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APNU shuns AFC’s anti-Rohee march

- holds separate rally at Stabroek Square

Top executives of the A Partnership for National Unity shunned the Alliance For Change-organised demonstration Friday, which the party said was one in a series of marches to force government to sack Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.
Apart from the small crowd the march attracted, the APNU, apparently fearing the backlash of the mayhem during Thursday night’s demonstrations in Agricola, was a no-show at the protest. Instead, it held its own rally at Stabroek Square, where it continued to clamour for the removal of Rohee and advocate for justice for the young men killed by police recently.

With the boycott of the APNU, the AFC-sponsored demonstration on Friday attracted a small crowd. In this photo the sprinkling of protesters could be seen in vicinity of White Castle Fish Shop where a youth was killed by police exactly a week ago

The APNU had given tacit support for the march earlier in the week, particularly when AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes gave government a 48-hour ultimatum to fire Rohee, threatening mass demonstrations.  But during AFC’s Friday march, and the earlier rally held near the White Castle Fish Shop on Hadfield Street, Georgetown, senior APNU officials and popular supporters were starkly missing.
Meanwhile, a number of other organisations participated in the demonstration, held at the exact spot where 21-year-old Dameon Belgrave was murdered on Friday, October 5. They called for the reform of the Guyana Police Force and condemned the recent spate of alleged extra-judicial killings. The march started at Hadfield and John streets, moved into Winter Place, then into Brickdam, and culminated at People’s Parliament, Avenue of the Republic. The group, of about 100 people, also made a brief stop at the Brickdam Police Station.
Addressing the gathering, Hughes claimed that the current administration is panicking because the people of Guyana are beginning to use the most dangerous weapon they have, “which is our mind and brain…we are in the process of emancipating ourselves from mental slavery”.

Derail process
Hughes suggested that certain statements are being made by government, because it is getting scared and is trying to provoke people into reacting, as it does not want the law to take its course. “They have no ability to deal with justice and law, so they are trying to derail the process,” he said.
Region 10 Chairman Solomon Sharma said the unlawful shootings of young men by the police presented the perfect opportunity “for what we’re trying to do now… days after we could have saved the lives of those lost since September.”
He contended that the struggle is not confined to Linden, but is a national one against a government which he said has little or no regard for the common people of the country. He urged persons to consider each other’s struggle, noting that it can only be fought collectively. “We Guyanese must stand up with one voice, we have to strive to change this, we cannot continue business as usual, thinking that it is a Linden struggle alone,” said Sharma.
Red Thread Chairperson Karen De Souza explained that the reason for the exercise was not just to condemn the killing of Belgrave, but also those of all the people who were killed by the police’s use of excess force. She made reference to the recent killings of three Lindeners, as well as Shaquille Grant and Kelvin Anthony Fraser, saying the time has come for Guyanese to stand up in the quest for justice.
Another speaker, Tyron Talbolt said the time has come for Guyanese to unite and fight for justice, noting that politicians are servants of the people. She said every person that is killed innocently is precious to Guyana and argued that justice will always prevail and conquer injustice.
Sunita Nelson, a member of a Society Against Sexual Orientation and Discrimination (SASOD), emphasised that the occasion was not merely about Belgrave, but the many other young people who have been killed by police, and called for the relevant authorities to address the surge.
Meanwhile, Shonette Grant, the mother of 17-year-old Grant, who was shot by a police patrol in Agricola on September 11, vented her anger about the way the officer who was charged for her son’s murder was taken to court. “They transported him in front of the vehicle and I’m saying he must ride like any other criminal. I’m not into politics, I’m just seeking justice for my son,” she said.
Stan Gouveia, an acquaintance of Belgrave, said there is “institutionalised criminalisation” in the country, noting that it has to stop. He said that such killings cause people to question the type of training which is in place for the police.

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October12th, 2012  




The Alliance For Change has learnt with alarm of the events that took place in Agricola on the afternoon of 11thOct,2012 which continued into the evening. These events were sparked by the reckless statements emanating from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government of Guyana was "ready to rumble" and that the Cabinet Secretary "looked forward to the fight". These statements were provocative and insensitive.


The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.


The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this evening.


The tragic deaths of three Lindeners in July, followed by the execution of Shaquille Grant in Agricola, the mysterious disappearance of the two policeman involved in the shooting, and the shooting to death of an innocent bystander all under the watch of Minister Rohee are testament to the continued failure of the Minister to create a safe environment and to provide security for all citizens of Guyana,


The fact that the Government of Guyana considers this Minister's performance the best available in the cabinet is testimony to the tragic and abysmal failure to provide effective leadership and responsible stewardship of the affairs of the state.


