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A meeting today between the two members of the governing APNU+AFC coalition ended with bright smiles and declarations of “excellent” as a revising of the Cummingsburg Accord has been agreed for the 2020 general elections.

Sources tell Stabroek News that the AFC’s candidate Khemraj Ramjattan will hold the primeministership but would not become the President were that position to become vacant.

The AFC will be allotted five ministerial  positions, less than they currently have. The President would decide on the list of MPs

Minister Volda Lawrence who is the lead negotiator for the APNU though reticent to answer questions told reporters that the “coalition has always been strong”.

The lead negotiator for the AFC David Patterson said “no comment” while his party leader, Ramjattan explained that the parties will go to the polls as a coalition since “together is better”

“You ain’t see me smiling,” a beaming Ramjattan told reporters.

Asked for specifics of the meeting held at the Ministry of the Presidency, Lawrence said a press statement would soon be released.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

Now that it’s setting, Dr Irfan and Dr Bharrat get the ball rolling.  Licks like peas.

We will teach them a lesson!

Looks like you joining the losers !!! 

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

AFC has been short changed 

Lost some MPs' .

How about Granger will choose MPs and not the AFC?

Sounds strange , Granger said he is looking for qualified people.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

AFC has been short changed 

Lost some MPs' .

How about Granger will choose MPs and not the AFC?

Sounds strange , Granger said he is looking for qualified people.

What you witnessing is the PNC faction take over of the AFC.  Trotman will agree with Granger on the MPs.  No Trojan 🐎!


Demerara Waves says APNU will take 70 percent of parliamentary seats and 30 percent will go to the AFC. So the AFC is sacrificing 10 percent to keep that impotent prime ministerial position. Hmmm....

Django posted:

APNU and AFC reach elections accord- Khemraj Ramjattan will hold Prime Ministership

11/21/2019,  Source

Sources tell Stabroek News that the AFC’s candidate Khemraj Ramjattan will hold the primeministership but would not become the President were that position to become vacant.

According to the constitution, should the president die in office, the prime minister immediately becomes the President.

The situation however exist when the president voluntarily decides to no longer be in office, then indeed there is a procedure for another person other than the prime minister to become the president.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

I think APNU give away too much to the AFC. The AFC is a dead and buried skeleton.

Yes, I was surprised how much they got, but maybe the compromise is Granger chooses the MPs!

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

I think APNU give away too much to the AFC. The AFC is a dead and buried skeleton.

Your thinking will be confirmed pending the 2020 elections results. Just look at the 2015 general election plus the 2016 & 2018 local government elections results and you will see a trend of AFC bleeding. Likewise most of the coalition votes will come from PNC voters and strongholds. The new PM candidate Ramjattan took a bloody beating in the two LGEs at #47 Village Corentyne and will get more lashing on March 2. 

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

I think APNU give away too much to the AFC. The AFC is a dead and buried skeleton.

Your thinking will be confirmed pending the 2020 elections results. Just look at the 2015 general election plus the 2016 & 2018 local government elections results and you will see a trend of AFC bleeding. Likewise most of the coalition votes will come from PNC voters and strongholds. The new PM candidate Ramjattan took a bloody beating in the two LGEs at #47 Village Corentyne and will get more lashing on March 2. 

I am still not convinced that there will be elections on March 02, 2020. I am very cognizant to the presence and influence of the PNC on the next general elections and history has already proven that the PNC does not like voters.

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

I think APNU give away too much to the AFC. The AFC is a dead and buried skeleton.

Your thinking will be confirmed pending the 2020 elections results.

Just look at the 2015 general election plus the 2016 & 2018 local government elections results and you will see a trend of AFC bleeding. Likewise most of the coalition votes will come from PNC voters and strongholds.

The new PM candidate Ramjattan took a bloody beating in the two LGEs at #47 Village Corentyne and will get more lashing on March 2. 

Source: GECOM

LGE Results 2016

#47 Village should be in the Good Hope / #51 Local Authority

PPP - 724 Votes ,

AFC -182 Votes

Good Hope / No.51 / Perseverance Development Association - 215 Votes

LGE Results 2018

PPP- 667 Votes

APNU - 257 Votes

AFC - 61 Votes

2015 General Elections

4  Divisions :Good Hope/ No 45 ,No 46 ,Rising Sun / Floyd Ward (2)

APNU/AFC: 115  Votes

PPP : 665 Votes


Can these results  from the area used as bench mark  for the 2020 Elections.

Last edited by Django

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Do the 1980 Constitution, with patch work done for the past 39 yrs , defines all the nitty gritty for Coalition Government ?

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Who succeeded Janet?

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Who succeeded Janet?

Why asking such hard questions ?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Who succeeded Janet?

Why asking such hard questions?

Not sure if people don’t think before posting!

kp posted:
Django posted:

Team Granger and Khemraj plus the guy in grey suit, three to the two Dr...Dr.. let the game begins...

Is really two and one half, one of them is an invalid.

Just like your hatred might make you  some day, if not so already.  

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Who succeeded Janet?

You are much smarter for such a response. 

my comment has to do with Granger asked to respect the constitution but then want a separate rule to circumvent the principle of the constitution. 

What Janet has to do with Granger comment. ( this can be another discussion on another thread) 

Didn’t APNU promise to get in office and have respect for rule and law. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Who succeeded Janet?

