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APNU and AFC taking lead role in rumor mongering and hysteria

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Saturday, 19 November 2011 05:10
Source - Guyana Chronicle

THE ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has come out against ‘slanderous rumour-mongering and unwarranted attacks’ being made against it by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC).

A statement from the PPP/C last evening said this was being done at APNU and AFC public meetings, through opposition newspapers, and through APNU’s One Voice News Network.

“ APNU/AFC cannot confront the People’s Progressive Party/Civic nor its Presidential Candidate, Mr. Donald Ramotar in a debate on plans and vision for Guyana,” the statement said. “However, it is understood that people without plans and vision will resort to personal attacks and slander against members of the PPP/C and their families, rather than promoting what they intend to do for the people of Guyana.

“The recent public attacks on the PPP/C organizers, supporters, and more recently, the credentials of the Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud and other government functionaries, is a reflection of the frustration and lack of leadership of APNU and AFC.

“The assertions by APNU’s George Bulkan and his political handlers will not gain any momentum for APNU at the upcoming polls, as the Guyanese public is well informed of the PPP/C’s credentials and future plans. APNU and the AFC are disorganized and now resorting to rumor mongering, propagating disunity, and promoting dastardly attacks because they have nothing palatable to offer the people of Guyana.

“Meanwhile, the PPP/C has been in the forefront to engage the citizens of this country, highlighting the vision and future plans for Guyana and more importantly, how further transformation will be realized.

“As we approach election day, the opposition and its supporters are becoming more desperate in their attempts to create disunity and spread havoc amongst Guyanese. The PPP/C is therefore urging all political parties to avoid the incitement of violence and racial disunity, and allow for the successful hosting of national and general elections.“This and other similar acts of desperation are appearing more frequently as we approach November 28, 2011. Additionally, there seems to be an abandonment of all appearances of decency as is exhibited in a statement issued by APNU’s so called “Once Voice News Network”, dated November 18, 2011. This simulation of a newsletter is headlined, ‘Plans to postpone Guyana’s elections by planned execution revealed?’ The article informs ‘the Network has learnt from a credible foreign source that plans are in place to assassinate one of Guyana’s opposition Presidential Candidates before the end of next week.’

“ The remainder of the newsletter follows in similar vein, a litany of distortions, misrepresentations and lies which are all engineered to make a mockery of the APNU and AFC signing on to the GECOM sponsored Code of Conduct for Political Parties contesting the 2011 general and regional elections. “Can anyone deny that the particular APNU publication is not offensive to the declaration of the parties to, “forbid the publication of any pamphlet, poster, cartoon or any other material containing texts which could offend or incite people to cause public disorder. We invite the Guyana Elections Commission to investigate,” the statement concludes.

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This is a joke right? Gotta be. After all isn't Jagdeo shouting on the pulpit that some people are "jackasses" etc? Isn't he the one cussing out people left, right and center? Poor cryababies. Someone should change Jagdeo's diapers.
Election is around the corner and the PPP still building and building, fulfilling contracts. They are taking the country to new dimentions.

Businesses are flourishing, people are going back home.

Peter Ramsaroop must have been a good influence on them..

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