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Home > NEWS > APNU sidelines Kissoon, Solomon -did not make list which will ‘move Guyana forward’
APNU Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon
APNU Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

APNU sidelines Kissoon, Solomon -did not make list which will ‘move Guyana forward’


LONGSTANDING People’s National Congress (PNC) member and former A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP) Vanessa Kissoon and APNU Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon have been officially sidelined by the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition, following the submission of their National Top Up list of candidates which their names failed to appear on. Following the submission of his list of candidates to contest the General and Regional Elections this year, presidential candidate of the coalition, David Granger, confirmed that Kissoon’s name was not on the list which he considers is a list designed to “move the country forward.”

The leader then refused to respond to whether Kissoon had been informed prior to the submission of the list, that her name had been excluded.

Former APNU MP, Vanessa Kissoon.

Former APNU MP, Vanessa Kissoon.

Subsequent to this confirmation, Granger acknowledged that the list had been a “balanced” one, adding that Kissoon had already served two terms in her political career.
When prompted however on whether two terms were the maximum for any party member in the APNU, Granger responded in the negative, positing that, “We have a list of criteria and those criteria were applied because of the work that is ahead of us.”
The APNU+AFC presidential candidate further added that, “We have a list of criteria and we selected persons on the basis of those criteria. We’ve committed ourselves to competence and balance. We have a list that is going to move this country forward.”
However, Kissoon has over the last few years found herself in the midst of controversy with the PNC and other members of the party, including General Secretary, Oscar Clarke.
The former PNC/APNU parliamentarian was demoted last year February in the National Assembly, from a front bencher to a backbencher, also without prior knowledge of this decision. Kissoon had confirmed that is was only upon her arrival that she was made aware of this development.
Additionally, Kissoon and three other Lindeners were on Tuesday last slapped with a joint charge of provoking a “breach of the peace” following their attack on a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) campaign meeting last week at Blueberry Hill, Linden.
Kissoon’s charge read, “That on Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 at Blueberry Hill, Linden at a public meeting, [I] used insulting words to Joe Hamilton with intent to provoke a breach of the peace” contrary to Section 10 of the Public Order Act 16:03.”
She later revealed in a statement that the case against her had been put down until May 6, 2015.
Kissoon was appointed a Member of Parliament (MP) back in 2006 on the People’s National Congress Reform One Guyana (PNCR1G) platform.
Solomon too, who had been excluded from the list submitted on Tuesday, had not escaped controversy which surrounded the PNC’s 18th biennial congress.
The Region 10 Chairman, who is the youngest to ever hold such a post, had been running for the presidential candidacy against David Granger in the PNC’s camp. However, following much controversy, Sharma signalled his intention to withdraw from the electoral process.
A week after the congress, Solomon related that there was nothing democratic about the electoral process of the PNC’s congress.
According to Solomon at that time, the secretariat’s decision to approve the use of National Identification cards or passport as a means of identification opened the electoral process for manipulation, because those documents do not have the needed information to prove membership and eligibility as delegates.
He further added a significant portion of Linden’s members and delegates were affected by the non-issuance of cards.
The Region 10 Chairman then disclosed that while he was nominated for the positions of Leader, Chairman, Vice Chairman (VC) and Committee Member a letter sent to him excluded the nomination for VC. The secretariat he said, had been advised of the oversight, with the accompanying evidence attached but this was never corrected as the nomination was not reflected on the ballot at the PNC’s congress.
Up to last evening, both Kissoon and Solomon had been unavailable for a comment when this publication contacted them.

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More dirty Business by the PNC:


Solomon was punished by the PNC for exposing massive rigging by Granger in Linden. Time for Solomon to expose the crooks in the PNC.


PNC also sidelined AFC's top brass Gerhard. 


Solomon and Gerhard are seen as a threat to the leadership of the PNC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Dem 2 wid some coolie name in dem. Grainjha nah trust anyone wid wan coolie name. RACISM.


Facts Skelly, Facts.


The PNC also put a knife in Gerhard's back, another Indo suffers at the hands of the PNC.



Granger and His son-in Law are on the PNC list. All in the PNC family.


Wife Cathy and Husband Nigel are on the PNC list. 


All in the PNC family.

