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APNU MPs’ Dual Citizenship is none of the AFC’s business – Cathy Hughes

Jan 17, 2019 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...siness-cathy-hughes/

Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice Chair, Cathy Hughes, has said that the AFC is not challenging the eligibility of Members of Parliament from its coalition partner, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), to hold office.
She said that asking for information on their nationality would be an infringement of their personal business.

Hughes fielded questions from the media, yesterday, on whether the AFC would hold APNU MPs accountable for breaching the Constitution, by having dual citizenship status, as the party did with former AFC MP, Charrandass Persaud.

During the press conference held at the AFC’s Centre for Change in Kitty, yesterday, Hughes told members of the media that her party had taken note of speculation by the general public that there are AFC MPs who have breached Article 155 of the Constitution by swearing allegiance to a foreign state.

In response to this, Hughes said that “… none of its 11 MPs has sworn allegiance to any foreign state. Ten of the party’s MPs are citizens of Guyana only. The other MP, Minister Dominic Gaskin, was born in the United Kingdom but is a citizen of Guyana by descent.

AFC Vice Chair, Cathy Hughes

“The issue of renouncing citizenship does not apply to Guyanese who are born in another country. Therefore, Mr. Gaskin constitutionally sits as a duly elected MP without any hindrance or issue.”

The AFC panel, which included Chairman of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, was asked whether it noted the precedent a challenge of Persaud’s validity as a MP would set for other sitting MPs, both, on the government’s side and that of the Opposition.

Ramjattan said that if the Chief Justice rules in favour of the government on the challenge of Persaud’s eligibility as a MP, then should the ruling have a domino effect on other MPs, the party would respect such implications.

He noted, however, that the government is only currently interested in challenging Persaud’s eligibility due to his “treacherous, egregious betrayal” of the AFC.

The panel was asked whether the AFC considers itself responsible for holding its coalition partner, the APNU, accountable for breaches of the Constitution, as is the case with sitting APNU MPs who, like Persaud, have dual citizenship.

Hughes said that it is not the responsibility of the party to hold individuals accountable, but the individuals themselves.

She said, “There is no way that we could say that a Member of Parliament does not know the requirement of the Constitution, especially a lawyer. If somebody is going to deliberately deceive, there is no protection for that. Your citizenship, like the day you were born, like many other bodies of personal information is valid, and is personal to an individual.”

“Therefore, if somebody sets out to deceive, I don’t see what else you could do, other than maybe put in place some system by which they have to prove that they don’t have citizenship in another country.

“That, in itself, is a challenge because everybody knows that, in today’s world, where you want to protect the integrity of your personal information that, quite often, it probably would be illegal to ask.

“So, we come to the table with the assumption that you know what is required; you know the integrity of the position. Therefore, we would take at face value what the prospective MP would give as an answer to that question.”

AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan said that even though he and others knew that dual citizenship rendered an individual ineligible to serve as an MP, he did not raise the issue before because of the precedent that was set by politicians from the PPP since Guyana gained independence.

“When I was in the PPP, I knew that Gail Teixeira was a Canadian citizen. I knew that Janet Jagan was an American-born citizen. But, because of a kind of practice that allowed the thing to just go on – she was a Parliamentarian since independence – what do you do?”

He stated that the impetus for the specific challenge against Persaud is the fact that the coalition wants to invalidate the No-Confidence motion which was carried on December 21, 2018.

“The scenario here, however, is that we are, in a sense, arguing a case in which that Charrandass [Persaud]’s vote could be vitiated.

He said that the challenge of Persaud’s eligibility to serve as MP is actually because the government is “utilising whatever arguments the lawyers are going to come up with. So, that is how it’s going to be done. Same thing in Trinidad and Jamaica, [the arguments were brought up when] necessary.”

It was raised that the government is targeting Persaud on the basis of breach of Constitution, even with the knowledge that there are other sitting MPs in the coalition who are in similar breach.

Ramjattan responded, “You know, this politics is not easy. You can say that, but I want to be frank with you. When you get someone as treacherous as that, with such duplicity, it was far more egregious than what we have here.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Demerara_Guy posted:

APNU MPs’ Dual Citizenship is none of the AFC’s business – Cathy Hughes

Jan 17, 2019 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...siness-cathy-hughes/

Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice Chair, Cathy Hughes, has said that the AFC is not challenging the eligibility of Members of Parliament from its coalition partner, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), to hold office.

She said that asking for information on their nationality would be an infringement of their personal business.

Hughes fielded questions from the media, yesterday, on whether the AFC would hold APNU MPs accountable for breaching the Constitution, by having dual citizenship status, as the party did with former AFC MP, Charrandass Persaud.

