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May 3, 2015 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

Presidential Candidate, David Granger “The principal objective of this Manifesto is to lay the foundation for establishing a government of national

David Granger

David Granger

unity and democratic renewal as our country approaches its 50th anniversary of independence in 2016.  APNU and AFC are assured that, in the campaign for the 2015 general and regional elections, the overwhelming majority of Guyanese – young and old, rich and poor, women and men in all ten administrative regions and in the diaspora – want to win. They want to improve their quality of life. They want to remove the oppressive and undemocratic People’s Progressive Party/Civic from office. APNU and AFC have come together in this democratic coalition because the nation is at breaking point. Guyanese have been fatigued by two decades of fickle promises, fatuous platitudes and failed projects. Our young people demand jobs, not jails and drop-in centres; our women and children demand safe homes not ‘safe-houses’; our fishermen and miners demand protection from pirates and bandits; our paddy farmers and businessmen demand fairness and our hinterland regions demand development not goodies, gifts and grants.” Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo “On March 4, at the Media Launch of our 2015 Campaign, I stated that  there is need for a new wave in our democracy, to inject life into our decaying political system by taking Guyana along the road to multi-party, multi-ethnic, national rule. But of equal importance to political union by APNU+AFC are plans and programmes for investment, growth and development of a new Guyana. This Manifesto outlines these plans and is a composite of what our several parties and civil partners want for

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo

Guyana as a stimulant to our mismanaged economy. The aim of your new government is to create jobs, jobs and more jobs in the shortest time possible. Our young people cannot wait “five more years” for jobs for which they could be adequately trained and could get better pay and greater job satisfaction. The political reforms that our new government hopes to put in place would be meaningless without an economic turn-around. So, in some ways, this Manifesto is a new economic recovery package. However, no plan or programme can succeed without two ingredients. These are the broadest participation of our people in the governance processes, and a vision that is realistic and has achievable goals.  This is why our Manifesto not only addresses the challenges in the major productive sectors, but also explores potential for a new economy by projecting our vision for economic growth, not for a single term, but to 2030 and beyond.”

EXCERPTS Public Finances & Economic Development Since Year 2000 real annual economic growth has averaged less than two percent.  The APNU+AFC Coalition recognizes that the achievement of a sustainable industrialization and development programme requires an average annual growth rate of at least seven percent.   From a macro perspective, the APNU+AFC government will put in place well structured programmes to encourage citizens to engage in a wider range of small and medium scale enterprises which in turn will create job opportunities for skilled and semi-skilled persons.  The structure will ensure that the bulk of revenue generated from economic activities will benefit the populace as a whole.

The Coalition intends to:- ·    Award a 1o% increase on the total Public Sector Wage, Salaries and Emoluments bill and thereafter consult/negotiate with the respective labour unions on the methods of allocation of increases on the wage scales. This is in keeping with our new approach to industrial relations. It is expected that this approach would trigger further reforms in industrial relations in the public service. ·    Re-configure and improve the national planning framework and prepare a long-term National Development Plan with consequential Programmes, based on consultation with key stakeholders.  The objective is to take careful and responsible advantage of the vast potential of Guyana’s resources. ·    Ensure effective management of the dynamic financial sectors of the economy (the foreign exchange rate, foreign currency reserves, inflation, rates of interest, fiscal surplus/deficit and debt management) to allow for expansion of economic and industrial activities, and stimulate higher levels of personal and business savings plus domestic and foreign investments. ·    Appoint a technically proficient oversight group to accelerate the promotion of Science and Technology (incl. Research and Development) and to establish a framework for development and promotion of new ideas and innovations. ·    Commission an investigation into ICT development in Guyana and identify the follow-up actions that will render Guyana completely internet-ready in this fast advancing era of high technology.

