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Former Member

The much touted A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) countrywide protest exercise commenced yesterday. And judging by the numbers it appears that many of its supporters haven’t bought into the party’s position on the need for Local Government Elections (LGE). A handful of familiar faces joined David Granger and other party leaders in front of Office of the President. We were told that it was much the same in terms of turn out in other areas across the country which similar demonstrations were held.

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Conscience, in case you think the small number of APNU protesters is dispiriting, it isn't.

In case you think the small APNU protest actions are laughable, they aren't.

Granger is a military strategist. He has information that Rohee is recruiting thugs to infiltrate APNU demonstrations.

Granger has figured out correctly that it is highly difficult for Rohee's thugs to operate if each APNU protest action is measured and manageable.

Conscience, you may laugh off the small APNU protests, but let me remind you something.

I took part in 20 PPP picketing exercises when that party was in the opposition and the charismatic Jagans were at the helm. I have photos of five of those PPP picketing events which I cut out from the Mirror newspaper. Most of the 20 which I participated in didn't exceed 12 picketers.

One had only 7 placard-bearing fools like me standing in front the Public Buildings drawing attention to Burnham banning flour. Imagine, the whole country was affected by the flour banning but only 7 fools including myself took time to stand up with pink and blue bristol board placards demanding an end to the ban and shouting "SHAME"like mad people. And that was a PPP-organized picketing exercise. Think about that.


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

What a "Massive" crowd.

this is how it all start

Bunch of idiots when there are no massive crowds wreaking havoc they are trying to mock the protest efforts and claim that it was a small gathering, you dim wits better pray it remains a small gathering.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Conscience, in case you think the small number of APNU protesters is dispiriting, it isn't.

In case you think the small APNU protest actions are laughable, they aren't.

Granger is a military strategist. He has information that Rohee is recruiting thugs to infiltrate APNU demonstrations.

Granger has figured out correctly that it is highly difficult for Rohee's thugs to operate if each APNU protest action is measured and manageable.

Conscience, you may laugh off the small APNU protests, but let me remind you something.

I took part in 20 PPP picketing exercises when that party was in the opposition and the charismatic Jagans were at the helm. I have photos of five of those PPP picketing events which I cut out from the Mirror newspaper. Most of the 20 which I participated in didn't exceed 12 picketers.

One had only 7 placard-bearing fools like me standing in front the Public Buildings drawing attention to Burnham banning flour. Imagine, the whole country was affected by the flour banning but only 7 fools including myself took time to stand up with pink and blue bristol board placards demanding an end to the ban and shouting "SHAME"like mad people. And that was a PPP-organized picketing exercise. Think about that.


With posters like Gilly and others from the PPP, who stood up to Burnham for the people of Guyana to now speak ill of the PPP of today is rather appalling. It is obvious to anyone reading that the country is under seige by bullies who know nothing...absolutely nothing about running a country.


For those who now reek of the rotten stench emiting from the PPP corner I bid thee farewell.. soon.


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Conscience, in case you think the small number of APNU protesters is dispiriting, it isn't.

In case you think the small APNU protest actions are laughable, they aren't.

Granger is a military strategist. He has information that Rohee is recruiting thugs to infiltrate APNU demonstrations.

Granger has figured out correctly that it is highly difficult for Rohee's thugs to operate if each APNU protest action is measured and manageable.

Conscience, you may laugh off the small APNU protests, but let me remind you something.

I took part in 20 PPP picketing exercises when that party was in the opposition and the charismatic Jagans were at the helm. I have photos of five of those PPP picketing events which I cut out from the Mirror newspaper. Most of the 20 which I participated in didn't exceed 12 picketers.

One had only 7 placard-bearing fools like me standing in front the Public Buildings drawing attention to Burnham banning flour. Imagine, the whole country was affected by the flour banning but only 7 fools including myself took time to stand up with pink and blue bristol board placards demanding an end to the ban and shouting "SHAME"like mad people. And that was a PPP-organized picketing exercise. Think about that.


With posters like Gilly and others from the PPP, who stood up to Burnham for the people of Guyana to now speak ill of the PPP of today is rather appalling. It is obvious to anyone reading that the country is under seige by bullies who know nothing...absolutely nothing about running a country.


For those who now reek of the rotten stench emiting from the PPP corner I bid thee farewell.. soon.


Cain, there is a sequel to what I wrote above. I might as well bring it out now as it is not a "skeleton."

One morning in 1984, Cheddi Jagan saw me at Freedom House and invited me into his office for a chat. At that time I was Secretary of the Georgetown PPP Group. He asked me if I had any ideas on how to improve Party work. In the process of elaborating, I told him I was not happy with the very small turnout at PPP picketing exercises.

Very calmly, Dr Jagan said: "Comrade, I am not happy too. I want massive demonstrations, but I have to be realistic. The people are living in fear under the PNC regime. We have to understand that."

I then told him that our party group meetings at Freedom House had usually low attendance, less than 10 persons, except when Congress was coming up.

Cain, you won't believe how Jagan the Marxist-Leninist responded to that.

Here's what he said: "Comrade, indeed we must work to attract new members. But don't let the small attendance break your spirit. Jesus Christ said 'wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them.' We revolutionaries must borrow some ideas from the Church, even from the bourgeoisie. Not all of them are bad. What is important is to keep up the party work regardless of attendance."





The PPP is not your grandfather Oldsmobile you used to push start. It's a Ferrari in modern time, reshaped and configured by the honorable, Dr. Bharat Jagdeo. Welcome to the new PPP. You can only love it, because there is nothing to hate.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bharat Jagdeo destroyed Guyana and nearly cost the PPP the 2011 election.

Nearly, but not fully. I can accept that. The PPP learn their mistakes and will not repeat it. Amen.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Bharat Jagdeo destroyed Guyana and nearly cost the PPP the 2011 election.

Nearly, but not fully. I can accept that. The PPP learn their mistakes and will not repeat it. Amen.

You right, they not repeating the same ones, they makin nice bigger an newer ones.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP is not your grandfather Oldsmobile you used to push start. It's a Ferrari in modern time, reshaped and configured by the honorable, Dr. Bharat Jagdeo. Welcome to the new PPP. You can only love it, because there is nothing to hate.




Cobra just knocked out Gil with a Muhammad Ali punch.


I agree that old farts like Gil should enjoy their retirement and not join a sinking Burger Party full of scandals and skeletons.


Gil, hand over the torch to Cobra

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP is not your grandfather Oldsmobile you used to push start. It's a Ferrari in modern time, reshaped and configured by the honorable, Dr. Bharat Jagdeo. Welcome to the new PPP. You can only love it, because there is nothing to hate.

Jagdeo has made the PPP the diseased organism it is today. He is the origin of its corrupt practices and the agency behind all of its vindictiveness. The PPP today is a mean spirited party populated by Petty potentates who believe god granted them Guyana as their naturally deserving legacy. They are absolutely impervious to criticisms, blind to their own excesses and think misuse of the state's assets is impossible since their daddy owned it all. There is nothing but a bunch of irredeemably corruptocrats in that party and it is all Jagdeo's disease. One cannot drain the poison from that regime without amputating all of jagdeo's fingers which is on all levers of the state.


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