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APNU no good for progress, democracy – Jagdeo tells Region 2 supporters

…as Govt given “F” grade in every sector

In light of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) paltry track record in upholding democracy and the Constitution of Guyana, People’s Progressive Party (PPP) leaders seemingly touched a chord with supporters in Region Two.

PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the gathering in Region Two

During a campaign rally in Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), on Saturday, PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo hyped the large crowd as he laid bare APNU/AFC’s constitutional transgressions. He pointed to the party’s fight in the courts of law and beyond, to get the Government to call elections – without the support of other, small political parties.
“I see all these small parties. You have a ton of them who’ll be on the ballot paper. You didn’t see them when the battle was there and we had to fight a long, hard battle against APNU/AFC or it would have been worse now. We would have lost more than 30,000 jobs,” Jagdeo told the large gathering.
“We fought them in Parliament, protested against them. Imagine when they put the VAT in education, it was our fight we led that got them to remove the VAT. When they increased the tributors tax and increased the 2 per cent final tax for the miners, it’s the PPP that led the fight.”
Referring to the coalition Government’s firing of thousands of Amerindian Community Service Officers (CSOs), Jagdeo pointed out that it was the PPP that wrote the United Nations (UN) seeking help.
“We have been at the forefront of the struggle, your party, for the last several years, or it would have been worse. They would have taken more advantage. They would have been more corrupt, but we have been exposing them every single day. And they have no shame.”
Jagdeo noted that with the mismanagement of the economy and various sectors, the party knew the day would come when persons would get a chance to vote according to their conscience. He said that the Government has shown an inability to manage the macro-economy… something even oil will not fix.
“We knew this day would come. We’re not fair-weather friends. Immediately after the Government changed, we came on to the Essequibo Coast visiting. We’ve been talking to people. We knew the day would come when we save our country, not just for PPP people but everybody.
“So much is at stake. We [could] give this Government US$10 billion of oil money and we’d still be worse off than Venezuela… they were exporting 3 million barrels daily. We’re going to produce 120,000 barrels a day and they don’t have food.”

Meanwhile, PPP candidate and former Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr Frank Anthony also cited the Government’s track record in his address to PPP supporters. According to Anthony, the Government has failed in almost every sector.
“You know what is at stake because you have been living it. You have been experiencing it. You have seen your income go down. While prices have gone up. It’s harder to pay loans, mortgages, electricity and water. It is even harder to send your children to school,” Anthony said in his speech.
“Farmers, the hands that feed this nation now have a difficulty feeding their family. Drainage and irrigation charges are the highest it has ever been. Land rent has shot up. And adding VAT to agriculture equipment is one of the disastrous policies that have helped cripple this once prosperous rice industry. Judge them! Judge them by their promises. They told you $9000 per bag of paddy. How much are you getting now?”
In addition to this, Anthony returned to many of the promises made by the APNU/AFC Government on the campaign trail. According to the medical doctor, the coalition failed to fulfil many of them.
“It is time we the people give them a grade. They promised rice farmers a good life. Did they get a good life? No! How do you grade them? They failed! They promised the business people a good life. Did they get a good life? How do you grade them? Failed!”
“They promised police, nurses, teachers a good life. Did they get a good life? No! How do you grade them? Failed! On every single subject, they failed. Do you want another five years of failure and broken promises?” he questioned, to which the crowd responded with a resounding no.

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Afraid ? Jagdeo buss dem balls in parliament, and they are forced to call elections. Have your dumb brain checked. You grinding the same nonsense everyday. Cajie hospital might be a good place for your rehab.

Last edited by Former Member
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After US$150M CJIA renovation…Airport forced to close clogged toilets

For several hours between Friday evening and Saturday morning, the lavatories at the Departure and Arrival areas at the Timehri airport went down.
It would be one of a number of embarrassing woes of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).

The toilets were out of order on Friday evening for several hours.

There was supposed to be a brand new airport terminal that, although criticised in the inception, would have been the pride and joy of Guyana.
One of the reasons for a new terminal building was that the existing sewer system was unable to deal with the volume of passengers.
However, there was no new terminal building. Instead, the old one was gutted and renovated with a new, smaller building to accommodate the Arrivals area.
According to the 2011 contract that the Government of Guyana signed with the Chinese contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC), 69 toilet bowls; 50 desktop wash basins; six vertical wash basins; 36 urinals and three showers were supposed to be installed.
However, passengers arriving and visitors are forced to use a washroom area outside of Immigration. That washroom, comprising about two toilet bowls and four or five urinals was the one that went down Friday night after becoming clogged.
Over at the Departure area, it was the same problem. There are three or four toilets with about the same number of urinals.

The toilets were out of order on Friday evening for several hours.

The toilets were out of order on Friday evening for several hours.

