in 2015 to $28M this year; print and non-print materials from $11.6 to $30M while office supplies increased from $3.9M to $23.5M

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PP thief all the money, PPP corrupt. bannas I tell Al YUh GNI Prapa gat a set of STUPID and ILLITERATE people.  These are the people JIm JOnes went to Guyana to meet but he missed them by a fre days.

Nehru posted:

Mr T, it is the 2016 Budget.

And do you know what a budget actually means? You and the OP obviously don't. It is not money that is necessarily readily available. It is the maximum amount that will be made available over the course of the financial year, assuming that all of it will be required.

So a bit more intelligence on you guys part, and demonstration of knowledge on what you are typing, would be most welcome. No wonder that Guyana ended up in financial ruins under the PPP. Not one intelligent financial expert in the PPP.

Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:

Mr T, it is the 2016 Budget.

And do you know what a budget actually means? You and the OP obviously don't. It is not money that is necessarily readily available. It is the maximum amount that will be made available over the course of the financial year, assuming that all of it will be required.

So a bit more intelligence on you guys part, and demonstration of knowledge on what you are typing, would be most welcome. No wonder that Guyana ended up in financial ruins under the PPP. Not one intelligent financial expert in the PPP.

Nothing wrong trying for a comeback but I hope you are clear about things.


That would come under the category "things like that."  BTW, dem telling stupitt people that dey only spending $300 million on the bacanal, but Edgehill burst that bubble in Parliament last week.  Dem boys looking to top $1 Billion.  Good thing I already got my $1Billion stashed away - right Sase??

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So Randy, you mean to tell me that PPP nah bin really thief out ALL the money?  Look like Dem left lil bit for salary increases, overseas trips, and things like that.

Don't forget the GYD 1 Billion for bacanal!!!

Holy smokes, One Billion to be wasted by these AFC/PNC crooks ?

And these were the AFC/PNC crooks were hollering about PPP leaving the treasury empty.

These Burnham disciples are wasting the taxpayers monies and will bankrupt Guyana worse than Granger's Guru Burnham.

Nehru posted:
Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:

Mr T, it is the 2016 Budget.

And do you know what a budget actually means? You and the OP obviously don't. It is not money that is necessarily readily available. It is the maximum amount that will be made available over the course of the financial year, assuming that all of it will be required.

So a bit more intelligence on you guys part, and demonstration of knowledge on what you are typing, would be most welcome. No wonder that Guyana ended up in financial ruins under the PPP. Not one intelligent financial expert in the PPP.

Nothing wrong trying for a comeback but I hope you are clear about things.

Don't change the story. You asked a stupid question in the first place and had to put up with the slap down I handed down to you. Take it like a man, instead of trying to crawl away like a girl.


Your first question points to problems with comprehension. Please read and try to understand the first sentence of the first post in the thread. If still unable to, ask for help instead of trying to cover up your problem by claiming a "slap down"


Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Baseman,  it seems like you are out of a job.

Are you one of the  recent hired coalition CONTRACT WORKER from Canada???

I am looking for a personal assistant.

Stick to your book keeping.

Zed posted:

Your first question points to problems with comprehension. Please read and try to understand the first sentence of the first post in the thread. If still unable to, ask for help instead of trying to cover up your problem by claiming a "slap down"


Excuse T. He is not very smart. Zika ground zero victim. He cannot think, so he resorts to what all PNC thugs do.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Baseman,  it seems like you are out of a job.

Are you one of the  recent hired coalition CONTRACT WORKER from Canada???

I am looking for a personal assistant.

Stick to your book keeping.

I need a driver.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Baseman,  it seems like you are out of a job.

Are you one of the  recent hired coalition CONTRACT WORKER from Canada???

I am looking for a personal assistant.

Stick to your book keeping.

I need a driver.

You pay by the mile or hourly?

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Baseman,  it seems like you are out of a job.

Are you one of the  recent hired coalition CONTRACT WORKER from Canada???

I am looking for a personal assistant.

Stick to your book keeping.

I need a driver.


Zed posted:

Your first question points to problems with comprehension. Please read and try to understand the first sentence of the first post in the thread. If still unable to, ask for help instead of trying to cover up your problem by claiming a "slap down"


It's no use defending another dumb ass PPP conman. The topic implies that there is money based on the budget. When all you jackasses openly admit that you know what a budget means, then any suggestion that there is loads of money in the bank is just a false claim. All smoke end mirror by the PPP in order to try to claim that they did not thief out the money, but that us it still there.


Mr t, you are an indication that the Zika virus was around us longer that we thought. It seems that you were affected before birth. The operative word for you to note in the first sentence is "intend". 

You cannot get yourself out of the hole you created by your comments about "another PPP dumb ass" and blowing smoke about knowing what a budget is. Your first post on this thread points to how little you know and how much difficulty you have with comprehending simple text and financial matters.

baseman posted:
Mr.T posted:
Zed posted:

Your first question points to problems with comprehension. Please read and try to understand the first sentence of the first post in the thread. If still unable to, ask for help instead of trying to cover up your problem by claiming a "slap down"


It's no use defending another dumb ass PPP conman. The topic implies that there is money based on the budget. When all you jackasses openly admit that you know what a budget means, then any suggestion that there is loads of money in the bank is just a false claim. All smoke end mirror by the PPP in order to try to claim that they did not thief out the money, but that us it still there.

Soo, are you saying the PNC running the nation on some pie-in-the-sky budget and don't really know where the funding will come from?  Not sure if this is worse than the raid of the Treasury currently underway!!

Mr T, are you sure you have not relapsed into smoking/inhaling weed??

You once again display your gross lack of knowledge of what a budget is based on. And that has been the recurring problem with the PPP. A complete shambles of an administration that is devoid of any economic understanding of how to prepare a budget. Luckily for Guyana there is now a government in place that has a lot more economic sense.


Economic sense? Let us see - 50 percent pay raise for ministers, lots of money for independence celebrations, fudged numbers to indicate economic growth, recycling PPP projects when they criticized them when they were in government, four Vice Presidents for a population of less than a million, twenty seven ministers for a population of less than a million, minister of finance dozen not know basic economic concepts, increase of contract employees, reducing the pension for senior citizens by taking away the subsidies for electricity and water, paying a subvention to the Berbice bridge corporation, marginal decrease in the Berbice bridge toll, unable to decide how to get the companies to do value added production, killed the rice deal. Complained when in opposition tha the sugar industry problem was poor management and now ingovt, change their tune, etc.


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