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APNU Linden “shut things down” call intended to create instability – govt official

The government on Monday accused the main opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) of “deliberately pushing for instability” after the opposition party threatened to “shut things down” in Linden and cut off access to the mineral-rich interior, if the government does not quash its plan to increase the Linden electricity tariff from July 1.

APNU’s Aubrey Norton and Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon told a public meeting in Wismar, Linden Saturday that residents cannot allow the government to move forward with the plan since the region cannot afford to pay more for electricity.

“We have to be prepared to do what is required to achieve our objective. We stand at the gateway to the interior. I say no more…we must mobilize our children, we must mobilize the youth, we must mobilize ourselves and we must be ready to do what we require to stop this government from bringing repression to the people of Linden”Norton told Lindeners.

Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon meanwhile said that Lindeners have been able to mobile themselves and “we can shut things down so I am saying to you that our actions are not many. Our action remains one- our act is that we are not going to pay a single cent increase”.

Responding to these calls, a senior government official said Monday that this call by APNU is “irresponsible,reckless and without merit”.

The official who asked not to be named since his comments were not officially from the government PR, said that the call is another demonstration that APNU is ” the same old PNC in disguise” and accused the main opposition of “creating instability”.

” No responsible political party, or any grouping for that matter will not go to its supporters and publicly tell them to create instability, tell them to cut off access to any area, that is being irresponsible and reckless” the official said.

The same official is of the view that “better sense will prevail”.

” I believe and trust the people of Linden, I know better sense will prevail and Lindens will reject this call by the APNU, the people know better” the official said.

The official also dismissed claims that the recent demonstration by the police with the water cannon was in preparations for possible street protest in Linden over the tariff hike.

The opposition is set to move a motion in parliament soon to block the government’s plan to increase the Linden electricity tariff.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They needed to do this with more tact in a stepped way and with less of a public hullabaloo.  With its moronic machinery engaged and trolling for political currency by putting out comparative charts and insisting these people are parasites you practically organized them as a political tool for the opposition. They will use it to club your stupid behinds on the head.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They needed to do this with more tact in a stepped way and with less of a public hullabaloo.  With its moronic machinery engaged and trolling for political currency by putting out comparative charts and insisting these people are parasites you practically organized them as a political tool for the opposition. They will use it to club your stupid behinds on the head.

You have no shame, look how you condone unfair subsidy to the people of Linden while the rest of the nation gets no subsidy for electricity. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

All of this goes in the opposite direction of National Unity.

 We never had or never fostered a national culture. That is crap. Both the PPP and the PNC cultivated political camps along ethnic lines and each activated their race card as they see fit to bring the other in line.  This has to change. No amount of fictive appeal to unity will come out of this arrangement.


If Ravi, Batoram, Prakash, Harripaul Somdat, Gampat, Kenwood et al of the ROAR crew left a legacy; it is sociopolitical analysis that attempts to explain and predict social and political behavior and offer solution in therms of a people's needs as he perceived them. I think their general trajectory was wrong the  analysis process necessary to change our political reality and forge a national culture was on point.



We need to acknowledge we have a race problem and seek to structure institutional fences around our prejudices to open up real discourse on political and cultural spaces. Otherwise we are doomed,

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

All of this goes in the opposite direction of National Unity.

The PPP has no interest in National Unity.  Their loss of parliament is as a result of this.


AfroGuyanese sent a message.  They are tired of an Indian dominated dictatorship.


It will be in your interest to listen to them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

We need to acknowledge we have a race problem and seek to structure institutional fences around our prejudices to open up real discourse on political and cultural spaces. Otherwise we are doomed,

I agree.  Failure to do so will lead to consequences that will ensure that EVERY one suffers.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They needed to do this with more tact in a stepped way and with less of a public hullabaloo.  With its moronic machinery engaged and trolling for political currency by putting out comparative charts and insisting these people are parasites you practically organized them as a political tool for the opposition. They will use it to club your stupid behinds on the head.

You have no shame, look how you condone unfair subsidy to the people of Linden while the rest of the nation gets no subsidy for electricity. 

 I do not believe I said the subsidy is fair. The community expect it as it was part of the lure to them to work in the bauxite industry. It is no fault of theirs the industry failed. Poor management across successive administrations did them in.


I said that once people are accustomed to a particular way they expect it to continue even if unfair. The weaning them off the subsidy has to occur with respect for them, their status in a depressed community and their already deep belly ache for the corrupt habits of the PPP.


I suggest you read rather than have the usual knee jerk reaction of a consummate racist fool. They want no less than what the sugar industry has been given.


That industry has been subsidized for the past decade and  there is a request being demanded for them to the tune of four billion dollars in the present budget. Temper your racism least  you are forced to swallow your words.


Last edited by Former Member

Hoyte once said moe fiah, this guy Granger is saying he wants to shut things down in Linden. The opposition is bent on destruction. They have nothing constructive to offer.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They needed to do this with more tact in a stepped way and with less of a public hullabaloo.  With its moronic machinery engaged and trolling for political currency by putting out comparative charts and insisting these people are parasites you practically organized them as a political tool for the opposition. They will use it to club your stupid behinds on the head.