More toilets next the Lotus Restaurant have been abandoned because of a clogged system,
There were caution tapes and signs pasted on the doors to the washrooms.
Persons were forced to line up to use the washrooms in some instances, Kaieteur News was told.
The situation of the toilets being clogged will continue and is not going away in a hurry, one official disclosed.
It is a situation that has been bothering and embarrassing the government.
Several months ago, heavy rains flooded sections of the airport.
Then there was the decision to suspend the use of the four passenger bridges after the foundation they are sitting on started to sink.
In March, passengers in the Departure area complained of the smell from the toilets.
CHEC was supposed to hand over the Timehri airport earlier this year after missing deadline after deadline.
It is not clear what CHEC did to deal with the problems inherited in the old terminal building.
What is known is that Government has attempted to defend the modifications, noting that it was able to wrangle some extra work from the contractor.
CHEC had approached the Bharrat Jagdeo government to build the airport.
It helped secure a loan from China’s Ex-Im Bank for over US$130M. The rest of the monies were coming from Government.
The contract with CHEC was for US$138M. It has spanned three administrations and still to be completed.
It included a longer runway to cater for the wide-body jets, a brand new glass covered terminal with escalators, elevators and eight passenger bridges.
However, the CJIA will only be getting four bridges and there is no glass roof.
CHEC, in its contract and cost, had jacked up the prices for material and workmanship by hundreds of percent, in some cases.
Government itself admitted that CHEC erred in starting the runway in the north, but ran in soil issues, wasting millions of US dollars, before being forced to construct the additions in the south.
However, Government did little to sanction the company.
Rather it decided to modify the project, at the cost of the Guyana people.
Guyana still has to pay back that loan that it took for the airport, currently the largest ongoing infrastructural project.
Government has said it was forced to modify the project as when it came into office in 2015, it found that a significant portion of the contract sum was paid out with little work done.
Rather than abandoning the work, CHEC and the Coalition agreed to modify the designs.
The Opposition has scalded the Coalition on the modifications, insisting that it was a fixed price agreement that no room for design modifications.
CHEC, while undertaking the Timehri airport project, had been working simultaneously on the MovieTowne project.
The latter is completed.
CHEC is now steaming ahead with the Pegasus Hotel expansion project, in Kingston, Georgetown.

Sean posted:

You grinding the same nonsense everyday.

Prince posted:

I agree that they are not good for progress.

But stop talking balls about running cake shop.

Sean, you do know that Princess has exclusive rights to be talking balls every minute.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

You are all over like shit. Stick to the topic heading about no-progress. BTW, Charrandass is responsible for bringing the government. Jagdeo didn't do squat. 

Shut yuh poke. Is who you think organized the million?

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

You are all over like shit. Stick to the topic heading about no-progress. BTW, Charrandass is responsible for bringing the government. Jagdeo didn't do squat. 

Shut yuh poke. Is who you think organized the million?

Are you admitting that Charrnandass's vote was illegitimate?

Baseman posted:



You are all over like shit. Stick to the topic heading about no-progress. BTW, Charrandass is responsible for bringing the government. Jagdeo didn't do squat. 

Shut yuh poke.

That will be extremely hard for Princess to do.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

You are all over like shit. Stick to the topic heading about no-progress. BTW, Charrandass is responsible for bringing the government. Jagdeo didn't do squat. 

Shut yuh poke. Is who you think organized the million?

Prince needs to head to a mental health rehab. It was Jagdeo who tabled the NCV in which that communist fool Moses challenged Jags to "bring it on"

Jagdeo buss Moses balls too. That fool also needs to be reminded that Charandass endorsed the PPP and Dr. Ali as President. Thank god that fool Princess is not in the PPP camp. He fits right in with the AFC PNC clowns.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

You are all over like shit. Stick to the topic heading about no-progress. BTW, Charrandass is responsible for bringing the government. Jagdeo didn't do squat. 

Shut yuh poke. Is who you think organized the million?

Are you admitting that Charrnandass's vote was illegitimate?

I was talking bout the million man March.

Sean posted:

APNU no good for progress, democracy – Jagdeo tells Region 2 supporters

Anthony said in his speech.

 . . . disastrous policies that have helped cripple this once prosperous rice industry. Judge them! Judge them

ahem . . .

New rice variety, buoyant Venezuela market seen as key drivers for bumper production

By Stabroek News | January 19, 2020

"Favourable markets, seed treatments, improved agronomy and a higher-yielding rice variety are some of the factors that contributed positively to 2019’s rice production record for the country.

Crop production for 2019 had seemed bleak with the number of challenges the industry faced but statistics shared by the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) showed that last year’s production is the second highest on record, with 1,049,874 metric tonnes (mt) of paddy produced."


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