TAXATION The current system of taxation is highly inequitable and unjust.  The PPP/C’s promise to reform the taxation system came to a dramatic halt after the passage of the VAT and Excise tax legislation and the windfall it provided.   That party’s pledges to complete the reforms proved to be insincere and the tax burden on citizens remain considerable. The ratio of Guyana’s central government revenue to GDP is the highest in the Caribbean.

The APNU+AFC will: ·    Commission a comprehensive review of current taxation systems and  policies, including the value-added tax, to identify and address the consequences of the current structure including the ‘hardship effects’, and ultimately create incentives that would attract investment in critical sectors.

·    Implement tax relief measures with five main features: Ü    Consultation Ü    Phased implementation Ü    Equity and justice (interpersonal, cross-regional & sectoral) Ü    Easy implementation Ü    Establishment of a Tax Commission (to ensure stricter enforcement, more efficient administration, broadening the net of coverage and careful review of exemptions).

·    Reduce the Value Added Tax within the first term ·    Rationalise the VAT and excise duties on imported motor vehicles and diesel fuel to encourage the use and importation of energy efficient vehicles and equipment, promote fuel efficiency, ·    Increase the Personal Income Tax threshold to $100,000 in a phased approach ·    Review the toll for passenger vehicles on the Berbice Bridge

The structure for economic growth would be premised on a number of factors among which are transparency, accountability, allocation efficiency, and compensatory downsizing of currently bloated programmes.   The early appointment of the Public Procurement Commission equipped with appropriate institutional capacity will be our first step in this direction.

EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH The most effective way of alleviating poverty is the provision of jobs at living wages and opportunities for self-employment. This will evolve from an integrated employment strategy that prioritises the: ·    Stimulation of local and foreign investment by providing strategic infrastructure, targeted tax incentives and radically less burdensome bureaucratic procedures ·    Creation of special funds for disadvantaged communities, and establish/equip centres of excellence devoted to creating skills for the public and private sectors ·    Implementation of the self-employment training component of the employment and growth strategy to prepare new entrepreneurs for entry into the modern services sector e.g. computer programming and software development, business process management and medical transcription. ·    Implementation of a quick-acting, results-oriented projects for job creation such as an Environment Enhancement Programme (EEP) and a  Capital and Infrastructure Rehabilitation Programme (CIRP) for Georgetown and other urban and rural communities. ·    The interlocking challenges of a business environment made poor by restricted access to capital and credit.  We intend to explore the initiatives of existing international SME aid agencies which provide financial and technical support, e.g. the G-20 Financial Inclusion Initiatives, the SME Finance Challenge, Feed-the-Future Initiative, the EIB’s Micro-Finance Fund, and the EUR 100Mn Rural Impulse Fund II. (Go to to download)

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:


May 3, 2015 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

Presidential Candidate, David Granger “The principal objective of this Manifesto is to lay the foundation for establishing a government of national

David Granger

David Granger

unity and democratic renewal as our country approaches its 50th anniversary of independence in 2016.  APNU and AFC are assured that, in the campaign for the 2015 general and regional elections, the overwhelming majority of Guyanese – young and old, rich and poor, women and men in all ten administrative regions and in the diaspora – want to win. They want to improve their quality of life. They want to remove the oppressive and undemocratic People’s Progressive Party/Civic from office. APNU and AFC have come together in this democratic coalition because the nation is at breaking point. Guyanese have been fatigued by two decades of fickle promises, fatuous platitudes and failed projects. Our young people demand jobs, not jails and drop-in centres; our women and children demand safe homes not ‘safe-houses’; our fishermen and miners demand protection from pirates and bandits; our paddy farmers and businessmen demand fairness and our hinterland regions demand development not goodies, gifts and grants.” Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo “On March 4, at the Media Launch of our 2015 Campaign, I stated that  there is need for a new wave in our democracy, to inject life into our decaying political system by taking Guyana along the road to multi-party, multi-ethnic, national rule. But of equal importance to political union by APNU+AFC are plans and programmes for investment, growth and development of a new Guyana. This Manifesto outlines these plans and is a composite of what our several parties and civil partners want for