You have no shame, look how you condone unfair subsidy to the people of Linden while the rest of the nation gets no subsidy for electricity. 

Bhai, Storm and TK are SHAMELESS PRICKS/PROSTITUTES. These are the WORST of humanity, if at all they are human. Animals may be better than them!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

They needed to do this with more tact in a stepped way and with less of a public hullabaloo.  With its moronic machinery engaged and trolling for political currency by putting out comparative charts and insisting these people are parasites you practically organized them as a political tool for the opposition. They will use it to club your stupid behinds on the head.

You have no shame, look how you condone unfair subsidy to the people of Linden while the rest of the nation gets no subsidy for electricity. 

Bhai, Storm and TK are SHAMELESS PRICKS/PROSTITUTES. These are the WORST of humanity, if at all they are human. Animals may be better than them!!!

You dunces refuse to accept the grotesque management of the PPP. They treat black folks with indifference. The crew at GINA never made a chart detailing the amount of money pumped into the sugar industry.  Yet the make a chart to illustrate the subsidy to these people who were not responsible for the offering in the first place as it was an incentive to work in linden.  That is gross stupidity or brazen disrespect to these people.


If you care to wean them off the dole then you need to do so without attempting to humiliate them as leaches. After all, they know that the biggest leach in their midst are the very people who want to take back their subsidy.


I am not for this subsidy. I am however for a gradual and informed pull back of it through structured increase in the cost. You cannot heap that much pain on a people in  and instant.  You get what they presently do in the street and feed their latent  hatred for the party even more. They will not care for the reasoning that they must pay their fair share. They will excuse it all on the back of the bunch of racists in office heaping pain on them.


Did the Govt call then leaches?? Al Yuh like to open Al Yuh mouth and talk CRAP but CANT PROVE any of the nonesense Al Yuh does spew. Hence, the appropriate term SHAMELESS and PROSTITUTES!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Did the Govt call then leaches?? Al Yuh like to open Al Yuh mouth and talk CRAP but CANT PROVE any of the nonesense Al Yuh does spew. Hence, the appropriate term SHAMELESS and PROSTITUTES!!!!

 Alas I have no time to draw you pictures so  you can get it.  The government political propaganda machine were in full force casting these people as leaches. Even on this thread we see one of their celebrated "statistics" casting these people as parasites whose food source is being rationed.


As I noted, these people may get a direct subsidy here which one cannot in all fairness agree with. However, what is subsidy today was a job incentive yesterday hence a portion of their pay. That the industry they worked for was ran into the ground is no fault of theirs.


Therefore prudence in pulling back the subsidy slowly as necessary increases could have solved the problem gradually. Instead the hapless PPP does their autocratic thing  again out of habit or pure ignorance or through virulent and oppressive racist expression of power. Take  your pick. They cause these options for characterizing the problem this way.


Additionally, do we subsidize other industries indirectly as well? It may not be cast as a perk to individuals but it is given it sustains their industry in spite of it piling up huge losses. 4 billion is being asked for to help bail out sugar. Actually it is bailing our government mismanagement and failures. Again where is the chart to show how this subsidy sustain a leech class?


It is a matter of perspective  you sliver of pond scum!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE Dat is all yuh gat Crabdaag???

 Name calling of this sort in argumentation is akin to using excessive and base puns in storytelling; the lowest form of intellectual retreat.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Look who is talkin. Do you understand the words you does post??????????

Given the base and ignorant quality of your writing, calling you, a dunce is being humane.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I guess NOT.  HEHEHE Ask someone to explain your Posts.

 Why should I ask anyone to do that? I consider myself of above intelligence and not a stunted inane example of mediocrity as you present yourself to be. If there is more to you we have not seen it in a decade. Besides these one line nonsense rants you are absent any profundity.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Well keep on talkin SHIT daily.

I am seldom here these days. When I am it is to offer insight and not to be a boot licker to the PPP or any party. It would be nice that one can see what percolates inside that cranium of yours. To this point it has been a relentless offering of rot and it is apparently the only flavor to your thinking.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Well I am not here to try and get an opportunity to ROB the Guyanese People BLIND.

You consort with the thieves by your own admission and is here with your piffle as their personal guard dog.  They can give me nothing I do not have or had before those church mice robbed their way into being the neuvo riche.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Well I am not here to try and get an opportunity to ROB the Guyanese People BLIND.

You consort with the thieves by your own admission and is here with your piffle as their personal guard dog.  They can give me nothing I do not have or had before those church mice robbed their way into being the neuvo riche.

Coining new phrases and polishing them don't automatically make them factual. A lie is Lie.

Billy Ram Balgobin

If Lindeners stage a protest in Georgetown against paying just a few dollars more on their electricity tariffs then I should be in Linden protesting for the same reason, only difference is my argument is for Georgetown residence to be treated in a similar manner. Even with the increase in electricity tariffs Linden would still be paying less than residence in Georgetown.


