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Former Member

APNU can turn around the crime situation in Guyana


May 28, 2014 | By

Dear Editor,

In Guyana the rapid escalation in crime shows no sign of abating; actually, it is getting worse and Mr. Clement Rohee’s contention that his People’s Progressive Party can turn around our crime situation lacks credibility only because of the PPP continued facilitation of criminal activity; its abysmal record in dealing with crime; its past collusion with criminals, and the fact that neither Mr. Rohee or the PPP regime have presented a plan to reduce crime.
The fact that the PPP regime posted Shaun Hinds (whose criminal activities are well known) to guard Carol Sooba clearly conveys its association with criminals as it did in the past with the Roger Khan crew.
Between 2000 and 2006 when Mr. Jagdeo was in office, there were over 400 extra-judicial murders—an average of roughly 70 a year, with a peak of 97 in 2005. That is an average of 8 murders every week. Kidnappings during the same period reached its peak, yet Mr. Rohee boasts the PPP administration was able to reduce crime. Is he in denial of his highly visible incompetency? Crime is a PPP problem.
What is also significant is that statistics show that when Mr. Rohee assumed the office as the Minister of Home Affairs, crime, especially murders, rose exponentially. Mr. Rohee’s contention that crime continues to be a problem because the major opposition party association with criminals is blatantly false and he should apologized not only to the PNC but to the people for his incompetency to reduce crime.
For the past ten years, crime has become a PPP problem and Mr. Rohee still cannot articulate a functional and workable crime plan. Only a silly and Waco Minister would compare today’s crime rate to that of the Burnham era 28 years ago. His crime plan consists mainly of criticizing the APNU day-in, day-out while abdicating any responsibility in the matter and offering no solutions whatever.
To criticize the opposition for the high crime rate is naive, simplistic, myopic and real backward thinking.
Furthermore, he and his minority PPP regime have voted against everything the opposition has taken to Parliament to deal with crime. In spite of the PPP total lack of support, the opposition, especially APNU continues to articulate policies to reduce crime.
APNU has called on the PPP government to introduce legislation to increase penalties to the Firearms (Amendment) Act; the Anti-Gang Act; the Trafficking in Persons Act and the Bail (Amendment) Act. In addition, APNU has called for a modern communication system, more vehicles and professional training for the police, an increased presence and visibility of police in the streets, the creation of a Rapid-Response Police Unit and a Police Highway Patrol.
Despite Mr. Rohee’s ranting and raving, no one in Guyana believes the PPP can solve the crime problem or has any intention of doing so. Further, they have abdicated their duty to fight crime and protect the citizens. What is even worse is their non-action in fighting crime is clearly an abdication of leadership and responsibility.
The APNU has a comprehensive plan to fight and reduce crime. First they believe that it is their moral obligation to deal with the crime problem and protect the citizens of Guyana. Second, unlike the PPP, APNU would make crime their primary concern and would immediately open dialogue with the people, especially the youths in every village and community to know their problems and frustrations would leave no stone unturned to get to the bottom of them.
Third, APNU would solicit the support of pastors and recognized leaders in every community to help educate the youths about the negative impact that crime could have on their lives and the country as a whole.
Fourth, APNU would embark on strategies such as to have better trained police officers and the establishment of a quick response police team to deal with the problem.
The Opposition is considered the alternative government. It is required to provide alternative ideas for solving crime and taking Guyana forward to developed-country status and not backward as is the case with this administration.
That is why in the British, Canadian and some other Commonweal countries’ constitution, the Opposition is referred to as Her Majesty’s Alternative Government. The goal of the opposition is to present alternative ideas and to stand ready to implement them once elected. But in the PPP world view, the opposition cannot or is not required by them to come up with innovative ideas. They see this as a threat to take power away from them.
We strongly believe that if elected to office, APNU can turn the crime situation around in Guyana and safeguard the security of the people.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

While I do not agree with everything in the article, I agree that the PPP is weak in fighting crime in Guyana and does not have a comprehensive plan for combating crime.


Granger is a law and order man and has conducted himself in a very professional manner despite his past association with the Burnham/Hoyte dictatorship administration and I do not understand why the PPP has not worked closely with the PNC in seeking their input in fighting  crime in Guyana.


Granger looks and talks like a changed man and is showing statesmanship.


The PPP should be consulting with the PNC in fighting crime. Time to move Guyana forward.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

While I do not agree with everything in the article, I agree that the PPP is weak in fighting crime in Guyana and does not have a comprehensive plan for combating crime.


Granger is a law and order man and has conducted himself in a very professional manner despite his past association with the Burnham/Hoyte dictatorship administration and I do not understand why the PPP has not worked closely with the PNC in seeking their input in fighting  crime in Guyana.


Granger looks and talks like a changed man and is showing statesmanship.


The PPP should be consulting with the PNC in fighting crime. Time to move Guyana forward.



So you like law and order?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

While I do not agree with everything in the article, I agree that the PPP is weak in fighting crime in Guyana and does not have a comprehensive plan for combating crime.


Granger is a law and order man and has conducted himself in a very professional manner despite his past association with the Burnham/Hoyte dictatorship administration and I do not understand why the PPP has not worked closely with the PNC in seeking their input in fighting  crime in Guyana.


Granger looks and talks like a changed man and is showing statesmanship.


The PPP should be consulting with the PNC in fighting crime. Time to move Guyana forward.



yuji, this is one of your few objective posts and I readily applaud you for it. Keep it up.

Originally Posted by redux:

a state of lawlessness is necessary for gangster government to exist

Big mouth like you can only talk. Why dont you go and start something.  El Cock does bring bach dead to America!!!

Originally Posted by ball:

Oye garmont chief is you wishing the man dead why ?

I am not wishing anyone dead. People like dat like to use Young, Poor Afro-Guyanese to go and get killed while they sit in NA. So let him go start something nah.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ball:

Oye garmont chief is you wishing the man dead why ?

Gaumont dont want Antimen, I never saw you at Gaumont.

What a rude man you is.


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