AFC Vice Chair, Cathy Hughes

Perhaps by Hughes' statement, she is indicating that the AFC, as a political party, has absolutely no responsibility to ensure that the requirements of the Guyana constitution are met for members to be considered as MPs.



"we did not raise the issue before because of the precedent that was set by politicians from the PPP since Guyana gained independence.

“When I was in the PPP, I knew that Gail Teixeira was a Canadian citizen. I knew that Janet Jagan was an American-born citizen. But, because of a kind of practice that allowed the thing to just go on – she was a Parliamentarian since independence – what do you do?”"

Demerara_Guy posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps by Hughes' statement, she is indicating that the AFC, as a political party, has absolutely no responsibility to ensure that the requirements of the Guyana constitution are met for members to be considered as MPs.

She is reiterating that in Guyana, the requirement for citizenship relies on  "Jus Sanguinis" 

Demerara_Guy posted:

APNU MPs’ Dual Citizenship is none of the AFC’s business – Cathy Hughes

Jan 17, 2019 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...siness-cathy-hughes/

AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan said that even though he and others knew that dual citizenship rendered an individual ineligible to serve as an MP, he did not raise the issue before because of the precedent that was set by politicians from the PPP since Guyana gained independence.

“When I was in the PPP, I knew that Gail Teixeira was a Canadian citizen. I knew that Janet Jagan was an American-born citizen. But, because of a kind of practice that allowed the thing to just go on – she was a Parliamentarian since independence – what do you do?”

Janet Jagan was born in the US_of_A and indeed WAS a citizen.

Perhaps, Ramjattan is absolutely unaware that the US_of_A government  STRIPPED Janet Jagan of her American citizenship in the early 1940's.

Janet Jagan was thus relegated to the same status as any foreigner who needs to obtain the necessary permit to visit the US_of_A.

Janet Jagan obtained her Guyanese citizenship in 1966.

D2 posted:


"we did not raise the issue before because of the precedent that was set by politicians from the PPP since Guyana gained independence.

“When I was in the PPP, I knew that Gail Teixeira was a Canadian citizen. I knew that Janet Jagan was an American-born citizen. But, because of a kind of practice that allowed the thing to just go on – she was a Parliamentarian since independence – what do you do?”"

Nehru posted:

BULLSHIT. It exposes the stupidity and illiteracy of her thinking.

Oi man, I keep telling you to read articles before saying discussing it. Had you taken the time to read the article you would know it was Ramjattan who said this.

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

birthright citizenship doesn’t need to be renounced

read the bloody constitution!

Canada, US or Guyana?

Guyana of course

the conversation is about eligibility to be wan Guyana MP, no?


I have a question for my Guyanese American friends.

Do you renounce your Guyanese citizenship when you accept American Citizenship ?

Accurate answers only please.

In Canada, we are allowed dual citizenship as a result of Guyana being a member of the commonwealth.

Nehru posted:

She is full of SHIT. If he was born in the UK, you better believe he has allegiance Hope re read his UK Passport!!! to the UK!!

Granger Son-in-law Dominic Gaskin was born in the U.K.

Bibi Haniffa

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

nothing "fake" about it . . . the Constitution "calls" a certain class of dual citizen ineligible to sit and vote as MPs

what's the hurry . . . why are you sooo AFRAID to have this particular lawbreaking adjudicated once and for all?

hmmmm . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

nothing "fake" about it . . . the Constitution "calls" foreign passport holders ineligible to sit and vote as MPs

what's the hurry . . . why are you sooo AFRAID to have this particular lawbreaking adjudicated once and for all?

hmmmm . . .?

Too late.  It will be applied strictly on a go forward basis!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

nothing "fake" about it . . . the Constitution "calls" foreign passport holders ineligible to sit and vote as MPs

what's the hurry . . . why are you sooo AFRAID to have this particular lawbreaking adjudicated once and for all?

hmmmm . . .?

Too late.  It will be applied strictly on a go forward basis!

OK then . . . so why you fraffing?

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

nothing "fake" about it . . . the Constitution "calls" foreign passport holders ineligible to sit and vote as MPs

what's the hurry . . . why are you sooo AFRAID to have this particular lawbreaking adjudicated once and for all?

hmmmm . . .?

Too late.  It will be applied strictly on a go forward basis!

OK then . . . so why you fraffing?

I ain't, I just saying.  Is you fraffing!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

nothing "fake" about it . . . the Constitution "calls" foreign passport holders ineligible to sit and vote as MPs

what's the hurry . . . why are you sooo AFRAID to have this particular lawbreaking adjudicated once and for all?

hmmmm . . .?