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo

Guyana as a stimulant to our mismanaged economy. The aim of your new government is to create jobs, jobs and more jobs in the shortest time possible. Our young people cannot wait “five more years” for jobs for which they could be adequately trained and could get better pay and greater job satisfaction. The political reforms that our new government hopes to put in place would be meaningless without an economic turn-around. So, in some ways, this Manifesto is a new economic recovery package. However, no plan or programme can succeed without two ingredients. These are the broadest participation of our people in the governance processes, and a vision that is realistic and has achievable goals.  This is why our Manifesto not only addresses the challenges in the major productive sectors, but also explores potential for a new economy by projecting our vision for economic growth, not for a single term, but to 2030 and beyond.”

EXCERPTS Public Finances & Economic Development Since Year 2000 real annual economic growth has averaged less than two percent.  The APNU+AFC Coalition recognizes that the achievement of a sustainable industrialization and development programme requires an average annual growth rate of at least seven percent.   From a macro perspective, the APNU+AFC government will put in place well structured programmes to encourage citizens to engage in a wider range of small and medium scale enterprises which in turn will create job opportunities for skilled and semi-skilled persons.  The structure will ensure that the bulk of revenue generated from economic activities will benefit the populace as a whole.

The Coalition intends to:- ·    Award a 1o% increase on the total Public Sector Wage, Salaries and Emoluments bill and thereafter consult/negotiate with the respective labour unions on the methods of allocation of increases on the wage scales. This is in keeping with our new approach to industrial relations. It is expected that this approach would trigger further reforms in industrial relations in the public service. ·    Re-configure and improve the national planning framework and prepare a long-term National Development Plan with consequential Programmes, based on consultation with key stakeholders.  The objective is to take careful and responsible advantage of the vast potential of Guyana’s resources. ·    Ensure effective management of the dynamic financial sectors of the economy (the foreign exchange rate, foreign currency reserves, inflation, rates of interest, fiscal surplus/deficit and debt management) to allow for expansion of economic and industrial activities, and stimulate higher levels of personal and business savings plus domestic and foreign investments. ·    Appoint a technically proficient oversight group to accelerate the promotion of Science and Technology (incl. Research and Development) and to establish a framework for development and promotion of new ideas and innovations. ·    Commission an investigation into ICT development in Guyana and identify the follow-up actions that will render Guyana completely internet-ready in this fast advancing era of high technology.

TAXATION The current system of taxation is highly inequitable and unjust.  The PPP/C’s promise to reform the taxation system came to a dramatic halt after the passage of the VAT and Excise tax legislation and the windfall it provided.   That party’s pledges to complete the reforms proved to be insincere and the tax burden on citizens remain considerable. The ratio of Guyana’s central government revenue to GDP is the highest in the Caribbean.

The APNU+AFC will: ·    Commission a comprehensive review of current taxation systems and  policies, including the value-added tax, to identify and address the consequences of the current structure including the ‘hardship effects’, and ultimately create incentives that would attract investment in critical sectors.

·    Implement tax relief measures with five main features: ü    Consultation ü    Phased implementation ü    Equity and justice (interpersonal, cross-regional & sectoral) ü    Easy implementation ü    Establishment of a Tax Commission (to ensure stricter enforcement, more efficient administration, broadening the net of coverage and careful review of exemptions).

·    Reduce the Value Added Tax within the first term ·    Rationalise the VAT and excise duties on imported motor vehicles and diesel fuel to encourage the use and importation of energy efficient vehicles and equipment, promote fuel efficiency, ·    Increase the Personal Income Tax threshold to $100,000 in a phased approach ·    Review the toll for passenger vehicles on the Berbice Bridge

The structure for economic growth would be premised on a number of factors among which are transparency, accountability, allocation efficiency, and compensatory downsizing of currently bloated programmes.   The early appointment of the Public Procurement Commission equipped with appropriate institutional capacity will be our first step in this direction.

EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH The most effective way of alleviating poverty is the provision of jobs at living wages and opportunities for self-employment. This will evolve from an integrated employment strategy that prioritises the: ·    Stimulation of local and foreign investment by providing strategic infrastructure, targeted tax incentives and radically less burdensome bureaucratic procedures ·    Creation of special funds for disadvantaged communities, and establish/equip centres of excellence devoted to creating skills for the public and private sectors ·    Implementation of the self-employment training component of the employment and growth strategy to prepare new entrepreneurs for entry into the modern services sector e.g. computer programming and software development, business process management and medical transcription. ·    Implementation of a quick-acting, results-oriented projects for job creation such as an Environment Enhancement Programme (EEP) and a  Capital and Infrastructure Rehabilitation Programme (CIRP) for Georgetown and other urban and rural communities. ·    The interlocking challenges of a business environment made poor by restricted access to capital and credit.  We intend to explore the initiatives of existing international SME aid agencies which provide financial and technical support, e.g. the G-20 Financial Inclusion Initiatives, the SME Finance Challenge, Feed-the-Future Initiative, the EIB’s Micro-Finance Fund, and the EUR 100Mn Rural Impulse Fund II. (Go to to download)

The Guyanese population will not swallow hook, line and sinker. They, like every politician will steal everything. The people will be eating dry coconut and dancing without music in the streets just to keep their minds off of hunger.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


May 3, 2015 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

Presidential Candidate, David Granger “The principal objective of this Manifesto is to lay the foundation for establishing a government of national

David Granger

David Granger

unity and democratic renewal as our country approaches its 50th anniversary of independence in 2016.  APNU and AFC are assured that, in the campaign for the 2015 general and regional elections, the overwhelming majority of Guyanese – young and old, rich and poor, women and men in all ten administrative regions and in the diaspora – want to win. They want to improve their quality of life. They want to remove the oppressive and undemocratic People’s Progressive Party/Civic from office. APNU and AFC have come together in this democratic coalition because the nation is at breaking point. Guyanese have been fatigued by two decades of fickle promises, fatuous platitudes and failed projects. Our young people demand jobs, not jails and drop-in centres; our women and children demand safe homes not ‘safe-houses’; our fishermen and miners demand protection from pirates and bandits; our paddy farmers and businessmen demand fairness and our hinterland regions demand development not goodies, gifts and grants.” Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo “On March 4, at the Media Launch of our 2015 Campaign, I stated that  there is need for a new wave in our democracy, to inject life into our decaying political system by taking Guyana along the road to multi-party, multi-ethnic, national rule. But of equal importance to political union by APNU+AFC are plans and programmes for investment, growth and development of a new Guyana. This Manifesto outlines these plans and is a composite of what our several parties and civil partners want for

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo

Guyana as a stimulant to our mismanaged economy. The aim of your new government is to create jobs, jobs and more jobs in the shortest time possible. Our young people cannot wait “five more years” for jobs for which they could be adequately trained and could get better pay and greater job satisfaction. The political reforms that our new government hopes to put in place would be meaningless without an economic turn-around. So, in some ways, this Manifesto is a new economic recovery package. However, no plan or programme can succeed without two ingredients. These are the broadest participation of our people in the governance processes, and a vision that is realistic and has achievable goals.  This is why our Manifesto not only addresses the challenges in the major productive sectors, but also explores potential for a new economy by projecting our vision for economic growth, not for a single term, but to 2030 and beyond.”

EXCERPTS Public Finances & Economic Development Since Year 2000 real annual economic growth has averaged less than two percent.  The APNU+AFC Coalition recognizes that the achievement of a sustainable industrialization and development programme requires an average annual growth rate of at least seven percent.   From a macro perspective, the APNU+AFC government will put in place well structured programmes to encourage citizens to engage in a wider range of small and medium scale enterprises which in turn will create job opportunities for skilled and semi-skilled persons.  The structure will ensure that the bulk of revenue generated from economic activities will benefit the populace as a whole.

