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Former Member

Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Thursday, 01 December 2011 19:32

APNU supporters protest outside Parliament BuildingAngered by defeat and allegations of vote-rigging, supporters of Guyana’s main opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Thursday night thronged outside Parliament Buildings where political leaders were meeting inside.

They pushed down police barriers to express disgust that the incumbent Peoples Progressive Party Civic’s (PPPC) Donald Ramotar was declared winner of Monday’s presidential elections.

Riot police, armed with rifles and teargas canisters did not go into action and there were no immediate reports of anyone arrested.

APNU presidential candidate, David Granger has already charged that there were massive irregularities including broken ballot box seals, inconsistent tallies on statements of poll and multiple voting in some areas of the mainly East Indian-backed PPPC

Chanting “We want Granger,” “No place for Donald”, and “No school, No work,” they walked, drove and rode from their party headquarters to Parliament Building in the commercial heart of Georgetown.

At the end of the meeting Granger went out to meet the crowd and led themdown Brickdam to the Square of the Revolution by which time hundreds had gathered. After some delay in which they sought to secure a public address system he finally addressed the crowd telling them that the party knows their interests and will represent them.

"We have asked for an all-party verification of the statements of poll,"he said noting that between the opposition parties now control the parliament.

The PPPC won 32 seats in the 65-seat National Assembly with 48.6 percent; APNU with 26 seats and 40.8 percent and the Alliance of Change (AFC) got seven seats with 10.3 percent. The United Force did not get any seats in the 65 seat National Assembly.

Granger urged them to stay calm and then suggested that they meet back at the Square at 5 PM tomorrow but the crowd responded "we aint waan hear duh."

After several attempts to appease the crowd it was finally agreed that they would meet back at the Square at 10 AM Friday.

Speaking to reporters afterwards he again called for supporters not to be disorderly.

"We have advised our supporters that there must be no disorder no lawlessness we have to find a solution to this crisis ... there's a security crisis, there's a political crisis in this country," he stated.

Chief Election Officer, Gocool Boodoo pegged voter turnout from among the 475,000 eligible voters at 72.9 percent.

President-elect Donald Ramotar has already signaled that he would shortly appoint a cabinet and expressed regret that his party did not secure a working majority in the assembly. “I would have liked to have a majority in the parliament but the electorate has spoken and we have to work with what we have,” he said.

Television talk-show host, Christopher Ram, laying the blame for the minority government at the feet of outgoing president, Bharrat Jagdeo, said the country was on the cusp of positive development through legislative, constitutional and fiscal management and accountability.

“I think Guyana is in for five of its most glorious years. It’s important that the APNU and AFC do not get carried away and say let’s bring down the government,” said Ram an accountant and practicing lawyer.

With a minority government, the Ramotar led-administration would have to first win bipartisan support before laws can be amended and the budget passed.

AFC Executive Member, Nigel Hughes said the outcome of Monday’s polls signaled the need for Guyana’s constitution to be overhauled or changed because the results now mean that a significant segment of the population would be left out of cabinet and the government.

At the same time, he said the AFC welcomed the outcome of the polls, saying that for the first time it gives the opposition an opportunity to check the excesses of the government.

“We are happy that no single party has a majority in parliament and that we would be able to exercise some restraint but I must temper that by saying that the present winner-take-all system will not address the concerns of the people,” said Hughes, a well-respected lawyer.

Electoral Assistance Bureau (EAB) observers examine broken ballot box seals that were found at the North Ruimveldt Multilateral School on Tuesday. Centre is APNU's Mervyn Williams.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by albert:
The actions of A.P.N.U should be condemned by all Guyanese...

You mean Granger telling the crowds to remain calm? And telling them that he will reprsent them? Telling them to go home as its difficult to control crowds at night?

How awful!!!!!
Originally posted by albert:
Granger should tell his supporters to go home and accept defeat, they lost fair and square....

They thought that there was coalation between the AFC and the APNU.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
The actions of A.P.N.U should be condemned by all Guyanese...

