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THE main Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity, earlier this week met with members of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration with the aim of advancing the national governance agenda. 

According to a press statement, the Brigadier David Granger-led APNU team facilitated the meeting in wake of the Opposition’s year-long demand and public protest in support of early Local Government Elections. The party once again

Opposition Leader David Granger

Opposition Leader David Granger

reiterated its call for President Donald Ramotar to name a date for the holding of Local Government Elections.
According to the statement, “APNU also committed to collaborate on a process by which the President would assent to the Local Government Bill No. 12 of 2012; the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2013; the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act Bill No. 24 of 2012 and Bill No. 5 of 2013 and the Former President (Benefits and other Facilities) Bill No. 29 of 2012.”
While noting that the Attorney General is presently attending a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) meeting in Paris and as such was absent, APNU related that the PPP/C team deferred making a decision on the Bills and on determining a date for Local Government Elections.
As such, APNU continued to press for a date for Local Government Elections and reaffirmed its commitment to support the No-Confidence Motion in the National Assembly.
The APNU team which was led by Brigadier Granger was also comprised of parliamentarians Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, Basil Williams, Carl Greenidge and Joseph Harmon. The PPP/C team led by President Donald Ramotar included parliamentarians Dr Ashni Singh, Irfaan Ali, Gail Teixeira and Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon.


Source: Guyana Kranakle


What else was discussed? Can you trust these guys? Conspiracy?

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