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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC Crooks.

Once a crook always a crook.


PNC Crooks Part 2 = PNC crooks Part 1

The truth shall set you free.  Tell it as it is. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC Crooks.

Once a crook always a crook.


PNC Crooks Part 2 = PNC crooks Part 1

The truth shall set you free.  Tell it as it is. 


The PNC will destroy Guyana in one year. Indos have to get their passports ready to depart.

Originally Posted by Django:

Can somebody say how much the PPP spend???

and where the money came from.Inquiring minds

will like answers.


Oi man, you in the wrong thread, this is for the wimp brigade.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:

Can somebody say how much the PPP spend???

and where the money came from.Inquiring minds

will like answers.


Oi man, you in the wrong thread, this is for the wimp brigade.


Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:

Can somebody say how much the PPP spend???

and where the money came from.Inquiring minds

will like answers.


Oi man, you in the wrong thread, this is for the wimp brigade.


Erase it fas!  Maybe we should ask if the mod could erase yours an mine, hehe

Last edited by cain

Missing from this discussion.

How much money did the PPP spend on its 2015 general election campaign and what was the source of that money? Jagdeo has no moral right to hold APNU accountable when the PPP's campaign expenditure is secret. At least the AFC has stepped forward with its disclosure.

The coalition government back down when Jagdeo said to make it law for all parliamentarians and former Presidents to disclose their assets. The coalition government preaches accountability and don't practice it. This is another election gimmick.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Missing from this discussion.

How much money did the PPP spend on its 2015 general election campaign and what was the source of that money? Jagdeo has no moral right to hold APNU accountable when the PPP's campaign expenditure is secret. At least the AFC has stepped forward with its disclosure.

And how many contractors are now unpaid, because the PPP planned to pay them from the taxpayers' funds, but having lost, obviously cannot do so.


The Indo KKK screams that the PPP owns Guyana, so they can do what ever they wish, and nobody can stop them.


US$2 million for an election campaign just for the AFC in GUYANA!!  Where does all that money go? Wow.  I better start collecting donations for my campaign from now.  Anybody knows how to set up a Paypal account fuh me?  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:

US$2 million for an election campaign just for the AFC in GUYANA!!  Where does all that money go? Wow.  I better start collecting donations for my campaign from now.  Anybody know how to set up a Paypal account fuh me?  

So you think U$2million is a lot of money for a campaign? You'll only get a minute or so of a political commercial with that in the US.

Originally Posted by VVP:

US$2 million for an election campaign just for the AFC in GUYANA!!  Where does all that money go? Wow.  I better start collecting donations for my campaign from now.  Anybody know how to set up a Paypal account fuh me?  

Why asking for help i am sure you can set it up.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by VVP:

US$2 million for an election campaign just for the AFC in GUYANA!!  Where does all that money go? Wow.  I better start collecting donations for my campaign from now.  Anybody know how to set up a Paypal account fuh me?  

So you think U$2million is a lot of money for a campaign? You'll only get a minute or so of a political commercial with that in the US.

I know but what's the US economy compared to Guyana.  The smallest regulated electric company in NY alone raise more revenues than Guyana's entire budget.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by VVP:

US$2 million for an election campaign just for the AFC in GUYANA!!  Where does all that money go? Wow.  I better start collecting donations for my campaign from now.  Anybody know how to set up a Paypal account fuh me?  

Why asking for help i am sure you can set it up.


I want to blame somebody else if the donations do not come in 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by VVP:

US$2 million for an election campaign just for the AFC in GUYANA!!  Where does all that money go? Wow.  I better start collecting donations for my campaign from now.  Anybody know how to set up a Paypal account fuh me?  

So you think U$2million is a lot of money for a campaign? You'll only get a minute or so of a political commercial with that in the US.

I know but what's the US economy compared to Guyana.  The smallest regulated electric company in NY alone raise more revenues than Guyana's entire budget.

And why is that? Because the PPP has not been paying its electricity bills over 23 years. Imagine how many U$millions were lost that  way each year.

Dr. Jagdeo made a big mistake not to put the PNC in jail for corruption and criminality against Indians. Burnham put Cheddi and his wife in jail like Ghandi. This is a sign of weakness on our part.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Dr. Jagdeo made a big mistake not to put the PNC in jail for corruption and criminality against Indians. Burnham put Cheddi and his wife in jail like Ghandi. This is a sign of weakness on our part.

Dr. Jagdeo, eh !! Which university did he attend ?

University of Hixon, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in Australia ?  

Last edited by Tola
Maduro will present Granger with a doctorate degree with a fat rope around his neck for letting that coconut scraper belittle Venezuela from an enemy county. The same way Granger get a long bamboo for traitorous Indians, American get steel rods for Granger and his blind incompetents MP's.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
he same way Granger get a long bamboo for traitorous Indians,

Yes, you are an expert on it, given that it was pushed into you every night, until they tired of you.


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