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Former Member

Executive member of the Working Peoples Alliance, Professor David Hinds’ ‘F’ grade for A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) failure to stick to its campaign promise to secure power-sharing has been dismissed by Opposition Leader, David Granger.

“I’m being frank with you I will give the APNU an “F” in terms of advancing the agenda that they put to the Guyanese people during the election campaign,” said Hinds.

Excerpts from demwaves

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Executive member of the Working Peoples Alliance, Professor David Hinds’ ‘F’ grade for A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) failure to stick to its campaign promise to secure power-sharing has been dismissed by Opposition Leader, David Granger.

“I’m being frank with you I will give the APNU an “F” in terms of advancing the agenda that they put to the Guyanese people during the election campaign,” said Hinds.

Excerpts from demwaves

 I see no problem with Hinds giving the PNC an "F". It is justly deserved since they are playing footsie with the PPP who under-performs them.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PNC-UF Coalition disintegrated within three years. How long would the APNU-AFC coalition would last?....time will tell

 They have no coalition. If they did they would have the presidency!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its  mammoth's task to distinguish the AFC from APNU

Truth telling is indeed a mammoth task for the PPP. They never cultivated the habit.

Old Boy conscience, yu getting old like me fada, it is time to stop LYING.


Yu tell a famous lie.


When Mr Ramjattan voted with the PPP and against the PNC/APNU for $2 billion for the Housing and flooding, you backside did not tell him that the AFC = PNC then.


Yu know you tell a big lie Old boy Conscience.


Time running out on you, clean up your act and tell the truth for once please.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.P.N.U coalition seems be to disintegrating, the major partners are pulling out

Old Boy conscience, yu getting old like me fada, it is time to stop LYING.


Yu tell a famous lie.


When Mr Ramjattan voted with the PPP and against the PNC/APNU for $2 billion for the Housing and flooding, you backside did not tell him that the AFC = PNC then.


Yu know you tell a big lie Old boy Conscience.


Time running out on you, clean up your act and tell the truth for once please.


President, Granger in ‘talks about talks’

President Donald Ramotar [left) greeting Opposition Leader David Granger yesterday at the Office of the President. [GINA photo)

President Donald Ramotar (left) greeting Opposition Leader David Granger yesterday at the Office of the President. (GINA photo)


January 17, 2013 · By · 4 Comments 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

President, Granger in ‘talks about talks’

President Donald Ramotar [left) greeting Opposition Leader David Granger yesterday at the Office of the President. [GINA photo)

President Donald Ramotar (left) greeting Opposition Leader David Granger yesterday at the Office of the President. (GINA photo)


January 17, 2013 · By · 4 Comments 



AFC watch out, this is the beginning of more back room talks on the 2013 budget.


The plan is PNC / PPP in one Government to share the milk and honey.


it means all the billionaires have to retire and the non-entities in the PPP.


I heard that Rohee giving his Ministry to the PNC, so is BERI BERI since the PPP fed up with his record of RAPE.


The 10th Parliament is the least successful in the history of Guyana, the joint opposition seems per-occupied in vendetta and witch hunting, instead of working along with the elected government towards the development of the country

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 10th Parliament is the least successful in the history of Guyana, the joint opposition seems per-occupied in vendetta and witch hunting, instead of working along with the elected government towards the development of the country

I do not doubt it is so. It was the first time the PPP had to account and so it was the least successful for them in their thievery. Not to say they did not still have their hands up to their arm pits in the nations coffers!


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