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@Former Member posted:

If the court action is without merit it would be thrown out. Jagdeo used the court to challenge the initial results when it was not favourable to him. Seems to be a double standard here. 

Precisely. No one on this forum can face that reality. What is good for the goose should also be good for the gander. 

@Former Member posted:

If the court action is without merit it would be thrown out. Jagdeo used the court to challenge the initial results when it was not favourable to him. Seems to be a double standard here. 

Jagdeo use the legal pathway to challenge the fraudulent declaration. These fools didn’t even have to guts to show for the GECOM meeting. Well let’s see when they lose this legal challenge, what will be there next move.

@Former Member posted:

If the court action is without merit it would be thrown out. Jagdeo used the court to challenge the initial results when it was not favourable to him. Seems to be a double standard here. 

When?  The fraud of Mingo?  Not the same.  This was a recount which validated what Granger and Singh said was a free and fair election.

If the PNC think they won, produce your SOPs.  So don't mix apples and ortanges!


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