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APNU/AFC vote to send home workers - denies NCN, GINA subventions


Georgetown, GINA, April 25, 2012

Source - GINA


GINA staffers at a candle light vigil on Brickdam in the vicinity of Parliament


The Opposition Parliamentary majority today voted against the subvention for the Government Information Agency (GINA), and the National Communications Network (NCN), approving an amount to the total of $1 each for the two entities.


NTN’s Anand Persaud in solidarity with GINA staff


This move which will over 40 tax payers being out of a job was supported in its entirety on the grounds that the two entities have remained biased in their reporting which has not been in the interest of all Guyanese.


for National Unity (APNU), Carl Greenidge proposed that the subvention of $81,772 towards NCN and $130,398 to GINA be reduced, differs from an amendment which was circulated on April 23, which proposed a cut to the projected allocation.


GINA staff led by their Director Neaz Subhan at the candle light vigil


Subsequently, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh in a comment condemned the irresponsible actions taken by the Opposition that flies in the face of any shred of commitment to public access to information.

Another section of GINA staff at the candle light vigil


He said that an agency such as GINA is not an unusual feature of countries of the world and asserted that, “in an era where one speaks to access to information and citizens’ empowerment by ensuring an informed citizenry, particularly on the work of Government, the existence and adequate resources of an agency such as GINA is absolutely critical.”


Ministers of the Government in solidarity with the staff of GINA


He added that the Opposition’s move to vote against the subvention for GINA is inconsistent with the actions of any Party interested in citizens’ access to information as it relates to Government activity.

With regards to NCN, the Minister said that there is no comparable station when it comes to production of level of the high-quality domestic documentaries and this move to take away its subvention, impair the operations of this very important public-interest entity.


Minister Leslie Ramsammy speaking to the GINA staff during their candle light vigil


As it regards to the next step, the Administration maintains the view that the task of compiling and disseminating Government information will continue and steps will be taken ensure that this is done.

Meanwhile, 38 staff from GINA and their families are now on the breadline, as the Opposition failed to recognise the human face and the implications of this disastrous decision.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As it regards to the next step, the Administration maintains the view that the task of compiling and disseminating Government information will continue and steps will be taken ensure that this is done.
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
As it regards to the next step, the Administration maintains the view that the task of compiling and disseminating Government information will continue and steps will be taken ensure that this is done.

That is good. It means they can do the government work as opposed to Misir and Kwame's work such as sending paid posters to this site. I wonder if Albert will be here with the same zeal now that their funds are cut. Note Shadood, Benn jr and Amir etc are gone as soon as they were outed for being paid bloggers.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Send them to do mining.

These entities must be reconstituted, if ever, as independent entities with no strings to the government. The manner in which they were used during the last elections were patently unfair and  unconstitutional. Agencies of the state should not be utilized by the incumbent administrate as message makers and disseminators.


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