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APNU renews call for Rohee’s removal following Berbice road death

September 15, 2014 10:06 am Category:


Dead: Rena Devi Singh.

Dead: Rena Devi Singh.

[] – Investigations continue into the death of 18 – year – old Rena Devi Singh, who was struck down last evening (Sunday, September, 14) by a speeding car on the Letter Kenny Public Road; however, charges are yet to be brought against the driver of the car.


According to a senior police officer from ‘B’ Division, evidence and information are being gathered and will be used to file the necessary charges against the driver; he also added that charges will be brought against those responsible for torching the car that caused the accident.


After the young lady was struck down and taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital where she succumbed, residents of the area began protesting and completely destroyed the car by setting it on fire.


According to a reliable police source in Berbice, identification cards and broken toy gun were found in the car; however, the driver of the car whose identity is being withheld reportedly told Police that the items do not belong to him.


The police source expressed confidence that the residents will not continue their protest action as they promised to do last evening after senior police ranks promised to ensure justice is served to all parties in the matter.

The burnt car following the accident. [Photo taken from Kaieteur News]

The burnt car following the accident. [Photo taken from Kaieteur News]

According to eyewitnesses the 18 – year-old exited a bus after visiting her aunt at number 52 village and was standing on the southern side of the road when a Blue Toyota wagon bearing the license plate PMM 3080 struck her and tossed her several feet into the air.

Meanwhile, A Partnership for National Unity today expressed condolences to the relatives of the teen and reiterated its call for stricter methods of enforcement and safer road.


“Speeding continues to be a major contributing factor in road atalities…APNU calls on the Guyana Police Force to put the necessary resources in place to ensure that our highways are adequately policed,” the APNU said in a statement.


The Party added that far too many Guyanese have lost their lives on the inadequately patrolled Corentyne and the Soesdyke-Linden Highway.


The Party made reference to the National Assembly’s resolution of 2012 expressing no confidence in Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Clement Rohee.


“APNU calls on President Donald to revoke the appointment of Clement Rohee as Minister of Home Affairs and appoint someone who is capable of ensuring human safety.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's a tricky question. I would like to hear what others has to say if Minister Rohee should be sacked for every reckless drivers on Guyana roads. How is the Minister is culpable in these cases? My heart goes out the victim.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

It's a tricky question. I would like to hear what others has to say if Minister Rohee should be sacked for every reckless drivers on Guyana roads. How is the Minister is culpable in these cases? My heart goes out the victim.

Rohee should be sacked for a decade of incompetence period. Stop trying to split hairs and defend piss poor performance.


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