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APNU and AFC’s refusal to sign onto Gecom’s Code of Conduct raises questions

Published on Friday, 07 October 2011 20:14
Written by Super User

The Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic is questioning A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change’s (AFC) refusal to sign onto Guyana elections code of conduct for the upcoming elections.

Many believe that the Parties refusal to endorse the code of conduct is a lack of commitment for free, fair and peaceful elections.

“Their objective will not help an Environment in which we are seeking to foster peaceful, free and fair elections, in fact it certainly suggests commitment that is short of ensuring that elections are free and fair and civil” Minister Persaud said.

Speaking on behalf of the Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic the elections committee member has expressed disappointment with the move by the two political parties. The ruling party was the first to sign on to the code of conduct crafted by the elections commission. APNU had initially refused to sign onto the code of conduct citing Gecom’s failure to adequately address critical components as the reason.

The opposition party, as recent as Thursday, said it will not sign onto the document unless its demands are met since it is not convinced that the document crafted by Gecom does not indicate Gecom’s commitment for the hosting of free and fair elections.

The political movement had also indicated its intention to draft its own code of conduct for the upcoming elections but will be extracting elements from the Gecom document that it is refusing to sign.

The alliance for change has also announced its refusal to sign onto the code of conduct which comes on the heels of the APNU’S decision.

Gecom has said that political parties endorsing the code of conduct will demonstrate their willingness to implement their respective election campaign strategies in ways that contributes to the maintenance of peace and tranquility throughout and beyond the elections.

However, the opposition political parties refusal to endorse the code of conduct raises the question of whether the parties are really in favour of peaceful, free and fair elections. The PNC/R, a major component of the APNU, had refused to sign onto the code of conduct during the 2006 elections.

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However, the opposition political parties refusal to endorse the code of conduct raises the question of whether the parties are really in favour of peaceful, free and fair elections.

To be seen.
The opposition parties should not sign this agreement until they get free and fair access to NCN and broadcast radio.

I am in full agreement with this, the PPP cannot want to behave like an immature little girl and then point the fingers in the opposite direction when there are problems.

This is classic Guyana PPP nasty politricking.

Stop this shit and show leadership jagdeo and ramotar. Enough is enough Ramjattan is right to tell them to take this and shove it where the sun dont shine.

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