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Originally posted by albert:
A.P.N.U needs the tell their supporters the truth, which is.... A.P.N.U lost fair and square, the elections were free,fair and transparent...

Them people waiting for the victory party and the boose, food and music PPP promise them at 'dem a watch me' PPP rallies you use to truck them to. Just bring on the party...after all like you said yall win fair and square...
Originally posted by Vish M:
APNU must show leadership and must appeal for calm.

The businesses of GT were closed for a few days now.

This is not acceptable.

Who says they will listen to Granger? He doesnt control them. They dont support him. They use him as a vehicle to express their frsutration.

There is a larger issue at hand in Guyana and this has tio be the first order of business.
Originally posted by Vish M:

For the last few days the "Crowds" were allowed to go unchecked. Why?


What did they actually do Vishnu?

The electoral process in Guyana is primitive. There is absolutely no excuse for results to take 64 hours to be announced. This is not the first time we have had elections.

The first order of business has to be reforming GECOM to ensure that it operates smoothly, and efficiently.

BTW Vishnu the PPP will have to empower Granger by engaging in serious dialogue with him and with Ramjattan to communicate to ALL Guyanese that the system is fair and exclusive. If he is made to look impotent they will see him as such and cries of stooge will come shortly thereafter.

The days of narrow Burnhamite, Jaganite or Jagdeoite cliques ignoring the population are over.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Vish M:

For the last few days the "Crowds" were allowed to go unchecked. Why?


What did they actually do Vishnu?

The electoral process in Guyana is primitive. There is absolutely no excuse for results to take 64 hours to be announced. This is not the first time we have had elections.

The first order of business has to be reforming GECOM to ensure that it operates smoothly, and efficiently.

Caribj, stop your nonesense, you know the delays had little to do with GECOM but more to do with PPP and PNC over few technicalities and top-ups. Why dont the people go home and back to their lives, the people have spoken in a free and fair process. PNC/APNU tried to create a lil crisis, didn't work, now go home.
Originally posted by albert:
Granger is aware the A.P.N.U lost the elections, the process was transparent and free and fair,his supporters seems to be misguided, the Guyanese populace will denounce any attempt by the A.P..N.U to disrupt the city....

The issue is after 50 years of being told lies by the PPP and the PNC many grass roots people have lost faith in Guyana's institutions to be fair. This has to be a priority.

There is absolutely NO excuse for counting to take 3 days. Why do SOPs have to be handdelivered? Isnt there a way for each party to approve at each polling station, results communicated to GECOm where there is further ertification by each party before final approval. At least for regions 2-6 and 10?

The delay causes minds (maybe idle) to construe conspiracies.
Originally posted by baseman:
Caribj, stop your nonesense, you know the delays had little to do with GECOM but more to do with PPP and PNC over few technicalities and top-ups. .

Why are the PPP and the PNC allowed to do this. Sorry GECOM gets the blame. NO WHERE else in CARICOM does this happen.

Take Jamaica, a much more violently explosive country than Guyana. Results available by NEXT MORNING. Please dont tell me that the JLP and the PPP< both which have armed gangsters to enforce garrison discipline, are less contentious than the PPP and the PNC.

I have my doubts that Granger told his "supporters" to misbehave. If they did, and s you will have to show injury to person, or property. Assembly in the streets to protest isnt a crime.

These people are Guyanese, I see bunches of women. You will have to learn how to work with them.
Baseman if you continue your racist attitude do not expect peace in Guyana too soon. If the people are frustrated and PEACEFULLY assemble to convey this you ought to hear them out. And disprove their beliefs if false.

Believe me these are not people who will go home just because Granger tells them to. And you have no proof that Granger is instigating them.

As LK said if criminal acts are committed then you arrest those responsible. I havent seen you or any one show evidence of criminal acts. Being black and protesting isnt a crime.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
I can assure you that violence is sometimes necessary to gain leverage.

1. Granger knows what happened to Hoyte and to Corbin and how the perception of violence from PNC supporters built the PPP. He isnt behind "exeuberant" supporters (who do not zeem to have committed violent acts---if they had racists like baseman and nehru would have been very quick to show us)..

2. If there has been any violence I will be interested in seeing evidence of this. If the mere fact that poor black women assemble is seen as violence Guyana is a lost country.

3.Violence is never useful as a first act. Dialogue is always the preferred strategy. The time for dialogue has come.
Originally posted by caribj:
Baseman if you continue your racist attitude do not expect peace in Guyana too soon. If the people are frustrated and PEACEFULLY assemble to convey this you ought to hear them out. And disprove their beliefs if false.

