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Former Member
quote"The APNU list of Parliamentarians raises eyebrows for the startling omissions and reinforces the call by OneVoice News for the abolition of the closed list system by all political parties in Guyana.

It is clear just by a cursory look at this list that several of those selected are mere political hacks and hangers-on with connections to the King Maker.. .unquote

quote...The recent exclusion of Mr. Aubrey Norton, Nicole Telford and others from the APNU list of representatives is a glaring example of all that is wrong with the system. It is a well known fact that Norton has not had a stellar relationship with PNC leadership and sources close to the selection process have told OVNN that it was this fact that resulted in his disrespectful and unceremonious omission from the list of representatives. Nicole Telford would have easily been a more effective pick to represent NFA than the ailing Keith Scott who is still recovering from a recent stroke. Mr. Scott is simply unable to perform at the very high level required of this parliament and the fact that he was chosen further reinforces that merit was not a major criteria in the male dominated, closed door, selection process.

It was also brought to our attention that one female candidate held a significant advantage because of her close relationship with a very influential party big-shot. If these allegations are true then what example does this set for Guyanese women, for our daughters? The APNU must take a long hard look in the mirror and cleanse itself from elements that bring such shame and dishonor to the partnership".unquote


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Originally posted by albert:
It has been brought to our attention that the young lady in question is non other than Africo Selman and the big Shot is non other than Robert Corbin.
Here they are seen sitting side by side.

Also heard the rumour that these two are more than political friends. But she also has some resemblance to his wife, Carol.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by albert:
It has been brought to our attention that the young lady in question is non other than Africo Selman and the big Shot is non other than Robert Corbin.
Here they are seen sitting side by side.

Also heard the rumour that these two are more than political friends. But she also has some resemblance to his wife, Carol.

A man is entitled to two wives, a house wife and a bushwife..
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by albert:
It has been brought to our attention that the young lady in question is non other than Africo Selman and the big Shot is non other than Robert Corbin.
Here they are seen sitting side by side.

Also heard the rumour that these two are more than political friends. But she also has some resemblance to his wife, Carol.

It seems that she has slept her way into Parliament. I must add that Corbin has poor taste in women judging from the looks of Ms. Selman

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