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Demerara Waves: The opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has released its extracted list of candidates for the 2011 elections, naming those individuals set to represent it in the National Assembly.

The coalition, which won 26 seats in the 65-seat National Assembly, issued the names of 25 individuals with no place on the list for Aubrey Norton whose supporters have been protesting his exclusion.

β€œThe 26th name will be submitted after discussions and consultation are concluded for the Speaker of the National Assembly,” the APNU said.

Also missing from the list is Deborah Backer who the APNU has been touting to be first female Speaker of the National Assembly.

Norton met the APNU leadership on Tuesday and it was said that a review of the selection process would have been done.

"As I understand it they intended to do a review but no review was done," Norton told Demerara Waves Online News Tuesday night when contacted for a reaction.

He added that he knew that once party leader Robert Corbin was involved there was no way he would have been on the list. The relationship between the two has been strained for years.

"Essentially, it came down to a man who the electorate has rejected," Norton said of Corbin. He added that he intends to continue his political work. He was credited with orchestrating the APNU landslide eelctoral victory in Region 10 and his supporters are of the view that the two-time parliamentarian deserved to be returned to the House.

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APNU unveils list of MPs

December 21, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Source - Kaieteur News

A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) has identified its candidates for the National Assembly and the Regional Democratic Councils, following the official declaration of results for recently held General and Regional Elections.

Among the candidates identified for the National Assembly are Sydney Allicock of the Guyana Action Party (GAP); businessman Ronald Bulkan; Economist, Carl Greenidge; Attorney-at-Law, Joseph Harmon; Opthalmologist, Dr. George Norton and former Commissioner of Police Winston Felix; Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine and Desmond Trotman of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA); Keith Scott from the National Front Alliance (NFA); Dawn Hastings of Jawalla, Upper Mazaruni; Richard Allen, businessman from Port Kaituma, Region One; accountant and Georgetown Chairman of the PNCR Volda Lawrence; Africo Selman; Attorney-at-Law, Basil Williams; Jaipaul Sharma;. John Adams; Jennifer Wade;. Vanessa Kissoon and Pastor-Consultant, Rennis Morian.

A release from APNU noted that among the young people extracted are Administrator, Annette Ferguson; Youth leader, Christopher Jones; Attorney-at-Law, James Bond; Teacher, Vanessa Kissoon and Justice For All (JFAP) member and Accountant, Jaipaul Sharma.

The four candidates extracted for the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Nine are former activist of The United Force (TUF) Muacir Baretto from St. Ignatius, Guyana Action Party (GAP) activist, Vincent Henry, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) activist Dionysia Thres (aka Nieuenkirk) and A.P.N.U Regional Campaign Manager, Carl Parker. Region Two RDC list includes Wazeer Latiff of the WPA.

The release noted that A.P.N.U has only extracted 25 of the 26 names for the National Assembly. The 26th name will be submitted after discussions and consultations are concluded for the Speaker of the National Assembly.

A.P.N.U submitted Lists of Candidates to contest all of the ten Regional Democratic Councils, all ten Geographic Constituencies and the National Top-Up List for the National Assembly on Nomination Day. The total number of candidates approved by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) was 459 as follows: Regional Elections: 327, of whom 138 were women; Geographical Constituency Elections: 45, of whom nineteen were women; National Top-Up List: eighty-seven (87), of whom twenty-nine were women.

GECOM’s declaration of the results showed that A.P.N.U won 16 seats on the National Top-Up List, 10 seats on the Regional Geographic Constituencies List and 73 seats on the ten Regional Democratic Councils.

β€œThe Leadership of A.P.N.U applied the already announced β€œCEGGO principle” – Competence, Ethnicity, Gender, Geographical, Generational and Occupational diversity – to determine those candidates to be extracted. In addition, their contribution and involvement in the campaign were also considered. Naturally, with so many candidates to choose from, the task was a difficult one, involving extensive consultation with the various partners and the campaign managers in various parts of the country.”

The APNU statement concluded that the extracted persons from the lists β€œreflect the commitment given by A.P.N.U before the Elections and provide a unique balance of competent people of all ages from all geographic regions of Guyana, all ethnic groups and occupations. Women and youth are well represented and the Partnership is confident that its extracted candidates present a competent and experienced team to work for the achievement of the objectives outlined in our Manifesto and to provide adequate representation of the more than 139,678 voters who expressed confidence in A.P.N.U at the last elections.”
Originally posted by albert:
It is clear the A.P.N.U has some serious internal issues, for the beginning...many are saying the partnership wouldn't work, and the P.N.C may pull the stunt of 1964....

I see the PPP, rather than trying to see how it can work with the opposition which controls parliament, will rather spend time fomenting mischief.

We are fully aware of the infighting which has already begun within the PPP so why not worry about that and leave others to deal with their own issues. Its not as if you really care about what happens to Norton. Indeed Jagdeo was even attacking him and defending Corbin not that long ago.

BTW if the PNC is distracted then the likes of Roopnarine and David Hinds will be on your PPP tails. I guess you would prefer to deal with these gentlemen who I suspect are way more "militant" than Granger.
Uquote...It was also brought to our attention that one female candidate held a significant advantage because of her close relationship with a very influential party big-shot. If these allegations are true then what example does this set for Guyanese women, for our daughters? The APNU must take a long hard look in the mirror and cleanse itself from elements that bring such shame and dishonor to the partnership".unquote


No place for Norton
It seems the P.N.C may be up to their old tricks....quote"The APNU list of Parliamentarians raises eyebrows for the startling omissions and reinforces the call by OneVoice News for the abolition of the closed list system by all political parties in Guyana.

It is clear just by a cursory look at this list that several of those selected are mere political hacks and hangers-on with connections to the King Maker.. .unquote
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Had Norton joined the PPP and brought his voters from Linden along with him, the PPP would have given him a seat or maybe minista jab. But then detractors like CaribJ and Nuff would have immediately called him a hooligan and soupie. ahahhaahha These fools rather black tea than milk in they coffee.

I realy do not take sides when it comes to these PPP crooks but if Afros join with Indos, they will reap the benefits. This nationally inconspicious individual should think of his future and his people's future and seek a link up with the PPP.

From what I see, the PPP is the only game in town and yes, there is lil higger-magigger going on now, but some next election in 18 months, PPP will once again be king of the castle. It will take an entire generation again before Indians get tricked into a divide and conquer scenario. It was a bold and cunning move by the PNC using the AFC, but now they have to take a step back and come around to the new reality.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Had Norton joined the PPP and brought his voters from Linden along with him, the PPP would have given him a seat or maybe minista jab. But then detractors like CaribJ and Nuff would have immediately called him a hooligan and soupie. ahahhaahha These fools rather black tea than milk in they coffee.

I realy do not take sides when it comes to these PPP crooks but if Afros join with Indos, they will reap the benefits. This nationally inconspicious individual should think of his future and his people's future and seek a link up with the PPP.

From what I see, the PPP is the only game in town and yes, there is lil higger-magigger going on now, but some next election in 18 months, PPP will once again be king of the castle. It will take an entire generation again before Indians get tricked into a divide and conquer scenario. It was a bold and cunning move by the PNC using the AFC, but now they have to take a step back and come around to the new reality.

Hi, Baseman . . . how tings?

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