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APNU to discuss AFC's no-confidence motion idea

The opposition coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) will next week discuss whether to back the Alliance For Change’s (AFC) proposed no-confidence motion whose passage could result in early general elections being called.

APNU Vice Chairman, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine said he floated the idea of a no-confidence motion at a recent public meeting at Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara.

Fresh election ahead of 2016 was recently put on the front-burner by AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo who cited government’s abuse of accountability by spending GUY$4.5 billion of the GUY$37.4 billion although it has not been approved by the opposition.

Roopnaraine said APNU has not yet met with the AFC but that party’s idea would be discussed internally. “We haven’t yet had a discussion with the AFC. I consider it something that is worth discussing but we haven’t yet met with the AFC, we haven’t yet put it to our own shadow cabinet,” he said.

He said based on APNU’s internal discussions, the AFC would be invited to hold talks about its idea of a no-confidence vote.

The constitution states that the President and the Cabinet must resign if the government is defeated by a majority vote of the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence. The constitution further states that the government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months or such longer period as the National Assembly by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.

President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday signalled that he was ready for early general election, during  an address to the Private Sector Commission’s (PSC) Annual General Meeting. “We do not take threats. If the opposition wants to pass a no-confidence bill, let them pass it and we will be ready to deal with the consequences of that,” he said.

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Quote "President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday signalled that he was ready for early general election" unquote


Shitting his pants now, all this time he was not ready for any type of Elections, now because he is in a straight jacket........he is ready for elections.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A General Election is the way forward for Guyana. Let the people make their choice of government and we should all respect that choice.



The people already made their choices and vote for Donald Ramotar as the executive president of Guyana. Democracy means you have to respect the will of the people. If APNU & AFC wants new election, let them starts the the ground work for it. If the joint opposition cannot reach an agreement to table a no-confidence motion against the govt, then they have no balls.

Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.

Mamoo has no clue about the Real Issue.

Mamoo give TK this song to take to Congress Place and to be included in the Congress Place Juke Box.



Granger kissing TK

and "Oh Rani" is now the #1 Hit at Congress Place.

Momoo buy a XM Flatty fuh $20,000....he dont mind.....



Mamoo, Granger, Corbin & TK ......

Drink, Dance and Enjoying

 "Oh Rani" so much

dem hardly playing "All ah-wee ah wan family"


Mamoo & TK will soon find out the issue

is not Drinking a Bottle XM Flatty

& Dancing and Whinning up to Oh Rani.


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.

Mamoo has no clue about the Real Issue.

Mamoo give TK this song to take to Congress Place and to be included in the Congress Place Juke Box.



Granger kissing TK

and "Oh Rani" is now the #1 Hit at Congress Place.

Momoo buy a XM Flatty fuh $20,000....he dont mind.....



Mamoo, Granger, Corbin & TK ......

Drink, Dance and Enjoying

 "Oh Rani" so much

dem hardly playing "All ah-wee ah wan family"


Mamoo & TK will soon find out the issue

is not Drinking a Bottle XM Flatty

& Dancing and Whinning up to Oh Rani.


O me. Look how Mr Jalil intelligent 

Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

A General Election is the way forward for Guyana. Let the people make their choice of government and we should all respect that choice.



You rass better hope the PNC don't meander their way into power, then is helter-skelter.  However, any election will see the PPP at 55%.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.


Even pre-1992, the PNC slave mentality was alive and well.  They enslaved the India masses.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.


Even pre-1992, the PNC slave mentality was alive and well.  They enslaved the India masses.

how can they enslaved the indians,when the indians was still getting rich and the blacks was still need to wake up and see the truth.when burham was alive their was several  attempt to kill him by indian people,what is the black people doing today,a bunch of sheep and soup drinkers    

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A General Election is the way forward for Guyana. Let the people make their choice of government and we should all respect that choice.



You rass better hope the PNC don't meander their way into power, then is helter-skelter.  However, any election will see the PPP at 55%.

Baseman who yuh think TK and eee Mamoo wuking hard fuh.

Ravi call TK a PNC Undercover Jihaji.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.