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo’s Babu Jaan remarks racially divisive – Media Monitoring Unit

April 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

After reviewing a broadcast of the speech made by former President Bharrat Jagdeo at Port Mourant

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

last month, the Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says the remarks he made were racially divisive. The MMU, on Tuesday made public its first report on the media’s coverage of the election campaign where it addressed the public outcry over Jagdeo’s delivery at a Memorial Ceremony held for former President and founder-leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Noting that Jagdeo’s delivery at the Corentyne, Berbice memorial site on March 8, last, had been broadcast on national television, National Communications Network (NCN), the MMU said that this opened the way for it to address the matter. The report on the March 1 to March 31 period, focused on part of Jagdeo’s speech which it noted stirred significant negative public reactions. The controversial part of the speech it focused on reads “…but they consistently, they shout about racism of the PPP, but they practise racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro- Guyanese villages and beat some drums at 6 o’clock in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up, go out and vote, throw out the coolie people. That’s the kind of language they use. Anybody from our party who uses that sort of language, we will kick them out. This is our approach.” The MMU said that this was sourced from NCN TV which broadcast Jagdeo’s entire speech the following day. After reviewing the remarks made, the Unit took the position that it was obvious that Jagdeo was using a racial mobilization incident that allegedly occurred during the 2011 elections to make the point that racism will not be tolerated by his political party, the PPP/C. For the record, the MMU said that Jagdeo’s speech was the first time such details were ever publicly disclosed by anyone from the ruling PPP/C, the opposition political parties, local civil society, international elections observers, or the media. The body noted that on the face of it, this is salutary. “However, what was palpably disconcerting about the remarks made is where they were uttered, the occasion on which they were stated, and the immediate receptors of the message.” The MMU is of the view that it would be counter intuitive to view Dr. Jagdeo’s comments in isolation from the environment in which they were uttered. “At close up, he was speaking in a known PPP/C stronghold, before a predominantly East Indian audience, and, to boot, in a highly-charged political and ethnic environment,” it said. “Taking into consideration the historically and politically influenced divisions that persists up to now between Africans and East Indians in this country, and which are usually more pronounced during elections periods, the Unit came to the conclusion that the anecdotal illustration used by Dr. Jagdeo to make his point about racism, boomeranged disastrously, since it came over as a calculated exploitation, for political purposes, of the known fears and insecurities of one section of the population – East Indians.” The Unit added that it is within the foregoing context, that it concluded that the remarks made by Jagdeo “were racially divisive and should have been edited by all sections of the media that broadcast or printed the remarks verbatim. The media was reminded that the airing/publication of the comments as is, was a breach of Section B (1) of the Media Code of Conduct (MCC), which among other things state, that the media should “…refrain from publishing or broadcasting any matter with the potential for, or likelihood of promoting or inciting hatred of any kind (including ethnic and political hatred)…” The unit said that it observed that two television stations aired Jagdeo’s speech in full, while one newspaper and some online news sites carried only the excerpted part. It noted that many media houses from both the state and private media shied away from reproducing the full speech or the contentious part thereof. “The actions of these media houses should not go unmentioned, hence,` we unhesitatingly take a quality time out to commend them for their nous and adherence, in this instance, to the MCC,” the body ended.


Jagdeo’s Babu Jaan remarks racially divisive – Media Monitoring Unit

April 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

After reviewing a broadcast of the speech made by former President Bharrat Jagdeo at Port Mourant

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

last month, the Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says the remarks he made were racially divisive. The MMU, on Tuesday made public its first report on the media’s coverage of the election campaign where it addressed the public outcry over Jagdeo’s delivery at a Memorial Ceremony held for former President and founder-leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Noting that Jagdeo’s delivery at the Corentyne, Berbice memorial site on March 8, last, had been broadcast on national television, National Communications Network (NCN), the MMU said that this opened the way for it to address the matter. The report on the March 1 to March 31 period, focused on part of Jagdeo’s speech which it noted stirred significant negative public reactions. The controversial part of the speech it focused on reads “…but they consistently, they shout about racism of the PPP, but they practise racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro- Guyanese villages and beat some drums at 6 o’clock in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up, go out and vote, throw out the coolie people. That’s the kind of language they use. Anybody from our party who uses that sort of language, we will kick them out. This is our approach.” The MMU said that this was sourced from NCN TV which broadcast Jagdeo’s entire speech the following day. After reviewing the remarks made, the Unit took the position that it was obvious that Jagdeo was using a racial mobilization incident that allegedly occurred during the 2011 elections to make the point that racism will not be tolerated by his political party, the PPP/C. For the record, the MMU said that Jagdeo’s speech was the first time such details were ever publicly disclosed by anyone from the ruling PPP/C, the opposition political parties, local civil society, international elections observers, or the media. The body noted that on the face of it, this is salutary. “However, what was palpably disconcerting about the remarks made is where they were uttered, the occasion on which they were stated, and the immediate receptors of the message.” The MMU is of the view that it would be counter intuitive to view Dr. Jagdeo’s comments in isolation from the environment in which they were uttered. “At close up, he was speaking in a known PPP/C stronghold, before a predominantly East Indian audience, and, to boot, in a highly-charged political and ethnic environment,” it said. “Taking into consideration the historically and politically influenced divisions that persists up to now between Africans and East Indians in this country, and which are usually more pronounced during elections periods, the Unit came to the conclusion that the anecdotal illustration used by Dr. Jagdeo to make his point about racism, boomeranged disastrously, since it came over as a calculated exploitation, for political purposes, of the known fears and insecurities of one section of the population – East Indians.” The Unit added that it is within the foregoing context, that it concluded that the remarks made by Jagdeo “were racially divisive and should have been edited by all sections of the media that broadcast or printed the remarks verbatim. The media was reminded that the airing/publication of the comments as is, was a breach of Section B (1) of the Media Code of Conduct (MCC), which among other things state, that the media should “…refrain from publishing or broadcasting any matter with the potential for, or likelihood of promoting or inciting hatred of any kind (including ethnic and political hatred)…” The unit said that it observed that two television stations aired Jagdeo’s speech in full, while one newspaper and some online news sites carried only the excerpted part. It noted that many media houses from both the state and private media shied away from reproducing the full speech or the contentious part thereof. “The actions of these media houses should not go unmentioned, hence,` we unhesitatingly take a quality time out to commend them for their nous and adherence, in this instance, to the MCC,” the body ended.