The Linden folks chose their destiny when they cast the ballots for the AFc/PNC. Now the PPP have to stop favoring them in hopes of getting votes. They need to concentrate on their base elsewhere and cut off the gravy to those who are not grateful. hahahahha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Linden folks chose their destiny when they cast the ballots for the AFc/PNC. Now the PPP have to stop favoring them in hopes of getting votes. They need to concentrate on their base elsewhere and cut off the gravy to those who are not grateful. hahahahha

So based on your nonsense if you vote Romney and Obama wins the US govt needs to ignore you, even as it demands that you pay your taxes.


The folks in linden should no longer be misguided, by the opponents of the state, Linden don't consist of "special" people, they should pay the same tariffs for electricity as the rest of  the country.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Linden folks chose their destiny when they cast the ballots for the AFc/PNC. Now the PPP have to stop favoring them in hopes of getting votes. They need to concentrate on their base elsewhere and cut off the gravy to those who are not grateful. hahahahha

So based on your nonsense if you vote Romney and Obama wins the US govt needs to ignore you, even as it demands that you pay your taxes.

Linden is not being ignored, they are being subsidized at the expense of taxpayers. Then the ungrateful Lindeners want to participate in mo fiah slow fiah and other types of disturbances. The subsidy must go. All we are asking is that the rest of the population be treated in the same manner as Lindeners. If this can't be achieved then Lindeners must lose their subsidy to be on par with the rest of the nation.  hahahahah

Region 10 residents differ over increased electricity tariffPDFPrintE-mail
Written by   
Tuesday, 03 July 2012 22:24
RESIDENTS of Region 10 differ on the proposed increase in electricity tariff, with many denouncing the current protest action which they say severely disrupts their livelihood activities. Those condemning the protest have described it as politically instigated. “I would like to pay the lowest rate for electricity; but really and truly, when you look at it, I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit more seeing that we have been paying so little all these years,” a Region 10 resident said. With the exception of one resident, all those who spoke with the Guyana Chronicle and were against the protest requested anonymity for the fear of being targeted.
Some of the residents expressed support for the protest action, claiming that the PPP/C Administration was out to punish them.
The Guyana Chronicle observed that many of the Region 10 residents were ignorant about the extent of the tariff increases, since they were led to believe that the increases would see them being made to pay more than the rest of the country.
Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, in a special message to residents of the region over the weekend, reminded them that the PPP/C Government is still subsiding electricity in that region.
APNU Leader David Granger had agreed to an increase in the electricity tariff during budget talks with President Donald Ramotar, but subsequently reneged on his position after being accused of a ‘sell-out’.
A teacher at the Mc Kenzie High School said there was merit in the government’s position, admitting to electricity wastage in the region. The teacher is of the view that the situation requires maturity and honesty. “I think it is good that we are still going to pay, for now, less for electricity than the rest of the country,” she said.
A building contractor with whom this newspaper also spoke is of the view that the issue is being misused for political support. “I really have no time with the nonsense APNU is leading these people to do; I am concerned that the people are not being told the truth and that’s why they are blocking bridges. I have a job to do, my children have to go to school and my workers have projects to finish,” the contractor contended.
The lone person who deviated from the request for anonymity, Shakeil, a student, said he was not supporting the protest because it was nonsense.
“I listen to the Regional Chairman, Mr. Sharma, and I listen to Mr. Samuel Hinds, and I know that we Lindeners are not being truthful to ourselves.  We must thank God for all the years of cheap electricity; but with the global increase in oil prices, sooner or later all this was bound to change. I would have had a problem if the government was charging us more light bill than the rest of the country, but that is not the case.”
Prime Minister Hinds said that the subsidy is not being totally removed all at once, and that the most vulnerable, the ones with the least money are being protected. He added that each household customer will receive 50 kilowatts of electricity each month at existing prices.
He pointed to the electricity consumption in Linden households which, he said, far exceeds that of other parts of Guyana. “….there is great potential for Lindeners to reduce consumption of electricity to between half and one-third of what is used today, and in so doing, reduce the amounts on their electricity bills,” he posited.
The protest is expected to continue today.
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Linden folks chose their destiny when they cast the ballots for the AFc/PNC. Now the PPP have to stop favoring them in hopes of getting votes. They need to concentrate on their base elsewhere and cut off the gravy to those who are not grateful. hahahahha

So based on your nonsense if you vote Romney and Obama wins the US govt needs to ignore you, even as it demands that you pay your taxes.

Linden is not being ignored, they are being subsidized at the expense of taxpayers. Then the ungrateful Lindeners want to participate in mo fiah slow fiah and other types of disturbances. The subsidy must go. All we are asking is that the rest of the population be treated in the same manner as Lindeners. If this can't be achieved then Lindeners must lose their subsidy to be on par with the rest of the nation.  hahahahah


Correct. Linden must pay their fair share like the rest of Guyana.


quote...RESIDENTS of Region 10 differ on the proposed increase in electricity tariff, with many denouncing the current protest action which they say severely disrupts their livelihood activities. Those condemning the protest have described it as politically instigated. “I would like to pay the lowest rate for electricity; but really and truly, when you look at it, I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit more seeing that we have been paying so little all these years,” a Region 10 resident said. With the exception of one resident, all those who spoke with the Guyana Chronicle and were against the protest requested anonymity for the fear of being targeted...unquote


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