Even pre-1992, the PNC slave mentality was alive and well.  They enslaved the India masses.

how can they enslaved the indians,when the indians was still getting rich and the blacks was still need to wake up and see the truth.when burham was alive their was several  attempt to kill him by indian people,what is the black people doing today,a bunch of sheep and soup drinkers    

The 5% who endeared themselves to the PNC and "fronts" and those who grease the palm of officials.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by JB:

LGE is way forward. APNU must not be like the AFC who cant see the issues.


Even pre-1992, the PNC slave mentality was alive and well.  They enslaved the India masses.

how can they enslaved the indians,when the indians was still getting rich and the blacks was still need to wake up and see the truth.when burham was alive their was several  attempt to kill him by indian people,what is the black people doing today,a bunch of sheep and soup drinkers    

The 5% who endeared themselves to the PNC and "fronts" and those who grease the palm of officials.

Sir Baseman, please explain this 5% business.  I think you are on to something, but let me hear and see if it is what I am thinking.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A General Election is the way forward for Guyana. Let the people make their choice of government and we should all respect that choice.



Not happening until 2016.  that is final from Freedom House.  Asni will continue to spend regardless of how much will be cut and the constitution will be dumped just like how janet dump the court order.


Order in the Court of Guyana.


The opposition parties are afraid of elections.  It's a big gamble for them. The gov't has been good to the people of Guyana. They are seen as the people who not only fought for democracy, but the protectors of democracy. PNC's history in gov't. and their daily ranting and violent threats make the population very leery and fearful of them. They will not be elected by the people. They are counting on the AFC to oust the PPP. The PPP is counting on the people to keep them in.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The opposition parties are afraid of elections.  It's a big gamble for them. The gov't has been good to the people of Guyana. They are seen as the people who not only fought for democracy, but the protectors of democracy. PNC's history in gov't. and their daily ranting and violent threats make the population very leery and fearful of them. They will not be elected by the people. They are counting on the AFC to oust the PPP. The PPP is counting on the people to keep them in.

Lets see, the PPP has not held local elections in 2 decades despite a constitutional obligation to do so. And who again is afraid of elections?


How good is this government for Guyana? Every industry including rice where farmers perform well, is in shambles.


They government has not expanded democracy. To the contrary they hide behind dictatorial imperative in a constitution they once considered hopelessly flawed.


Crime is out of control. This range from the murder rate reaching one a day to domestic violence where some 20 women are already dead for this year. Junkies are everywhere an there is no treatment centers. Human trafficking is on an upsurge and one gets the sense that  the government does not seem to know  its head from its rear.


Let t hem call elections if they are so optimistic of a win




Why only now the opposition is calling for Local Gov't. Elections?

Why the opposition parties don't put their money where their mouth is and call for a new constitution or campaign for meaningful constitutional reforms? I have seen many letters in the newspapers attacking the gov't., but I'm yet to see a serious one from opposition parties calling for a new constitution or reforms to the existing one. A game is being played here when we hear about people from the AFC and PNC crying about a Burnham constitution. The public is full aware that it takes a minimum of 2/3 of the votes in parliament to make any amendment to the constitution. The gov't. does not have sufficient votes to pass an amendment so why bash them for something they can't do on their own. 


Guyana is on the road to recovery from three decades of undemocratic rule, corruption, and economic stagnation. The signs have been very encouraging if we look at a broad picture of where we were in 1992 vs. where we are today. Guyanese people now enjoy decent housing, better education and health care services, better paying jobs, low inflation, and significant increase in real income. Children going to school today are better dressed, better fed, and are performing better than before. The number of Guyanese doctors working in the health system is at least 10X more than in 1992.


We have a way to go despite all of the progress. There are still problems to deal with and gov't is doing whatever they can. The gov't. needs to employ more people with talent to tackle other problems the country faces. There is always room for improvement. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why only now the opposition is calling for Local Gov't. Elections?

laughably (and obviously) not true


are u a thoroughly incompetent propagandist or is the person feeding u these lines to post an imbecile?


oh wait . . . imbecile . . . that would be u

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why only now the opposition is calling for Local Gov't. Elections?

laughably (and obviously) not true


are u a thoroughly incompetent propagandist or is the person feeding u these lines to post an imbecile?


oh wait . . . imbecile . . . that would be u

I think he is using some kind of substance. His posts are so goatish and very laughable.


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