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Former Member

APNU has no Chairman, General Secretary, so who’s making statements on our behalf? – MP

Missives continue to be shared announcing “decisions” made by the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), but the bloc has not met since former Chairman, David Granger and General Secretary, Joseph Harmon resigned. “This nonsense has to stop”, says opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Tabitha Sarabo-Halley of the APNU-affiliated, Guyana Nation Builders Movement (GNBM).

“The APNU has not met since January 25th 2022 when the chairmanship of David Granger came to an end and the General Secretary position ended. So I am not sure who has been sending out letters and making statements on behalf of the APNU. #fedup,” the Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) said via a recent Facebook post.

Sarabo-Halley, a former Public Service Minister, maintained that the APNU has not nominated anyone to fill vacant opposition seats in the National Assembly following the resignation of the Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon and former Education Minister, Nicollette Henry. While the responsibility to reallocate seats is solely that of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) because its members have resigned, those nominations must not be repackaged to look like an APNU decision, the MP said.

“The two vacant seats belong to the PNC and so they have a right to choose who they want to replace the two persons that [sic] resigned. However, time and time again someone keeps putting out statements as though the APNU has met and made decisions,” Sarabo-Halley wrote.

She added that all her requests to discuss matters have “been met with silence”.

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Granger is useless and lack leadership qualities. He should haul his silent self and let the younger generation take over the ship.  Guyanese need a more vibrant opposition to deal with the PPP's shameless skullduggeries.


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