You mean Granger telling the crowds to remain calm? And telling them that he will reprsent them? Telling them to go home as its difficult to control crowds at night?

How awful!!!!!

This guy is a moron. He and others like him want to demonize black people.
Originally posted by FC:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
The actions of A.P.N.U should be condemned by all Guyanese...

You mean Granger telling the crowds to remain calm? And telling them that he will reprsent them? Telling them to go home as its difficult to control crowds at night?

How awful!!!!!

This guy is a moron. He and others like him want to demonize black people.

Well the success of Guyana will depend on the PPP functioning, the PNC ensuring that they do, both parties acting on issues based on dialogue.

So all those ragaing against Granger and black people better just get over their rage. Maybe they will know Guyana is multi ethnic and all need to be included in its governance.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by albert:
Granger should tell his supporters to go home and accept defeat, they lost fair and square....

They thought that there was coalation between the AFC and the APNU.

If this is what to expect when they smell lil power, next time they will get a surprise. The whole nation, including the AFC constituency watching. This is a huge strategic blunder on the part of APNU.
Should the APNU riot and burn this could sink their chances in any future elections. This would provide footage for future PPP campaign commercials that were so effective in 2006. Remember these folks didn't vote AFC as they didn't like an Indian(Ramjattan) in charge. The same can be said of the disenchanted PPP supporters in 2006 who didn't vote AFC. My prediction is that the AFC will be extinct since both PNC and PPP supporters jumped ship and got burnt in 2006 and 2011 with promises by Gmoney and other of a full out AFC victory only to put the nation precariously close to being mauled once again by the evil PNC.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Should the APNU riot and burn this could sink their chances in any future elections. This would provide footage for future PPP campaign commercials that were so effective in 2006. Remember these folks didn't vote AFC as they didn't like an Indian(Ramjattan) in charge. The same can be said of the disenchanted PPP supporters in 2006 who didn't vote AFC. My prediction is that the AFC will be extinct since both PNC and PPP supporters jumped ship and got burnt in 2006 and 2011 with promises by Gmoney and other of a full out AFC victory only to put the nation precariously close to being mauled once again by the evil PNC.

Oi Gurdley man listen here. The hilited was seen as a smart post coming from a smart man, then you just had to screw it up with your bassidy "prediction"
I'll say now as it stands caribj got yall beat with "prediction banna.

Come in caribman

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Should the APNU riot and burn this could sink their chances in any future elections.NC.

druggie the PPP gave sour milk to blacks and they chased them out of town. lol partybanana Good_night flag
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Should the APNU riot and burn this could sink their chances in any future elections.NC.

druggie the PPP gave sour milk to blacks and they chased them out of town. lol partybanana Good_night flag


I have never read so much trash from an intelligent human being in my life. The PNC/APNU was ill-prepared to monitor the elections. If you had agents in every polling station across the country, you would not be clutching at straws now to make a case of rigging. You would have been in possession of statement of polls with which you could challenge GECOM's official results. But no, you did not have the statement of polls so you use the method that is most likely to drive fear and intimidate - take to the streets. If APNU indeed won the elections, why would it be willing to settle for anything less than such a declaration? The APNU/PNC was caught with its pants down as it was not adequately prepared to monitor the elections.

The PPP was clearly in a position early a clock to know that it lost a majority showing but it clinched the Presidency hence its post on its Face Book page. This is because the PPP has a command centre that works. APNU/PNC did not have a similar mechanism in place and hence had to depend on Gecom for the results.

It is highly irresponsible to be facing a national elections, be illprepared to monitor it, and then take advantage of a few incidences which amount to nothing but thug behaviour from a few PPP supporters to denounce the elections as having been rigged. Why did APNU/PNC not question the arrangement for the polls before the elections, why did you not test the ink before it was used? Why are you clutching at straws now? It is easy to give carte blanche cover to claims of buying ID cards and getting monies/counterfeit in circulation. Where is the evidence to back it up?

