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Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It's the job of the security forces to take guns off the street based on the law of the land. It's not the job of the politicians. Once again the PPP shows itself ignorant of its function and that of the purpose of having a police force.

The politicians have to pass legislation before the police can act. Unfortunately the afc/pnc don't want the guns off the street as this will cause then to lose revenue from the many robberies in the name of fund raising. 


Gun crime was introduced by the PPP. More people die each year from gun crimes under the PPP than died during the whole period that the previous government was in power. If the PPP was serious about gun crime it would have done something about it years ago.

But instead they try to distract the electorate by fabricating Anansi stories about the opposition.


"THE Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) says that it is extremely concerned over the political posturing in the National Assembly recently, as it relates to the voted-down proposed amendments to Guyana’s firearm laws. President of GCCI, Clinton Urling, yesterday weighed in on the matter during a brief interview with the Guyana Chronicle and said that what had transpired was an “unfortunate development.”
According to Urling, GCCI has always advocated that parliamentarians on both sides of the political divide  respect the process.

The GCCI president reminded  that the Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, had ruled on the matter of whether  Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee could speak in the House or not.

Trotman, in addressing the House prior to allowing the minister to present the Bill for debate, had said that whether he (Trotman) comes from the government or opposition sides of the House he has “to do what is right.”

He said that it would have been perverse to continue not allowing  the minister to  speak or contribute to the business of the House.

The GCCI president said that this ruling by Trotman was further complemented by a pronouncement from the judiciary on the matter of the home affairs minister’s role and ability to speak in the House.
According to Urling, the recent decision taken by the combined opposition will not hurt Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee or the Parliament, but rather the country as a whole.
In the meantime, Urling reminded that in its recent engagement of the administration on the budgetary process for 2013, one of the things it had advanced as an area requiring urgent attention was that of security, especially in the interior regions.  
On Thursday last, the combined opposition, without fielding a speaker to the debate on whether to criminalise the trafficking of firearms as well as the importation of its components, defeated the Bill piloted by Rohee."

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Gun crime was introduced by the PPP. More people die each year from gun crimes under the PPP than died during the whole period that the previous government was in power. If the PPP was serious about gun crime it would have done something about it years ago.

But instead they try to distract the electorate by fabricating Anansi stories about the opposition.

You have a short memory, did you forget the during the pNC years about the kickdown door bandits. Also did you forget that the PNC/AFC were arming the freedom fighters and other killers to beat and maim Indians? How short memory you have. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition days seems to be numbered, in the event of any snap elections, the joint opposition was be put to shame

old boy counse what rubbish you write.  Donald already told bhrat to **** off.  He shall serve 5 full years.


so is time you bhrat boys come off this nonsense.


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