Believe me these are not people who will go home just because Granger tells them to. And you have no proof that Granger is instigating them.

As LK said if criminal acts are committed then you arrest those responsible. I havent seen you or any one show evidence of criminal acts. Being black and protesting isnt a crime.

Point out the "racism" in my comment, or you lookng a lil crisis too?
Originally posted by baseman:

Point out the "racism" in my comment, or you lookng a lil crisis too?

Point out where violenec has been committed. If you cant then you have answered your own question. You know full well that if these had been Indians you would not have been screaming violence unless you also frnished proof of it.

So where is the violence? If you show proof of it I will retract my statement, even though in the apst you have called blacks subhumans, dirty, illiterate and uneducated----and I will never let you forget that.

People have a right to PEACEFUL assembly to convey their frustrations. Evidently you never heard of Occupy Wall Street.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
I can assure you that violence is sometimes necessary to gain leverage.

1. Granger knows what happened to Hoyte and to Corbin and how the perception of violence from PNC supporters built the PPP. He isnt behind "exeuberant" supporters (who do not zeem to have committed violent acts---if they had racists like baseman and nehru would have been very quick to show us)..

2. If there has been any violence I will be interested in seeing evidence of this. If the mere fact that poor black women assemble is seen as violence Guyana is a lost country.

3.Violence is never useful as a first act. Dialogue is always the preferred strategy. The time for dialogue has come.

It's now five years of dialogue, and not only with APNU, but the AFC. APNU is not the only one at the table.
Originally posted by baseman:
It's now five years of dialogue, .

This is why they assemble in the strets.

A dishonest person like you will know full well that the PPP never engaged in dialogue with any one.

Lets hope that chastened into being a minority govt they begin to learn how to do this.

Now where is the violence? Who has bene attacked? What property has been damaged?

Ohh. Just crowds of frustrated poor black WOMEN.....scary!!!!
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
It's now five years of dialogue, .

This is why they assemble in the strets.

A dishonest person like you will know full well that the PPP never engaged in dialogue with any one.

Lets hope that chastened into being a minority govt they begin to learn how to do this.

Now where is the violence? Who has bene attacked? What property has been damaged?

Ohh. Just crowds of frustrated poor black WOMEN.....scary!!!!

So what now, they gon sit around for 5 years?? I never accused them of violence.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
I can assure you that violence is sometimes necessary to gain leverage.

1. Granger knows what happened to Hoyte and to Corbin and how the perception of violence from PNC supporters built the PPP. He isnt behind "exeuberant" supporters (who do not zeem to have committed violent acts---if they had racists like baseman and nehru would have been very quick to show us)..

2. If there has been any violence I will be interested in seeing evidence of this. If the mere fact that poor black women assemble is seen as violence Guyana is a lost country.

3.Violence is never useful as a first act. Dialogue is always the preferred strategy. The time for dialogue has come.
yo bro for the black people to protest for their rights is no crime.but any person from the streets will tell you that most of the people that you see there is waiting for a chance to loot.this was the down fall of hoyte and corbin and i hope granger is not weak and make these people distroy him and the new APNU.he have a chance to inprove the black people life now, so he should act right and smart.he cannot make a few distroy the benfit of the mass
Originally posted by baseman:
[I never accused them of violence.

Then you are a racist. People have the right of PEACEFUL assembly.

Granger did the right thing. Told them to gome home. Gave them the assurance that he would respect them. Abnd told them he will meet them in the morning when crowd control would be easier.

This is admirable, yet you are ready to brand APNU witha pitch fork.

baseman if you cant work with moderates like Granger you are in trouble.
Originally posted by warrior:
yo bro for the black people to protest for their rights is no crime.but any person from the streets will tell you that most of the people that you see there is waiting for a chance to loot.s

Well they didnt loot and ignoring them is the best way to ensure that they might. Granger did the best thing in handling a highly frustrated people.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
The Guyanese has rejected the calls of A.P.N.U

albert go make yourself uselful otherwise Granger will get rid of yiou. Remember no budget will pass unless he approves it. The AFC boys dont like you so dont think they will help you either.

The AFC will not allow Granger to call the shots.
They want to have the balance of power AND IF THAT MEANS THEY VOTE WITH THE PPP to keep out Granger they will.
Vish you gotta calm down. David Granger did what he has to do. The APNU supporters, whatever their grievances on the elections have not looted or rioted. You must expect some post-elections steam to be let off. They're still grappling with the notion that a party that has had to fend off so many corruption charges and has not lifted them out of poverty was returned by 48.6% of the electorate.