The Parliament of Guyana, the highest decision making forum in the land has already expressed its total lack of confidence in this Minister. The Government's response that "we shall not be moved" displayed not only a complete disregard for the wishes of the elected majority but was an act of defiance and an invitation for conflict rather than calm reflection.


The AFC finds it despicable that the Government has started its manipulation on the airwaves and TV that AFC's Chairman Nigel Hughes caused this crisis when undoubtedly it was the provocation of Luncheon's taunting aggrieved mothers this morning.


The AFC urges all citizens to remain calm and not be provoked.



The Parliament of Guyana, the highest decision making forum in the land has already expressed its total lack of confidence in this Minister. The Government's response that "we shall not be moved" displayed not only a complete disregard for the wishes of the elected majority but was an act of defiance and an invitation for conflict rather than calm reflection.


APNU shuns AFC’s anti-Rohee march


The APNU had given tacit support for the march earlier in the week, particularly when AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes gave government a 48-hour ultimatum to fire Rohee, threatening mass demonstrations.

Does Nigel Hughes have the authority for the Government's decision to name/replace ministers?


The tragic deaths of three Lindeners in July, followed by the execution of Shaquille Grant in Agricola, the mysterious disappearance of the two policeman involved in the shooting, and the shooting to death of an innocent bystander all under the watch of Minister Rohee are testament to the continued failure of the Minister to create a safe environment and to provide security for all citizens of Guyana,



Nigel is a terrorist who must be brought to justice before Guyana is destroyed. Indo Guyanese better be aware of what lies ahead with this terrorist. It is time for Indo Guyanese to be on their guard for a possible attempt to overthrow the PPP and restore another Burnham style dictatorship.


Originally Posted by yuji22:


Nigel is a terrorist who must be brought to justice before Guyana is destroyed. Indo Guyanese better be aware of what lies ahead with this terrorist. It is time for Indo Guyanese to be on their guard for a possible attempt to overthrow the PPP and restore another Burnham style dictatorship.


dogeared, ole timey PPP playbook stuff . . . yaaawn

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Nigel is a terrorist who must be brought to justice before Guyana is destroyed. Indo Guyanese better be aware of what lies ahead with this terrorist. It is time for Indo Guyanese to be on their guard for a possible attempt to overthrow the PPP and restore another Burnham style dictatorship.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Nigel is a terrorist who must be brought to justice before Guyana is destroyed. Indo Guyanese better be aware of what lies ahead with this terrorist. It is time for Indo Guyanese to be on their guard for a possible attempt to overthrow the PPP and restore another Burnham style dictatorship.


dogeared, ole timey PPP playbook stuff . . . yaaawn

YUh shameless Neemakaram DAAG.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The tragic deaths of three Lindeners in July, followed by the execution of Shaquille Grant in Agricola, the mysterious disappearance of the two policeman involved in the shooting, and the shooting to death of an innocent bystander all under the watch of Minister Rohee are testament to the continued failure of the Minister to create a safe environment and to provide security for all citizens of Guyana,

Mitwah is another AFC stooge and spokesperson on this forum who strokes the flames that the terrorists in Guyana are fanning. 


It is time that Guyanese send a strong a message to the AFC and it's band of terrorists that they will stand up to them. 

If I were an Indo Guyanese in Guyana, I would be very concerned with the actions of the AFC, very concerned.


These events were sparked by the reckless statements emanating from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government of Guyana was "ready to rumble" and that the Cabinet Secretary "looked forward to the fight". These statements were provocative and insensitive.


The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

These events were sparked by the reckless statements emanating from the Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon that the government of Guyana was "ready to rumble" and that the Cabinet Secretary "looked forward to the fight". These statements were provocative and insensitive.


The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.




The AFC is a bunch of loose cannon terrorists. Everyone makes up their own statements and post as spokesperson of the AFC.

The AFC has proven once and for all that they are a terrorist organization hell bent on destroying Guyana.


Top terrorist Nigel has now taken over the AFC and now want s to overthrow the PPP.


The Parliament of Guyana, the highest decision making forum in the land has already expressed its total lack of confidence in this Minister. The Government's response that "we shall not be moved" displayed not only a complete disregard for the wishes of the elected majority but was an act of defiance and an invitation for conflict rather than calm reflection.


