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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The will be engaging the good old Dr. Roger Luncheon from Wednesday to commence the handing over of power.

Good. No time to waste.


For all those who were screaming that Granger was going to renege, well it seems to me that the AFC is well represented in the transition team.  The team is also ethnically diverse.


I suspect they announced that early so that all those worried about Granger reneging will see that this isnt true.


APNU AFC on the ball.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I can assure you all that APNU and AFC will not need a transition to the Opposition.

Shaitaan the PPP decided to attempt to disrupt elections in G/town.


How do you expect people to react if the PPP wins?  It has reduced confidence that the election was free and fair.  Given that the PPP is a thoroughly racist party, extremely hostile to Afro Guyanese, what do you think the prospects are?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I can assure you all that APNU and AFC will not need a transition to the Opposition.

Shaitaan the PPP decided to attempt to disrupt elections in G/town.


How do you expect people to react if the PPP wins?  It has reduced confidence that the election was free and fair.  Given that the PPP is a thoroughly racist party, extremely hostile to Afro Guyanese, what do you think the prospects are?


They do not have to have any confidence that the election was free and fair. They just have to obey the law. It's actually just that simple. The election was pronounced credible by the Western powers and the results will soon be gazetted. The duty of the citizen is to obey the law in such a circumstance.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

They do not have to have any confidence that the election was free and fair. .

Tell that to people who had to live under PPP slavery for 22 years.  There was no call for Kwame to be engaging in his antics.


If blacks aren't secure neither will be Indians so the PPP had best deal with the problem that they have with black people.


Now go and engage in your PPP ritual of drinking the blood of blacks or what ever black hating rituals you all engage in.

Last edited by Former Member

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