APNU is losing whatever credibility it came out with as these desperate measures to hold a country to ransom is nothing less than cowardly and dastardly. Mr Granger's slip is also showing. All the APNU acts will do is send Indo Guyanese supporters right back into the arms of the PPP and the APNU will be condemned as an opposition which can never amount to anything but as a group which only influence was fear and intimidation. The end result, a never ending ethnic security crisis in Guyana. How civilised!!!
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Should the APNU riot anMy prediction is that the AFC will be extinct since both PNC and PPP supporters jumped ship and got burnt in 2006 and 2011 with promises by Gmoney and other of a full out AFC victory only to put the nation precariously close to being mauled once again by the evil PNC.

I did say that the AFC is going to crumble in 2016. THe PPP has a lot of work to do, clean house, get rid of the older guys who are not performing. REplace them with younger people who are RESULTS oriented. CLean up the armed forces and get away from the Old jAGAN MENTALITY of appointing ministers based solely on their years of service to the PPP.
It is not that simple. We are dealing with a cultural shift. Guyanese people now want something for nothing. Nobody wants to put in hard work to get rewards. The culture of violence within the PNC is still there. They will continue to claim marginalization until they control the Goverment. Then we will be back to square 1.
AFC is needed to keep a balance in parliament. PPP needs to clean house and get rid old school politics and APNU needs to act responsibly and get rid of their image as a party that resorts to violence and intimidation after elections. It has consistently harmed their image and their political leaders need to rise up to the occasion. Are we not supposed to see a new era in politics in Guyana ? Time will tell. All parties have an opportunity to rise up to the occasion. Let us now see what happens.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Should the APNU riot and burn this could sink their chances in any future elections.NC.

druggie the PPP gave sour milk to blacks and they chased them out of town. lol partybanana Good_night flag

The milk worked to some extent, however racist habits are hard to break. Afro's still prefer to see their own in charge as back in the PNC times when every public official was black. However they will not protest too much since deep down inside they grudging realize that the PPP brought prosperity as opposed to the PNC destruction. ahahhaahh
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Should the APNU riot and burn this could sink their chances in any future elections.NC.

druggie the PPP gave sour milk to blacks and they chased them out of town. lol partybanana Good_night flag

The milk worked to some extent, however racist habits are hard to break. Afro's still prefer to see their own in charge as back in the PNC times when every public official was black. However they will not protest too much since deep down inside they grudging realize that the PPP brought prosperity as opposed to the PNC destruction. ahahhaahh

But then again it was during the PNC time you made your fortunes as well as Dave Martix's father.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The milk worked to some extent, however racist habits are hard to break.

Sorry the milk was sour and blacks spat it out. Prosperity didnt ioccur in black areas and Linden is a prime example of that. You can debate to the extent to which average Indos benefitted under the PPP....clearly mnay didnt as AFC inroads in the Corentyne showed.

You ought to look around and see all those blacks cheering for Rupnaraine by the way. Many claim atht APNU was headed for a disastrous loss before he came on the scene.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The milk worked to some extent, however racist habits are hard to break.

Sorry the milk was sour and blacks spat it out. Prosperity didnt ioccur in black areas and Linden is a prime example of that. You can debate to the extent to which average Indos benefitted under the PPP....clearly mnay didnt as AFC inroads in the Corentyne showed.

You ought to look around and see all those blacks cheering for Rupnaraine by the way. Many claim atht APNU was headed for a disastrous loss before he came on the scene.

So you have an Indo leading the afros.?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
[You ought to look around and see all those blacks cheering for Rupnaraine by the way. Many claim atht APNU was headed for a disastrous loss before he came on the scene.

So you have an Indo leading the afros.?

May well be.
Originally posted by albert:
The A.P.N.U lost the elections, they should tell their supports, the truth, they lost fair and square

If the AFC cooperates with APNU, they will lose their Indian support, next election.

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