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APNU/AFC to hit the streets on Friday

APNU Member of Parliament, Dr Rupert Roopnarine

APNU Member of Parliament, Dr Rupert Roopnarine

Opposition prorogation protests…

…following Ramjattan’s racially provocative claims

 By Jomo Paul

Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan on Monday, instigated that the Government should not be surprised if Guyanese respond violently to President Donald Ramotar’s decision to prorogue sittings of the National Assembly.

In fact, Ramjattan had warned that people who were frustrated were likely to be part of demonstrations with that course of action.

AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo

He was also quoted in one section of the media as saying that he would not be surprised if “all hell does not break loose in the streets before that time by the frustrated masses, spontaneously reacting to the PPP/C’s [People's Progressive Party/Civic] lawlessness. The PPP/C is provoking protests…”

Despite this, the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on Wednesday announced its intention to host a mass “rally” to protest the President’s decision to suspend the legislature.

The rally is also being planned in light of the Opposition declaring that it does not intend to engage the President in any form of dialogue until the prorogation of Parliament is rescinded.

APNU General Secretary and Member of Parliament (MP) Joseph Harmon explained that the rally is planned for the Sqaure of the Revolution on Friday afternoon at 17:00h.

The coalition’s General Secretary also told Guyana Times that permission has been sought and given from the Guyana Police Force for a “loud instrument” to be used during the rally.

When asked what that instrument was he indicated that it would most likely be a microphone and speaker, that is, a sound system.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

When asked why this is being done despite the public voicing its reluctance to protest, Harmon affirmed that it was not a protest, but rather a rally.

He said, “We will see what happens, if they are not interested they won’t turn up.”

Meanwhile, APNU MP James Bond via his Facebook appeared to be calling Guyanese to “act”.

He also disarmed arguments that protest actions could lead to the loss of jobs and instability.

“Whilst some are focused on protest and protest action and the loss of jobs as a result of protests, I woke up thinking that given the history of the PPP/C, their history of unbrazen and unabashed thirst for absolute control (and) absolute power, we are in the darkest days of our Republic, and my brothers and sisters it is yet to hit midnight.”

He continued to say, “It’s time to act. Square of the Revolution, Friday 5:30 pm.”

Since Monday, Opposition MPs have been calling on Guyanese to take action against the government. Interestingly, they have not specified what type of action they endorse but have been using the words “mass protests”, “resistance” and “fighting for democratic rights”.

One Opposition parliamentarian went as far as to call on Guyanese to give an “aggressive rejection” to the President’s decision.

In addition, Ramjattan has been accused for inciting violence and making threats to the Executive.

On Monday, he told the East Indian consistency that were they to notice instances where their members were being beaten and attacked that the PPP/C could be responsible, as it was all part of the PPP/C’s plan to drive fear into that community.

“This is exactly where the PPP/C wants us. And they are going to get their people if people started demonstrating and things run bad out there, to beat us East Indians and then they will play it on NCN,” he said with the intention of taking advantage of the race card.

Several embassies and consulates here have already begun sending warnings and notices to their citizens about the potential of these demonstrations turning violent.

In fact, the US went even further and warned its citizens to avoid being in the area where these demonstrations would take place.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This must be very thrilling and excited to those who incite violence against the PPP government for discharging his constitutional duties. Ramjattan mouth is bigger than his words. I urge the government to unleash everything in his power against them for any civil disobedience.


Granger and his people are speaking of a rally at the revolution square, while Ramjattan is beating his chest as though he want a pound of meat. Ramjattan is known for being blacker than black to bruck down, tear down, cuss down, ramp and rage like mad bumba clath man. It's the last time he will ever remember this excitement.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan on Monday, instigated that the Government should not be surprised if Guyanese respond violently to President Donald Ramotar’s decision to prorogue sittings of the National Assembly.


APNU/AFC to hit the streets on Friday, November 13, 2014 By , By Jomo Paul, Opposition prorogation protests…, … following Ramjattan’s racially provocative claims

Interesting times ahead for the opposition parties.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I haven't heard anyone from the street talking about violence except Ramjattan. He's putting words in people's mouth.

Understand carefully the meaning of his words.


There will be protesters on Friday and other days that they may plan.


The focus will always be on whether the opposition parties will work work for improvements for Guyana or very soon indeed face an election.


This is exactly why substantial numbers of Indians have to be part of this and HM-Redux can have a mental break down because I make this demand.


As we can see the Indo racists in the PPP are just itching to see the PPP mow down black people.  It also becomes more difficult for the more militant and racist segment of the black population to attack Indians on the pretense that they are all "PPP".


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