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Former Member


Good morning Mr. Solomon,

I don't know you and I am not a friend of yours so this sadly is my communication method of choice. I write to you because I know that you were the intellectual author of the picketing and other events that took place at the Mackenzie High School on Friday night. I know this because someone who attended your meeting allowed me to listen in by telephone ( yes these things happen ).

As the Architect behind this exercise I have a few questions for you.

1. How does this display and the resultant negative media coverage benefit your cause?
2. How does this negative imagery on social media of black woman-hood negate the stereo type and are you happy with the coverage?
3. You claimed that you and your councilors were 'disrespected' by not being invited to the meeting; tell me, is it your view that in order to review this conflict you must resort to disrespect of the party leadership? (in other words does two wrongs make a right?).
4.Finally what is your end game? You have shown scant regard/ respect for the institution of the leadership of the PNCR, (a party I have been a member of for 43 years). Do you think this exercise bodes well for your future as a possible leader of the party? You have opened Pandora's box and if this type of thinking is not abated then someday you will be on the receiving end; NO?. I close with some thoughts from a PNCR member in the Diaspora who wrote to me today and this is how she ended her mail.....(see para below).

For too long indiscipline has been left to be interpreted as democracy. Time to stem this unwarranted tide. I am fearful that this disregard for party leadership will plague the organization for many moons to come, if certain actions are not taken sooner rather than later. No one will be able to lead the PNCR if this lawlessness continues unabated.

You are young and you have political ambitions, but you will not get there by employing a scorched earth initiative; more flies have been caught with honey than vinegar.

No reply needed

Mark Archer


Mark Archer,
Some things to note:-
Your friendship is immaterial to the issues you raised. As an elected Regional Chairman on the APNU ticket and you being the APNU Communications Director, that you claim not to know me is a deficiency of yours as a communication operative;
That you ascribe to me the ability to conceptualise and mobilise a protest, whose numbers was greater than those that attended the meeting, is to bestow on me significant influence. I shall bear this in mind in future party deliberation and mobilisation;
Discipline for me is guided by political philosophy, laws, party rules and the will of the people, which together constitute democracy. You should pay heed;
I’m privy to recordings of you and others hatching a plan to destroy some of us in Region 10. I’m also privy to statements made of the Leader you purport to serve, including expressed concerns that he doesn’t take advice;
Threats don’t deter me. Threats are made by cowards and only accepted by the weak at heart;
Longevity has its place, but it is no automatic guarantee that learning has taken place;
And finally, the party’s philosophy, rules, Sophia Declaration and time-honoured principles are my political teachings.
PS- since no reply is needed by you even though you seek to tarnish my character by BCC to others whom have informed me of your letter, for those whom have not so informed, this correspondence is placed for their benefit. I would hate for it be thought that the APNU Communications Director, a party member for 43 years, has threatened me into silence and bowing at his feet.
Sharma Solomon
PNCR member 
Chairman, Amelia Ward PNCR group
Regional Chairman (Region 10)

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