Granger and Moses stab Gerhard in the back.

Gerhard's last name sounds too Indian for Granger's liking.


The meeting before the stabbing, PNC will not hesitate to destroy Indos:




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AFC's Indo activist sidelined by Granger's PNC:


Granger chose his own son in law instead of hardworking Gerhard.


All in the PNC family, Gerhard is not good enough for Granger and Moses:







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Last edited by Former Member

Emails, recorded telephone conversation expose…Jagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News

October 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under Heist of Guyana, News 

September 21, 2014

Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, is in possession of incontrovertible evidence of a plot by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, to bring down Kaieteur News. Confidential documentation, leaked to this publication, reveals that the Commissioner-General provided the former President with detailed tax information of a number of independent media houses in - a a The disclosure of the information by GRA’s Commissioner-General to Jagdeo, represents a grave breach of the ‘Oath of Secrecy’ sworn to by Sattaur as an officer of the Guyana Revenue Authority, said one lawyer. In taking the Oath, Sattaur solemnly declared that he would “truly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him.” He also swore that he would “judge and determine upon all matters and things before him without fear, affection, or malice”. And he swore, too, not to disclose any tax information concerning any taxpayer, but this has not been the case. Both Jagdeo and Sattaur are fully aware of the impropriety of their action and as such Sattaur even acknowledged, in the documents, that Jagdeo is expected to treat the information with confidence, said the lawyer. The documents would lift the lid off a few Government officials who have been insisting that all is right in Guyana and democracy is very much alive, he added. Both Kaieteur News and Stabroek News have been on the receiving end of Government’s anger over critical issues like corruption, value for money on projects, and local government elections. This publication is of the firm view that former President Jagdeo is not entitled to receive financial or tax information of any taxpayer, let alone a private citizen, as it would be highly improper, and clearly a breach of regulations. The information received revealed that Jagdeo advised Sattaur on “an impending major audit of the Kaieteur News” as a public ploy to defend the GRA and Sattaur against criticisms by the Kaieteur News. There is strong indication, according to the documents seen by Kaieteur News, that the plot between Sattaur and Jagdeo was hatched after a news report a few weeks ago raised questions over the employment of three children of the Commissioner-General at GRA. The report had questioned whether it was proper. Sattaur had also been highly defensive and upset with Kaieteur News and the private media, after questions were asked of GRA’s role in granting Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese logging company that is being investigated by Parliament, tens of millions of dollars in duty free concessions. When asked about details of the duty free concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin, Sattaur made it clear that the laws that are in place barred him from ever disclosing the information. He said that the matter was closed. As such, the public was kept in the dark over those duty free concessions for high-end SUVs, like a Lexus, an Infiniti series, and even a number of luxury vans. The granting of duty free concessions for vehicles pertaining to investments has to be relevant to the type of investment being made. GRA remained silent on this and also how it granted the duty free concessions even before Bai Shan Lin was given permission to freely operate its concessions. According to Kaieteur News’s publisher, Glenn Lall, he is now even more convinced that certain members within the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic and Government are determined to silence the voice of the independent media. “The use of the Guyana Revenue Authority, a body to which members of the public entrust their most private information, as a weapon against the media is a dangerous development indeed, and a violation of press freedom… “Kaieteur News is forced to ask what other tax information has not been compromised by Sattaur and Jagdeo?” Lall opined that it is time for Sattaur to step down as Commissioner-General of GRA with an independent, criminal investigation launched to enquire the role played by Jagdeo, and to ensure that the tax agency is operating within its mandate. “We also call on President Donald Ramotar to take steps to prevent Mr. Jagdeo from interfering further in his administration of the country,” Lall said.


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