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@kp posted:

You people behaving as though the PPP is in power and running the government already. First we have to prepare for the Riots , burning, looting, raping, robbing and total madness to come. Which one of you church boy think that the PNC would walk  away peacefully, History has taught us better of the facts.

Keep focused, is not Jagdeo won, is the PPP won, let's wait and see who will be what.

Jango does say ,wait for the declaration of the results, so may I remind jango , wait till the PPP assume office and we shall see.


Right there is the problem not recognized ,Jagdeo is the PPP .When the PPP lost the 2015 Elections he kicked out Rohee and plant himself GS ,he thinks he is god sent and the only one can develop Guyana ,he even tried to get the Constitutional Presidential term limits thrown out. Thankfully the CCJ blocked it or Guyana would have had another dictator for life.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Obeah lady does not have any power.

Somebody needs to take her fat ass to a Kali Mai Pooja and let her dance her ass there. We will see if her voodoo will help her when they start pack lashes on her. Let's see her spirits come and help her. She might stop all this nonsense. As a kid, I went to a couple of these and saw the ceremonies. They were intense.

@Former Member posted:

Somebody needs to take her fat ass to a Kali Mai Pooja and let her dance her ass there. We will see if her voodoo will help her when they start pack lashes on her. Let's see her spirits come and help her. She might stop all this nonsense. As a kid, I went to a couple of these and saw the ceremonies. They were intense.

I wouldn't know and don't want to either.  As a kid I preferred 'Havan Puja'.    I learned the aryan way of civilisation.  The lady cannot harm me. She is not that powerful.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I wouldn't know and don't want to either.  As a kid I preferred 'Havan Puja'.    I learned the aryan way of civilisation.  The lady cannot harm me. She is not that powerful.

We had a neighbor who was a Madrassi and used to dance in those. My parents attended the Arya Samaj Mandir in Skeldon. I must have gone there about 3-4 times only.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Listen you moron:  Jagdeo nominated Ramoutar and the Central committee voted for him.   Ramoutar did a good job canvassing for himself. The other two mention in your post, did nothing to indicate they had wanted the job.  That is called democracy.

You do not have any say in whom becoming the Presidential candidate of the PPP. Get over it you linkanpoop.

Ramakant-P : Did I call you a name in this post ?


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