The Coalition intends to:- ·    Award a 1o% increase on the total Public Sector Wage, Salaries and Emoluments bill and thereafter consult/negotiate with the respective labour unions on the methods of allocation of increases on the wage scales. This is in keeping with our new approach to industrial relations. It is expected that this approach would trigger further reforms in industrial relations in the public service. ·    Re-configure and improve the national planning framework and prepare a long-term National Development Plan with consequential Programmes, based on consultation with key stakeholders.  The objective is to take careful and responsible advantage of the vast potential of Guyana’s resources. ·    Ensure effective management of the dynamic financial sectors of the economy (the foreign exchange rate, foreign currency reserves, inflation, rates of interest, fiscal surplus/deficit and debt management) to allow for expansion of economic and industrial activities, and stimulate higher levels of personal and business savings plus domestic and foreign investments. ·    Appoint a technically proficient oversight group to accelerate the promotion of Science and Technology (incl. Research and Development) and to establish a framework for development and promotion of new ideas and innovations. ·    Commission an investigation into ICT development in Guyana and identify the follow-up actions that will render Guyana completely internet-ready in this fast advancing era of high technology.

TAXATION The current system of taxation is highly inequitable and unjust.  The PPP/C’s promise to reform the taxation system came to a dramatic halt after the passage of the VAT and Excise tax legislation and the windfall it provided.   That party’s pledges to complete the reforms proved to be insincere and the tax burden on citizens remain considerable. The ratio of Guyana’s central government revenue to GDP is the highest in the Caribbean.

The APNU+AFC will: ·    Commission a comprehensive review of current taxation systems and  policies, including the value-added tax, to identify and address the consequences of the current structure including the ‘hardship effects’, and ultimately create incentives that would attract investment in critical sectors.

·    Implement tax relief measures with five main features: ü    Consultation ü    Phased implementation ü    Equity and justice (interpersonal, cross-regional & sectoral) ü    Easy implementation ü    Establishment of a Tax Commission (to ensure stricter enforcement, more efficient administration, broadening the net of coverage and careful review of exemptions).

·    Reduce the Value Added Tax within the first term ·    Rationalise the VAT and excise duties on imported motor vehicles and diesel fuel to encourage the use and importation of energy efficient vehicles and equipment, promote fuel efficiency, ·    Increase the Personal Income Tax threshold to $100,000 in a phased approach ·    Review the toll for passenger vehicles on the Berbice Bridge

The structure for economic growth would be premised on a number of factors among which are transparency, accountability, allocation efficiency, and compensatory downsizing of currently bloated programmes.   The early appointment of the Public Procurement Commission equipped with appropriate institutional capacity will be our first step in this direction.

EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH The most effective way of alleviating poverty is the provision of jobs at living wages and opportunities for self-employment. This will evolve from an integrated employment strategy that prioritises the: ·    Stimulation of local and foreign investment by providing strategic infrastructure, targeted tax incentives and radically less burdensome bureaucratic procedures ·    Creation of special funds for disadvantaged communities, and establish/equip centres of excellence devoted to creating skills for the public and private sectors ·    Implementation of the self-employment training component of the employment and growth strategy to prepare new entrepreneurs for entry into the modern services sector e.g. computer programming and software development, business process management and medical transcription. ·    Implementation of a quick-acting, results-oriented projects for job creation such as an Environment Enhancement Programme (EEP) and a  Capital and Infrastructure Rehabilitation Programme (CIRP) for Georgetown and other urban and rural communities. ·    The interlocking challenges of a business environment made poor by restricted access to capital and credit.  We intend to explore the initiatives of existing international SME aid agencies which provide financial and technical support, e.g. the G-20 Financial Inclusion Initiatives, the SME Finance Challenge, Feed-the-Future Initiative, the EIB’s Micro-Finance Fund, and the EUR 100Mn Rural Impulse Fund II. (Go to to download)

The Guyanese population will not swallow hook, line and sinker. They, like every politician will steal everything. The people will be eating dry coconut and dancing without music in the streets just to keep their minds off of hunger.

