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APNU’s James Bond chides Glenn Lall for violating people’s privacy

November 2, 2014, Source - Guyana Chronicle


APNU’s James Bond chides Glenn Lall for violating people’s privacy
A screen shot of the comment posted on the Facebook page of MP James Bond


MEMBER of Parliament (MP) with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Mr. James Bond, has blasted the publisher of the Kaieteur News, Mr. Glenn Lall, for the illegal recording of a private telephone conversation that is alleged to have occurred between Attorney-General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall, and senior Kaieteur News reporter, Mr. Leonard Gildharie.


Bond, a few days ago, took to his Facebook page to vent his feelings.


APNU MP, Mr. James Bond

APNU MP, Mr. James Bond


On it, he says, “My letter to Glenn Lall…Glenn, you have a responsibility, as a citizen, not to violate the rights and privacies of other citizens. By spying on your own people, you have endangered their sources and betrayed the confidence of your staff. No one is going to feel comfortable speaking to any member of your staff. You have crossed the line and you are wrong.”

Bond has since removed the post from the popular social media site, prompting questions as to why it was taken down, particularly given the strong sentiments he expressed.


Comments from MPs, among many other Guyanese, on the invasion of privacy followed Glenn Lall’s release of a 19-minuute recording of the private conversation between the AG and Gildharie.

Additionally, Lall made a report last Monday to Deputy Police Commissioner, Mr. Balram Persaud, premised on the contention that the contents of the recording indicate that his life, the lives of his family and staff members are under threat.

Meanwhile, Nandlall, in an invited comment, told the Guyana Chronicle that his position on the matter, as previously expressed, remains the same.

He said, “I maintain that the conversation that is causing much furor was a private conversation between me and an acquaintance for many years standing, which was illegally recorded, manipulated, distorted and taken out of context to reflect a different dialogue. The matter is in the court and I wish to leave it there. I have filed legal proceedings in respect of the matter. I will say nothing more at this stage.

The matter is currently under police investigation.


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I am very surprise that anyione can get away with such wide spread illegal Acts. The National SEcurity of Guyana is at stake in a very serious way.  Good to see the Opposition is also worried about this.


It is important to note that James Bond was also part of the commission of inquiry setup by Gerry Gouveia to investigate his own company when it was discovered that his company was shuffling cocaine through the airport.


APNU Later asked Bond to remove himself from the said sham commission.


OFFICIAL APNU Position. No Bonded Reserve here.



The AG has lifted the veil on the sinister operations of the PPP/C.

A Partnership for National Unity- (APNU) has over the years accused the Peoples Progressive

Party Civic (PPP/C) administration of being in bed with criminals; extra judicial killings;

contract killings; corruption and cavorting with drug lords.

Our worst fears have been confirmed as a result of revelations emanating from a recorded

conversation between the attorney General Anil Nandlal and a Kaieteur News reporter Leonard


In that conversation the Attorney General made several references to murky, shadowy and

violent figures of the criminal world who with one phone call or the deployment of their

weapons could wreak havoc on hapless victims.

According to the Attorney General, “is a lot powerful people,” who,” get sensitive now.”

The Attorney General said he even had to, “hold back the man,” presumably from going after

Glenn Lall and the staff of Kaieteur News

Mr. Nandlal also blew the whistle on a conspiracy to commit murder at the Kaieteur News office

on Saffon Street in the process of which he said, “Peter gun pay fuh Paul...” He advised

Gildharie that, “the quicker you get out of that place the better,” and emphasized, “my

advice is to move; it is a dangerous place to work.”

The Attorney General boasts that he had, “far more effective methods to which I could

resort,” and had effected, “a change in Tempo,” after Kaieteur News started reporting of

Nandlal’s alleged involvement in ‘spying’ on that newspaper.