Rohee must go!


The opposition cannot "vote" out a minister. I forgive your dumbness.


They can vote on a no confidence motion to bring down the government and I dare them to do so.


Who are you trying to fool ? This is not "dem boys seh" forum.



The opposition cannot vote out a minister. You are quite hard headed.

I only see terrorists in the video. Terrorists are not "the people".

12 protesters in the picture above is the AFC imagination of "the people".


The AFC is now officially a terrorist party lead by terrorist Nigel. Now bow down to your new terrorist boss Mitwah, are you now ashamed ?


The police must use as much force as necessary to exterminate terrorists. No mercy for terrorists.



it's despicable that the Government has started its manipulation on the airwaves and TV that AFC's Chairman Nigel Hughes caused this crisis when undoubtedly it was the provocation of Luncheon's taunting aggrieved mothers.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

it's despicable that the Government has started its manipulation on the airwaves and TV that AFC's Chairman Nigel Hughes caused this crisis when undoubtedly it was the provocation of Luncheon's taunting aggrieved mothers.

Do you have any SHAME left or is this your natural self???


Mitwah, you are making a total fool of yourself defending the actions of terrorists. 


Pictures and videos do not lie. The AFC started protesting and rioting and give the PPP "until midnight" until the AFC  started "massive" protests. You have no shame. The AFC terrorist Nigel and his new sidekick traitor Moses is on record.


Now go brush your teeth and stop lying and defending terrorism.


The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.


The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this past evening.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.


The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this past evening.

The KFC and you were tooo DUNCE not to expectANIMALS to be destructive!!!


if the AFC BLOCK the road which i know nothing about i will say to them its about time i say block the whole city do what you have to do to bring down this government,the ppp and the pnc have to go guyana need a change with a new party a party for all the people and not only for one race or family we need a next rodney in any colour and if you have to use the guns to do so then so shall it be and ramjattan should stand up and let the people know that he intent to get the ppp out by any means possible let the people choose and for all the lowlife ppp bloggers on this site you can talk shit this is my feeling


In any civilized society there is something called democracy and the will of the People. The PPP was democratically elected by free and fair elections.


Take off your Burnham brainwashed dictatorship cap and respect the  laws of civilized society.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC condemns the blocking of the public roadway and the subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home and appeals for calm at this difficult time.


The belligerent tone used by the Cabinet Secretary coupled with the provocative singing of "We shall not be moved" and subsequent laughter were not only callous but perhaps calculated to engineer the exact result witnessed this past evening.

The KFC and you were tooo DUNCE not to expectANIMALS to be destructive!!!

Nehru bhai with all due respect, no amount of your labelling can affect me. You should know by now that they mean nothing to me.


Your statement is an indictment of the mentality of Ramotar et al at Freedumb House. They think of the blackman as animals. See how Rev has used that sordid Lynching picture of a blackman? I have not seen you speak out against it.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

APNU shuns AFC’s anti-Rohee march


The APNU had given tacit support for the march earlier in the week, particularly when AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes gave government a 48-hour ultimatum to fire Rohee, threatening mass demonstrations.

Does Nigel Hughes have the authority for the Government's decision to name/replace ministers?

As a citizen he does have the right to make that demand.  If the PPP appoints a corrupt incompetent there is no reason why the population must accept this.  Not in a govt which claims to be a democratic one.  Rohee has been seen as a waste long ago.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

In any civilized society there is something called democracy and the will of the People. The PPP was democratically elected by free and fair elections.


Take off your Burnham brainwashed dictatorship cap and respect the  laws of civilized society.

These same elections showed that MORE than 50% of the electoarte voted AGAINST the PPP.


So why does the PPP refuse to interact with those who they voted for?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Can you explain how a bloody statement cause Molestation, Robbery, Looting and Burning!!!

Nehru the fact that Rohee cant protect Guyanese ought to be a reason why YOU should demand his removal.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Can you explain how a bloody statement cause Molestation, Robbery, Looting and Burning!!!

I'm asking the same thing


Oi Nehru, ever re-read your posts and noticed your typing goes kinda strange when you respond to most posts?

Dat statement you respond to is one that causes you to go of like a banshee in heat. Yo other buddy use to be same as you, ole dirty mouthed SupaMike. Is where he deh nuh?

I miss givin him shit too. Oh well, I just have to give you his share, you deserve it anyway, regardless if you've made a post that day or not.


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