Rama - you gotta calm down too (I wonder if that is oxymoronic Big Grin )
Originally posted by Kari:
David Granger did what he has to do. The APNU supporters, whatever their grievances on the elections have not looted or rioted. )

and if granger begins to look as impotent as Corbin next time they might.

What people need to understand is there is no one person who controls that segment.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
he can replace them.

He can replace them. He needs to understand that he must show INCLUSION of competent people when he does so. Talent exists among all groups.

The days of Afro tokens is now over. Granger will have to deliver to his people or they will mass again in the streets.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
The Guyanese has rejected the calls of A.P.N.U

albert go make yourself uselful otherwise Granger will get rid of yiou. Remember no budget will pass unless he approves it. The AFC boys dont like you so dont think they will help you either.

The AFC will not allow Granger to call the shots.
They want to have the balance of power AND IF THAT MEANS THEY VOTE WITH THE PPP to keep out Granger they will.
granger or any body elese in the AFC will not call no shot this not about who is incharge,this is about a country that was heading to hell.the AFC will never cross over to the ppp so if is that what you wish for get fact go and drink your white rum and take fat albert with you.
Originally posted by warrior:
granger or any body elese in the AFC will not call no shot this not about who is incharge,this is about a country that was heading to hell.the AFC will never cross over to the ppp so if is that what you wish for get fact go and drink your white rum and take fat albert with you.

thank you for these comments. Now let us just all calm doen and hope that these gentlemen govern Guyana with its best interests at heart, not based upon their own personal agenda. The people have spoken. If minor rigging occurred, so what. No election any where is 100% accurate.
PNC supporters have always been wrong and strong. They want to be in power not through elections but by token that they big and bad. However when phantomized tamed the PNC, many of these wrong and strong people catch sense. Also it helped that the PPP brought prosperity and it is difficult to convince a people to riot when they belly full of PPP milk. hahhhhhaaaa
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
granger or any body elese in the AFC will not call no shot this not about who is incharge,this is about a country that was heading to hell.the AFC will never cross over to the ppp so if is that what you wish for get fact go and drink your white rum and take fat albert with you.

thank you for these comments. Now let us just all calm doen and hope that these gentlemen govern Guyana with its best interests at heart, not based upon their own personal agenda. The people have spoken. If minor rigging occurred, so what. No election any where is 100% accurate.

Here's my question. Who's fat albert?
Originally posted by caribj:

I suggest baseman and mitwah read this. Note Nigel Hughes' comments. maybe you need to depart for the PPP now because teh AFC isnt about to mount this anti PNC stance that you expect them to.

And exactly what is your point, is it not that what we wanted, a minority Govt. It seems you sing and dance at your own tune guy. The only working model is for cooperation among the opposition. Have you not heard the words of Nagamootoo...oh, he don't speak for you, just realized. You are so blind, such a racist idiot, you cannot see past your nose. The whole prmise of the AFC was equity for all and Nagamootoo himself pushed on these issues. What is your problem, are you a retard of an insane cave man who beat your chest just to sound off yourself? Go get a life.
Baseman, No need to ask those questions, the whole World know he is a Reatard, insane AND a RACIST PIG!!!
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:

I suggest baseman and mitwah read this. Note Nigel Hughes' comments. maybe you need to depart for the PPP now because teh AFC isnt about to mount this anti PNC stance that you expect them to.

And exactly what is your point, is it not that what we wanted, a minority Govt. It seems you sing and dance at your own tune guy. The only working model is for cooperation among the opposition. Have you not heard the words of Nagamootoo...oh, he don't speak for you, just realized. You are so blind, such a racist idiot, you cannot see past your nose. The whole prmise of the AFC was equity for all and Nagamootoo himself pushed on these issues. What is your problem, are you a retard of an insane cave man who beat your chest just to sound off yourself? Go get a life.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
Mr Vishnu sir, the people are exerting their right to create havoc and maybe a little looting, sir.

Exerting their fights? why don't I see Amerindians and Indians exerting they're rights too, these people are dangerous. I won't of hestiate to lock them up for obstructing the peace.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
PNC supporters have always been wrong and strong. haaaa

druggie next time tell the PPP not to give sour milk to black people. The PPP got stomped in black areas. lol partybanana flag

Well ppp must feel sorry for them, they can't always or continue to eat sh&%. My daddy was the best, he would feed them shit and still get their votes, ppp feel sorry for them and give them milk and they like snakes turn back and vote for that ex gdf man who used to help daddy rigged the election.. hehaha

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