The National Assembly of Guyana in its third sitting in 2012 has again made a decision that violated the constitution, the laws of Guyana and a commitment made by the Parliamentary Political Parties during the tripartite talks to work together in the interest of Guyana.
Dr. Ashni Singh (Finance Minister) had tabled on the 10th of February, 2012 , Financial Papers No. 7 & 8 for the consideration of the house. The financial papers disclosed expenditure made through supplementary provisions by the Administration in Fiscal year 2011 in accordance with the exiting law. The law provided for the Minister, at the earliest opportunity subsequently, to present for the consideration of the house the expenditure so incurred.
The initial reactions of the A.P.N.U/A.F.C Parliamentary alliance to the February 10 tabling were uncompromisingly hostile with threats ranging from outright rejection to censure, among others. The alliance continued its rhetoric about unlawful expenditure. The alliance in examining the Financial Papers 7&8, selectively withheld its authorization of various expenditure items.
Dr. Ashni Singh (Finance Minister) had tabled on the 10th of February, 2012 , Financial Papers No. 7 & 8 for the consideration of the house. The financial papers disclosed expenditure made through supplementary provisions by the Administration in Fiscal year 2011 in accordance with the exiting law. The law provided for the Minister, at the earliest opportunity subsequently, to present for the consideration of the house the expenditure so incurred.
The initial reactions of the A.P.N.U/A.F.C Parliamentary alliance to the February 10 tabling were uncompromisingly hostile with threats ranging from outright rejection to censure, among others. The alliance continued its rhetoric about unlawful expenditure. The alliance in examining the Financial Papers 7&8, selectively withheld its authorization of various expenditure items.