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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

Why?  It is their conversations with black people which made them stop disgracing themselves by sucking sour PPP milk, and surrendering themselves as slaves or to be Phantoms.


And what proof do you have that these are ACDA.  From what I have seen ACDA folks are mostly ageing.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


a lil heckling; a lil ironic bt shaking . . .


"ACDA crowd"? are you serious?


big man like u scared of wan and two loud Black women armed with nothing but ridicule for shameless, condescending PPP tiefman . . . smfh


Brian Teekah, you sound like u about to endorse Bharat because of dis . . . please, doan let the door hit your silly ass on the way out


get a grip dude; shove lil greenheart up yuh spine and/or step away from the crack pipe, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

But they won't, this is a PNC hood-wink action.


But this is great news for the PPP.  They will never win votes here even if the hand out milk and honey.  Wavering Indians, take note, this is what a PNC victory hold for the Indian masses.  Beware, the katahars on the inside cannot/will not protect you.  They will be too busy hanging on for their dear livelihood at the expense of the 99%.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

But they won't, this is a PNC hood-wink action.


But this is great news for the PPP.  They will never win votes here even if the hand out milk and honey.  Wavering Indians, take note, this is what a PNC victory hold for the Indian masses.  Beware, the katahars on the inside cannot/will not protect you.  They will be too busy hanging on for their dear livelihood at the expense of the 99%.

Why don't you shut you racist rass Base BOARD and haul in your corner in New Jersey?

Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

But they won't, this is a PNC hood-wink action.


But this is great news for the PPP.  They will never win votes here even if the hand out milk and honey.  Wavering Indians, take note, this is what a PNC victory hold for the Indian masses.  Beware, the katahars on the inside cannot/will not protect you.  They will be too busy hanging on for their dear livelihood at the expense of the 99%.

Why don't you shut you racist rass Base BOARD and haul in your corner in New Jersey?

Try me!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

But they won't, this is a PNC hood-wink action.


But this is great news for the PPP.  They will never win votes here even if the hand out milk and honey.  Wavering Indians, take note, this is what a PNC victory hold for the Indian masses.  Beware, the katahars on the inside cannot/will not protect you.  They will be too busy hanging on for their dear livelihood at the expense of the 99%.

Why don't you shut you racist rass Base BOARD and haul in your corner in New Jersey?

Try me!

LOL.  Never tried a BASE BOARD YET!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

i am not following at all Brian


please explain

Brian fails to understand that this are both very intelligent and articulate men and have done much good for Guyana.  Indeed Eric has engaged in real programs to help disenfranchised youth, gaining recognition/support from foreign gov'ts when the PPP refused to help him.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

APNU should call Eric Phillips and David Hinds out for their rabid racism.

But they won't, this is a PNC hood-wink action.



baseman, i know it sounds nice and all, but what u posted above makes no sense in any context


ridicule is the only appropriate response . . .


Oswald Bates doing Baseman

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


Do not believe

anything the PPP saying.


Lamumba & Kwame 

paying Black people

To Dress up in Green & Yellow

and to do mischief

and Blame the Alliance.


If that Happen

in front of the Police


Who yuh gon Blame?

What happened in Buxton were ordinary Buxtonians who remain agry at the brutality and abuse that they suffered under Jagdeo.  They became irate that these PPP folks were bold face enough to walk into their village and tell their lies.


Guyanese need to stop being terrified of authority figures.


No stones or bottles were thrown and the crowd made no attempt to intimidate any one, because if this did occur, we surely would have known about this.


people . . . get a grip


i simply do not understand the mindset of some AFC-APNU supporters here


Buxton, Sophia, Tiger Bay, Warlock . . . the most alienated of the alienated (women) under PPP rule shake their butts, scream and mercilessly heckle the Freedom House thugocracy visiting their ghettos to harangue, browbeat, gloat and insult them in their misery . . . certainly NOT to solicit their votes


the optics is important . . . propaganda crew cameras are rolling to capture every pee, every flounce, every curse, every jeer to paint these poor people as rawan, irredeemable  . . . savage, unfit


lost in the twisted counter-reason mind f*ck is the fact that these blackman are exercising free speech, are breaking no law, are assaulting no one, are actually prevented from assaulting anyone by Coalition worthies and the much maligned Afro-Guyanese police


we have now come to the point in the campaign where pretense is out the window . . . the PPP has lost the war to portray David Granger as Forbes Burnham channeling Idi Amin Dada


no pretense means that jagdeo dem, Swami dem, baseman dem, shaitaan dem no longer feel need to fig leaf the raw race appeals with 'politics'


those angry, insulted, put upon, provoked, (PPP) manipulated Black women must be packaged and sold as toxic sludge to Indo-Guyanese since their menfolk have had the nerve to have the good sense not to make war on their Indian brethren


the PPP script for election violence has been rubbished . . . what we see here is much hand wringing over what should have been and what is still hoped for to herd the decisive undecideds into the gangsters' pen


very disappointed with Coalition supporters letting their class and race blinders subvert common sense

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:


Do not believe

anything the PPP saying.


Lamumba & Kwame 

paying Black people

To Dress up in Green & Yellow

and to do mischief

and Blame the Alliance.


If the PPP is Truthful

and If that Happen

in front of the Police


Who yuh gon Blame?


I do not think the Police

is shielding Alliance Supporters

Kishan, i have no doubt that lumumba, kwamee dem are doing their dark work with the agent provacateurs


i am simply asking why the the demonization of the women for at worst making plenty noise and behaving badly


vulgar yes, funny certainly . . . but "THUGS"!!??


dude, there was like one man being vocal in Buxton; at Sophia, of peeing on/burning PPP flag fame, all the men were watching quietly . . . PPP sad like raas!


what exactly is the point of grown men getting all hysterical and judgmental over a few women getting loud and shaking their asses?


tell me

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


What's wrong with you? Every citizen has a right to express his or her views to politicians who are vying for office in parliament. It is not up to one party to tell the voters how to behave towards other fellow politicians. It is the job of the police to keep law and order at such political gatherings.


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