Too late.  It will be applied strictly on a go forward basis!

OK then . . . so why you fraffing?

I ain't, I just saying.

poor misdirection effort . . . this you fraffing:

Baseman: "This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!
Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!"

uh huh

Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for... ELECTIONS!!


Focus on elections within three months from December 21, 2018, or at a later date with the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for... ELECTIONS!!


Focus on elections within three months from December 21, 2018, or at a later date with the approval of, at least, two-thirds of the MPs.

suh now is you turn to fraff . . . aritey den


Nehru posted:

She is full of SHIT. If he was born in the UK, you better believe he has allegiance Hope re read his UK Passport!!! to the UK!!

Being born in the UK don't give you citizenship you have to have at least one parent who is a citizen of the UK. 

Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:

She is full of SHIT. If he was born in the UK, you better believe he has allegiance Hope re read his UK Passport!!! to the UK!!

Being born in the UK don't give you citizenship you have to have at least one parent who is a citizen of the UK. 

ok . . . what's this got to do with Rupert?

he is on record admitting that he is a dual Guyana/UK citizen

Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

Actually you don't even have to suppose that dual citizenship wouldn't have mattered. There were discussions brought by Ram back in 2012 about dual citizens sitting as MPs and the politicians (many who are screaming now) didn't think it mattered.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

Actually you don't even have to suppose that dual citizenship wouldn't have mattered. There were discussions brought by Ram back in 2012 about dual citizens sitting as MPs and the politicians (many who are screaming now) didn't think it mattered.

When you batting and you losing the game, change the rules in the middle of the game. PNC scampish and bullying tactics.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

Actually you don't even have to suppose that dual citizenship wouldn't have mattered. There were discussions brought by Ram back in 2012 about dual citizens sitting as MPs and the politicians (many who are screaming now) didn't think it mattered.

When you batting and you losing the game, change the rules in the middle of the game. PNC scampish and bullying tactics.

PNC can't help not being bullies. It seem ingrained in their DNA. The fairest institution in any society is the willingness to surrender power peacefully when that privilege is withdrawn. The PNC has never shown the ability to do so. Ramotar was mocked by supporters of the Coalition for walking the picket lines back in 2015. That is Christlike compared to the PNC slo fiah mo fiah behavior after losses in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011.

And judging from my buddy Cribby's suggestions, that slo fiah mo fiah PNC campaign will start back up if the PPP were to win the next elections. That is if there is going to be a next elections this year or even next.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

Actually you don't even have to suppose that dual citizenship wouldn't have mattered. There were discussions brought by Ram back in 2012 about dual citizens sitting as MPs and the politicians (many who are screaming now) didn't think it mattered.

When you batting and you losing the game, change the rules in the middle of the game. PNC scampish and bullying tactics.

PNC can't help not being bullies. It seem ingrained in their DNA. The fairest institution in any society is the willingness to surrender power peacefully when that privilege is withdrawn. The PNC has never shown the ability to do so. Ramotar was mocked by supporters of the Coalition for walking the picket lines back in 2015. That is Christlike compared to the PNC slo fiah mo fiah behavior after losses in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011.

And judging from my buddy Cribby's suggestions, that slo fiah mo fiah PNC campaign will start back up if the PPP were to win the next elections. That is if there is going to be a next elections this year or even next.

 They feel they are entitled to rule Guyana forever. No other race has any rights in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

This is one big fake halabalu.  If they did not lose the vote, questions of dual citizenship would never be an issue.  I'm sure if you go way back to the Burnham days, there were dual citizens serving in parliament!

Stop chasing your tails and do what the constitution calls for...ELECTIONS!!

Actually you don't even have to suppose that dual citizenship wouldn't have mattered. There were discussions brought by Ram back in 2012 about dual citizens sitting as MPs and the politicians (many who are screaming now) didn't think it mattered.

When you batting and you losing the game, change the rules in the middle of the game. PNC scampish and bullying tactics.

PNC can't help not being bullies. It seem ingrained in their DNA. The fairest institution in any society is the willingness to surrender power peacefully when that privilege is withdrawn. The PNC has never shown the ability to do so. Ramotar was mocked by supporters of the Coalition for walking the picket lines back in 2015. That is Christlike compared to the PNC slo fiah mo fiah behavior after losses in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2011.

And judging from my buddy Cribby's suggestions, that slo fiah mo fiah PNC campaign will start back up if the PPP were to win the next elections. That is if there is going to be a next elections this year or even next.

 They feel they are entitled to rule Guyana forever. No other race has any rights in Guyana.

Nothing wrong with wanting to rule. The trouble is that when given (and I use the word given extremely liberally) the chance, they prove that they have no flipping idea what to do.


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