Why asking such hard questions?

Not sure if people don’t think before posting!

That’s certainly apply to you in this circumstance. 

Tola posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Team Granger and Khemraj plus the guy in grey suit, three to the two Dr...Dr.. let the game begins...

Is really two and one half, one of them is an invalid.

Just like your hatred might make you  some day, if not so already.  

Thanks for spreading love you jerk.

kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Team Granger and Khemraj plus the guy in grey suit, three to the two Dr...Dr.. let the game begins...

Is really two and one half, one of them is an invalid.

Just like your hatred might make you  some day, if not so already.  

Thanks for spreading love you jerk.

When you criticize a person's medical condition, don't be surprised if worse happens to you some day.

There are millions of words to describe your hatred, than to dwell on a person's disability.   

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

“The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana... David Granger.

How can the principle of the constitution be respected when Granger/ PNCR would not allow the PM to take over the Presidential status in the event???  

Who succeeded Janet?

You are much smarter for such a response. 

my comment has to do with Granger asked to respect the constitution but then want a separate rule to circumvent the principle of the constitution. 

What Janet has to do with Granger comment. ( this can be another discussion on another thread) 

Didn’t APNU promise to get in office and have respect for rule and law. 

No!   Your issue is the PM not acceding to President!  So my question, who succeeded Janet!

Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Team Granger and Khemraj plus the guy in grey suit, three to the two Dr...Dr.. let the game begins...

Is really two and one half, one of them is an invalid.

Just like your hatred might make you  some day, if not so already.  

Thanks for spreading love you jerk.

When you criticize a person's medical condition, don't be surprised if worse happens to you some day.

There are millions of words to describe your hatred, than to dwell on a person's disability.   

Rumjaat is a Political subject, all politicians are open for criticisms . Maybe you are related to him, too bad he is a Jackass. He and Nagga sold the poor Indians out and did just the same to his family.

kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Team Granger and Khemraj plus the guy in grey suit, three to the two Dr...Dr.. let the game begins...

Is really two and one half, one of them is an invalid.

Just like your hatred might make you  some day, if not so already.  

Thanks for spreading love you jerk.

When you criticize a person's medical condition, don't be surprised if worse happens to you some day.

There are millions of words to describe your hatred, than to dwell on a person's disability.   

Rumjaat is a Political subject, all politicians are open for criticisms . Maybe you are related to him, too bad he is a Jackass. He and Nagga sold the poor Indians out and did just the same to his family.

Carry on.  I hope life don't teach you a harsh lesson of reality. 


It is my opinion that the AFC lost out during these negotiations.  Reduced amount of MPs, Ramjattan committing to not becoming the president if anything happens to Granger, one less minister plus Granger gets to name the MPs. Not certain how the 5 cabinet ministers will be named. Considering that Granger said that he will act within the powers given to him in the constitution, he might be choosing the ministers.

it is interesting that the two negotiators, though being ranking members of the AFC, will directly benefit from the accord. Optics is that they were protecting their jobs instead of what was good for the AFC.

i have always said that the AFC will take what the PNC chooses to give them. 

The schematics for the next elections really remains the same. All the small parties, including the AFC are now fighting for the AFC previous voters making it unlikely that they will get a seat, though they will help to drain support away from the AFC.

Django posted:
kp posted:

He and Nagga sold the poor Indians out and did just the same to his family.

How so ?  can you exprapolate .

It’s written in sand for you. 

The evidence are there, is people like you who  pretends to be blind selectively. 

Zed posted:

It is my opinion that the AFC lost out during these negotiations.  Reduced amount of MPs, Ramjattan committing to not becoming the president if anything happens to Granger, one less minister plus Granger gets to name the MPs. Not certain how the 5 cabinet ministers will be named. Considering that Granger said that he will act within the powers given to him in the constitution, he might be choosing the ministers.

it is interesting that the two negotiators, though being ranking members of the AFC, will directly benefit from the accord. Optics is that they were protecting their jobs instead of what was good for the AFC.

i have always said that the AFC will take what the PNC chooses to give them. 

The schematics for the next elections really remains the same. All the small parties, including the AFC are now fighting for the AFC previous voters making it unlikely that they will get a seat, though they will help to drain support away from the AFC.

Correct!  Basically the AFC has been reduced to nothing.  Granger will put in who he wants and who will drive his agenda and help mitigate the hardliners in the PNC!  

Granger has basically taken control of the AFC!  Ramjattan will be a talking head!

Granger out foxing everyone!


He "foxing" them. I can't say the correct word here, cause it will cause an uproar. All I can say is that Granger just gave the AFC a good "burger"

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

When you criticize a person's medical condition, don't be surprised if worse happens to you some day.

There are millions of words to describe your hatred, than to dwell on a person's disability.   

Rumjaat is a Political subject, all politicians are open for criticisms . Maybe you are related to him, too bad he is a Jackass. He and Nagga sold the poor Indians out and did just the same to his family.

Correction, Moses and Ramjattan are now Guyana's new political whores. Granger is pimping them out for cheap.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

He and Nagga sold the poor Indians out and did just the same to his family.

How so ?  can you exprapolate .

It’s written in sand for you. The evidence are there, is people like you who  pretends to be blind selectively. 

Oh please !!!  talking of blind selectivity ?? it's always the motive to coverup by pointing fingers on others.


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