The attorney General as head of the Guyanese bar and the government’s legal adviser holds a

pivotal position in the maintenance of law and order in this country. He has breached that trust

reposed in that office by the Guyanese people and must perforce pay the price

APNU calls for the immediate resignation of Mr. Nandlal from the office of Attorney General of



James Bond must have been scold by his political daddy (Granger), no sooner had his  public facebook page attracted the public's attention, it disappears. That's is more than enough proof that opposition MP's are not allowed to share their own thoughts. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

James Bond must have been scold by his political daddy (Granger), no sooner had his  public facebook page attracted the public's attention, it disappears. That's is more than enough proof that opposition MP's are not allowed to share their own thoughts. 

ppp money is very attractive  

Originally Posted by Conscience:

James Bond must have been scold by his political daddy (Granger), no sooner had his  public facebook page attracted the public's attention, it disappears. That's is more than enough proof that opposition MP's are not allowed to share their own thoughts. 

He is known to be on the PPP Payroll.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

James Bond character maybe assassinated because he chose to speak his mind...


James Mc Allister once suffered that wrath.

Fortunately for him its only his character being assassinated if it were the PPP/C he had f-kd with like he did there, he would have been assassinated like the others...ketch ma drift councieman?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

James Bond character maybe assassinated because he chose to speak his mind...


James Mc Allister once suffered that wrath.

Fortunately for him its only his character being assassinated if it were the PPP/C he had f-kd with like he did there, he would have been assassinated like the others...ketch ma drift councieman?

They did try to kill him once when he protested against the PPP. He's lucky to be alive. They also assassinated his character by accusing him of using a stolen motorcycle to knock down a woman.


Attorney James Bond After being shot

Guyana’s ruling PPP declares war on peaceful  APNU demonstrators who were demanding that APNU  statements of poll  (SoP’s) from last Monday’s general elections be reconciled and verified. They demand came after over 120 SoP’s from region went missing three days after the elections.

Guyana’s newly installed President Donald Ramotar who heads a minority government instructed riot Police to shoot at and tear gas the protesters who Police demanded to

Several leaders from the APNU the which is Guyana’s largest opposition party in Parliament with 26. The smaller AFC  has 10 seats, giving the combined opposition 33 seats. The ruling PPP has 32 seats .

Among those who have been shot, injured and rested and Attorney James Bond and former Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defense Force, Eddie Collins.

Former Guyana Defense Force Chief of Staff Edward Collins after he was shot

Bond later issued the following statement via his Facebook Page: “I have been arrested shot with pellets 33 times about my head back arms and legs. We were peaceful we were walking back to Congress Place in an attempt to disperse the crowd who were walking in ranks of two arm in arm. We were simply assisting in dispersing a peaceful gathering…we were walking arm in arm and then we walked with our hands in the air yet they fired at us a rogue element of the Guyana Police Force. I VOW WITH EVERY BREATH I BREATHE TO STRUGGLE FOR YOUR VOTES TO BE COUNTED GECOM MUST COME CLEAN BY MAKING PUBLIC THE ORIGINAL STATEMENTS OF POLL SIGNED BY POLLING AGENTS THEY MUST AND THEY SHALL.”





APNU's James Bond used stolen bike with false number plate to knock woman down


The APNU's James Bond

In September of this year we reported that Attorney- at- law James Bond, the defeated People’s National Congress Reform ( PNC) presidential candidate hopeful, struck down22 year old Sonia Stanley, a trainee nurse attached to the Georgetown School of Nursing while his CBR motorcycle was overtaking another vehicle on Main Street, Georgetown. The impact left the young woman in an unconscious state in the Intensive Care Unit of the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, nursing a broken pelvic bone, head injuries, and bleeding internally as well. Eye witness accounts indicated that a drunken Bond was speeding at the time and the female was struck after his CBR motorcycle suddenly emerged from behind a car at a fast rate and rocketed into her. Bond's offer of $200,000 as compensation to the victim was also rejected.

Liveinguyana was today made to understand that the motorcycle in question, bearing registration number CF1007 was stolen in the US and shipped illegally to Guyana where it was outfitted with false number plates. It is reportedly in the custody of customs officials. However, no charges were laid against Bond since he skillfully evaded prosecution by having someone else claim ownership of the bike though it was in his possession all the time.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Conscience:

James Bond character maybe assassinated because he chose to speak his mind...


James Mc Allister once suffered that wrath.

You mean like wah Jagdeo did do to Navin and Indra?


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