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March 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom 

Source - Kaieteur News


It was fortunate that the Link Show ended its weekend performances before the release of APNU’s findings on its verification of the Statements of Poll for last November’s General and Regional Elections. The Link Show would surely have received stiff competition from APNU when it comes to comic entertainment.

APNU has now indicated that their verification exercise has called into question the results of the presidency. Perhaps if APNU had spent another few more months, it may well by that time declare itself as the winner of the elections.

APNU can no longer be taken seriously. It has contradicted itself consistently and exposed itself to ridicule by its handling of this verification exercise.

APNU ought to have known the results of the elections within hours of the close of polls on election night. If it went to so much trouble to ensure that it had polling agents in many of the areas where it felt the ruling party could have created mischief, it must have been able to within hours of the end of counting of the votes to have a fair idea of the overall results.

The PPP knew from its tabulations that it had failed to gain a majority. This is why it called for a recount of certain stations in two regions. The PPP had their polling agents, just like APNU, at most polling stations and thus were able to know how they did in the elections.

APNU however found itself in problems when some of its supporters, hurt by the failure to win the presidency, decided to test the political waters by staging protests. This placed the leadership of APNU in a serious dilemma because they could not be seen as distancing themselves from the actions of their supporters.

As such they too called for verification.

When the PPP however demanded a forensic audit which would have involved checking the ballots in the ballot boxes, APNU said no to this, insisting that the results had to be reconciled with the Statements of Poll.

APNU’s supporters then went and put on an exhibition of demonstrations and vigils, going so far as to protest in front of the homes of officials of GECOM. Eventually GECOM provided APNU with electronic copies of the results.
The verification began.

The public waited for the results of this verification, waiting to see whether it would confirm irregularities in the results.

Weeks passed and APNU still was not finished with this exercise which many of their supporters must have expected would have proven that the elections were rigged.

When the media began to press APNU, the grouping said that it was not happy with the electronic version and wanted access to the actual Statements of Poll. The party said this despite everyone knowing that it’s polling agents in the polling stations would have had signed copies of the Statements of Poll. It was not surprising that it did not ask for the ballot boxes themselves.

Pressed further, the party said irregularities were found. The business community must have begun to brace themselves for further protests.

Then later it said that though there were irregularities, these would not affect the overall results of the elections.

That was taken to mean that whatever discrepancies were found they would not alter the fact that the PPP won the elections.

APNU promised the disclosure of its findings by the end of March and it has kept its word.

Only thing now, the media is reporting them as saying that the irregularities call into question, the presidency.

Well if it does, it means that there were serious irregularities because it would take over 30,000 votes for the gap between the PPP and its nearest rival to be closed.

APNU has discredited itself by its handling of the whole situation. It should never have allowed itself to be led into this situation by those who had taken to the streets. It allowed the tail to lead the head and is now paying for this
Fortunately, APNU is not going to face another election in Guyana. The PNCR will now take command of the opposition and just like Burnham swore in 1968 that he would never allow the PNC to enter into any coalition again, so too will the PNC/R in the run-up to the next general elections, bid goodbye to its much touted partnership, APNU.

The PNC/R is now emphasising its importance in APNU. The writing is on the wall. APNU will disappear by the time the next election comes around. A mass party like the PNC/R cannot afford two consecutive elections without its name on the ballot. APNU has had its last electoral hurrah.

It has indicated the results of its verification even though the list of the specific irregularities and its effects on the tabulated votes has not yet been detailed.

What does it matter? The PPP underperformed because of political complacency and still won the elections. Nothing that any verification comes up with is going to change that fact.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A.P.N.U knows to their gut....what they are claiming is grossly irrelevant.....the public stunts they have trying to to at least gain a ray of limelight on their growing unpopularity......the whole cabal of A.P.N.U should be ashamed of themselves....


Peeping Tom needs glasses. APNU is here to stay no less than the PPP. They both have similar base and ceiling in their support population and that will remain so if we maintain our present electoral system.


APNU handled the verification exercise no less than is within the scope of the PPP. Both claimed the system is flawed. Both claimed the possibility of nefarious dealings. Only a couple of weeks Ramoutar was yapping about fraud.


The system needs modification to strengthen its credibility. Now that the PPP implanted one of their own as head of the system it only creates more avenue for complaints.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A.P.N.U will be extinct in the event of any snap elections.....a majority rule awaits the P.P.P/C

 With dunda heads like you as their mouthpiece, APNU can only but flourish. You provide its supporters with the motivation to stand their ground because in you they see the naked contempt of the PPP for who and what they are.


The very need that the PPP expresses for totalitarian authority is the reason also they will lose again. PPPinc is to be dismantled.


The P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success, complacent but a large block of votes were evident, in the event of snap elections they will all turn out in their masses and endorse the P.P.P/C

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success, complacent but a large block of votes were evident, in the event of snap elections they will all turn out in their masses and endorse the P.P.P/C

 The PPP was a victim of their corruption, and naked disregard for transparency and accountability. They lost from their support base and those that defected did so on account of very firm decision to move away from ethnic based voting and to vote out crookedness. Get used to divided government.


 If wishes were horses! The perfidious PPP will continue to remain a minority government. If a snap elections is called, the combined opposition will crucify Ramotar and the PPP. It is stupid to waste ones card early and a snap election is the only one they have but it is a losing hand.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Snap Elections will be in the best interest of the Guyanese Populace.....the masses will give the P.P.P/C a majority government....thus ensuring progress continues....

I am simply reminding you the Guyanese people voted their interest. Next time they will emphasize that with deeper defections.


Let the AFC not forget or lose sight of the fact that 90% of their votes from regions 5 and 6 came from people who are die-hard Jaganites with a deep distrust of the notorious Peoples National Congress. Any move by the AFC in parliament to strenghten APNU's position will result in a loss of these votes in any future elections. A wrong move the AFC will leave the veteran politician, Moses Nagamotoo, hanging by the skin of his teeth.


Billy Ram Balgobin

Presenting a $192.8 billion budget in the National Assembly this afternoon, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh announced, among other things, that old age pension will be increased to $8,100 per month,up from $7,500 and public assistance would increase to $5,500, up from $5,100.

In addition, the new income tax thresholdhas been set at $50,000, up from $40,000. He also announced that $4 billion will be given to GuySuCo and another $6 billion was announced for GPL.

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh presenting the budget in Parliament this afternoon

The budget, presented under the theme ‘Remaining on course, unite in purpose, prosperity for all’.



Excerpts  from Stabroeknews


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