Agreed.  The APNU+AFC must be realistic.


Progress will be made, Guyana will be better under them than under the PPP, but milk and honey will not flow soon.


It will at least 10 years to repair Guyana.


Guyana is a battered and raped nation.  Battered and raped by the BHERIS and BHARATS.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


May 3, 2015 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

Presidential Candidate, David Granger “The principal objective of this Manifesto is to lay the foundation for establishing a government of national

David Granger

David Granger

unity and democratic renewal as our country approaches its 50th anniversary of independence in 2016.  APNU and AFC are assured that, in the campaign for the 2015 general and regional elections, the overwhelming majority of Guyanese – young and old, rich and poor, women and men in all ten administrative regions and in the diaspora – want to win. They want to improve their quality of life. They want to remove the oppressive and undemocratic People’s Progressive Party/Civic from office. APNU and AFC have come together in this democratic coalition because the nation is at breaking point. Guyanese have been fatigued by two decades of fickle promises, fatuous platitudes and failed projects. Our young people demand jobs, not jails and drop-in centres; our women and children demand safe homes not ‘safe-houses’; our fishermen and miners demand protection from pirates and bandits; our paddy farmers and businessmen demand fairness and our hinterland regions demand development not goodies, gifts and grants.” Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo “On March 4, at the Media Launch of our 2015 Campaign, I stated that  there is need for a new wave in our democracy, to inject life into our decaying political system by taking Guyana along the road to multi-party, multi-ethnic, national rule. But of equal importance to political union by APNU+AFC are plans and programmes for investment, growth and development of a new Guyana. This Manifesto outlines these plans and is a composite of what our several parties and civil partners want for

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo

Guyana as a stimulant to our mismanaged economy. The aim of your new government is to create jobs, jobs and more jobs in the shortest time possible. Our young people cannot wait “five more years” for jobs for which they could be adequately trained and could get better pay and greater job satisfaction. The political reforms that our new government hopes to put in place would be meaningless without an economic turn-around. So, in some ways, this Manifesto is a new economic recovery package. However, no plan or programme can succeed without two ingredients. These are the broadest participation of our people in the governance processes, and a vision that is realistic and has achievable goals.  This is why our Manifesto not only addresses the challenges in the major productive sectors, but also explores potential for a new economy by projecting our vision for economic growth, not for a single term, but to 2030 and beyond.”

EXCERPTS Public Finances & Economic Development Since Year 2000 real annual economic growth has averaged less than two percent.  The APNU+AFC Coalition recognizes that the achievement of a sustainable industrialization and development programme requires an average annual growth rate of at least seven percent.   From a macro perspective, the APNU+AFC government will put in place well structured programmes to encourage citizens to engage in a wider range of small and medium scale enterprises which in turn will create job opportunities for skilled and semi-skilled persons.  The structure will ensure that the bulk of revenue generated from economic activities will benefit the populace as a whole.

The Coalition intends to:- ·    Award a 1o% increase on the total Public Sector Wage, Salaries and Emoluments bill and thereafter consult/negotiate with the respective labour unions on the methods of allocation of increases on the wage scales. This is in keeping with our new approach to industrial relations. It is expected that this approach would trigger further reforms in industrial relations in the public service. ·    Re-configure and improve the national planning framework and prepare a long-term National Development Plan with consequential Programmes, based on consultation with key stakeholders.  The objective is to take careful and responsible advantage of the vast potential of Guyana’s resources. ·    Ensure effective management of the dynamic financial sectors of the economy (the foreign exchange rate, foreign currency reserves, inflation, rates of interest, fiscal surplus/deficit and debt management) to allow for expansion of economic and industrial activities, and stimulate higher levels of personal and business savings plus domestic and foreign investments. ·    Appoint a technically proficient oversight group to accelerate the promotion of Science and Technology (incl. Research and Development) and to establish a framework for development and promotion of new ideas and innovations. ·    Commission an investigation into ICT development in Guyana and identify the follow-up actions that will render Guyana completely internet-ready in this fast advancing era of high technology.

