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Rohee: APNU contradicting itself


GENERAL-Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr. Clement Rohee, contends that the recent positions taken by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) contradict themselves.

According to him, in one breath, the coalition is saying that the PPP, (PPP), in expressing its concerns about the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE), is behaving “like a cornered rat” because the Party is “fearful of election”; and in another they have expressed similar concerns, particularly as it relates to the inclusion of deceased persons on the PLE.
The “cornered rat” comment was made by APNU’s Shadow Local Government Minister, Mr. Ronald Bulkan, while the Shadow Education Minister, Ms. Amna Ally, stated that the inclusion of deceased persons on the PLE can be classified as “an error” that must be addressed by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). Both made their comments at a press briefing hosted by the Party last Friday.
“APNU wants a clean and transparent list of electors. We do not subscribe to the disenfranchisement of any elector, regardless or his or her ethnicity. Let it be known that APNU too has its field staff who are doing field work. We urge GECOM to do its best and produce a transparent list of electors so that all concerned can be happy,” the party said in a statement released last Friday.
The Chairman of GECOM, Dr. Steve Surujbally, has since disclosed that the inclusion of the names of deceased persons is an issue that is being addressed by the Commission, adding that several other concerns expressed by stakeholders have been addressed.
In an invited comment, Surujbally told this newspaper that the Commission’s ongoing work will see it ready for either general or local government elections.
Dr. Surujbally added that GECOM is doing all it can to improve its operations, an undertaken that has been financially supported in the 2014 Budget. “I would go berserk if we have chopped. We have the funding we need,” he said.
The budgetary allocation of $3.3B for the Commission’s administration and other related costs was approved by the National Assembly. Of the allocations, $1.7B is set aside for the Commission and $1.6B for elections administration. Both sums cater to employment costs for 337 employees and other expenses, while $126.7M is earmarked for the provision of buildings, a trestle, vehicles, boats, engines, office furniture and equipment.
The money is intended to allow for GECOM to exercise general direction and supervision over the registration of electors and the administrative conduct of all elections of members of the National Assembly, the Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) and more local authorities in Guyana. (Vanessa Narine)


source: Guyana Chronicle

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Dats the Purple Banna, he should show first Lady how fo dress. Is the one in black...Kwame? If this is the case then I now know the reason for the gun.

Dats the kinda kinky stuff Rev does talk about that got diamond tips.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:


PNC will always remain a terrorist organization.

They are a part of the present PPP, so yeahhh.

Last edited by cain

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