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STABROEK NEWS, NOV 7 --- A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change met this afternoon at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition while PPP executives also held a meeting at Freedom House as both sides strategize for Monday’s Parliament showdown.

A statement from the opposition said that the combined opposition remains united in its commitment to the passage of the ‘no confidence motion’ tabled for debate in the National Assembly on Monday 10th November 2014.

Representing APNU were Leader of the Opposition Brigadier David Granger, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, Amna Ally, Carl Greenidge, Basil Williams, . Joseph Harmon, Ronald Bulkan and Winston Felix.

The AFC was represented by Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo, Cathy Hughes, David Patterson, Valerie Garrido-Lowe and Michael Carrington.

President Donald Ramotar has stated that were the opposition to move ahead with the no-confidence vote he would prorogue or dissolve Parliament. Today’s meeting at Freedom House likely discussed what will be the government’s strategy on Monday.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

How so Pandit?

APNU isn't ready for elections and the AFC can't win.  Blacks will stay home and the PPP might even take back the parliament.  Why shouldn't the PPP be happy.  After all they can roam around the country and buy votes.  How many votes can either APNU or the AFC buy?  And given that neither have a strong grass roots operation how do they counter the PPP buying of votes?


The people of Guyana wants to see more investments come in the country. They can see the number jobs being created by businesses and the new spirit it adds to the society. Guyanese are now walking with their heads high and proudly speaking about taking their families out to dinner, ice creams parlors, pizzeria, shows, entertainments,etc. They want this kind of progress to continue. What disgusts them today is the politicians who are trying to create at atmosphere of political instability by cutting budgets and blocking foreign investments. They will go out to the polls to stop this nonsense. Berbicians are saying that is they who put Naga and Ramjattan there and its their duty now to stop the nonsense and let this country to continue to make progress.


The AFC has isolated itself from those who voted for them in 2011. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

How so Pandit?

APNU isn't ready for elections and the AFC can't win.  Blacks will stay home and the PPP might even take back the parliament.  Why shouldn't the PPP be happy.  After all they can roam around the country and buy votes.  How many votes can either APNU or the AFC buy?  And given that neither have a strong grass roots operation how do they counter the PPP buying of votes?

WE wonder how De Black Racist Sakiwinki know more about APNU being ready for Elections.....than the APNU executives themselves.


This Pick Pocket Kick-Down-Door Bandit must be thinking about De Old-PNC Election Rigging.......

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

How so Pandit?

APNU isn't ready for elections and the AFC can't win.  Blacks will stay home and the PPP might even take back the parliament.  Why shouldn't the PPP be happy.  After all they can roam around the country and buy votes.  How many votes can either APNU or the AFC buy?  And given that neither have a strong grass roots operation how do they counter the PPP buying of votes?

Who voting for granger? 


Who voting for the blackman who sell lindeners out to the PPP?


There is no question Granger, corbin and team are owned, bought and paid for by the PPP. How else can you explain their embrace of Ramotar morning noon and night?


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