TAXATION The current system of taxation is highly inequitable and unjust.  The PPP/C’s promise to reform the taxation system came to a dramatic halt after the passage of the VAT and Excise tax legislation and the windfall it provided.   That party’s pledges to complete the reforms proved to be insincere and the tax burden on citizens remain considerable. The ratio of Guyana’s central government revenue to GDP is the highest in the Caribbean.

The APNU+AFC will: ·    Commission a comprehensive review of current taxation systems and  policies, including the value-added tax, to identify and address the consequences of the current structure including the ‘hardship effects’, and ultimately create incentives that would attract investment in critical sectors.

·    Implement tax relief measures with five main features: ü    Consultation ü    Phased implementation ü    Equity and justice (interpersonal, cross-regional & sectoral) ü    Easy implementation ü    Establishment of a Tax Commission (to ensure stricter enforcement, more efficient administration, broadening the net of coverage and careful review of exemptions).

·    Reduce the Value Added Tax within the first term ·    Rationalise the VAT and excise duties on imported motor vehicles and diesel fuel to encourage the use and importation of energy efficient vehicles and equipment, promote fuel efficiency, ·    Increase the Personal Income Tax threshold to $100,000 in a phased approach ·    Review the toll for passenger vehicles on the Berbice Bridge

The structure for economic growth would be premised on a number of factors among which are transparency, accountability, allocation efficiency, and compensatory downsizing of currently bloated programmes.   The early appointment of the Public Procurement Commission equipped with appropriate institutional capacity will be our first step in this direction.

EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH The most effective way of alleviating poverty is the provision of jobs at living wages and opportunities for self-employment. This will evolve from an integrated employment strategy that prioritises the: ·    Stimulation of local and foreign investment by providing strategic infrastructure, targeted tax incentives and radically less burdensome bureaucratic procedures ·    Creation of special funds for disadvantaged communities, and establish/equip centres of excellence devoted to creating skills for the public and private sectors ·    Implementation of the self-employment training component of the employment and growth strategy to prepare new entrepreneurs for entry into the modern services sector e.g. computer programming and software development, business process management and medical transcription. ·    Implementation of a quick-acting, results-oriented projects for job creation such as an Environment Enhancement Programme (EEP) and a  Capital and Infrastructure Rehabilitation Programme (CIRP) for Georgetown and other urban and rural communities. ·    The interlocking challenges of a business environment made poor by restricted access to capital and credit.  We intend to explore the initiatives of existing international SME aid agencies which provide financial and technical support, e.g. the G-20 Financial Inclusion Initiatives, the SME Finance Challenge, Feed-the-Future Initiative, the EIB’s Micro-Finance Fund, and the EUR 100Mn Rural Impulse Fund II. (Go to to download)

The Guyanese population will not swallow hook, line and sinker. They, like every politician will steal everything. The people will be eating dry coconut and dancing without music in the streets just to keep their minds off of hunger.

Agreed.  The APNU+AFC must be realistic.


Progress will be made, Guyana will be better under them than under the PPP, but milk and honey will not flow soon.


It will at least 10 years to repair Guyana.


Guyana is a battered and raped nation.  Battered and raped by the BHERIS and BHARATS.

Agreed that PPP has some scums in their flock. 28 years of PNC rape of the treasury is a hard lesson learned by the people. The older generation sit down and tell their children, like nancy stories, about the hardship they endured. 
The history is being passed down religiously.


These rejects who ran away from the PPP and PNC actually know something that TK doesn't.   These criminals with negative attitude towards development of Guyana actually can  reform the economy.  This is an insult to TK and Sase singh, both of whom wants back into the PPP's fold. 


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