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Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Here they go again

How do you know its APNU. Given that you know that its them why no arrests?

Maybe if you all paid all those Burntham thugs that you hired and not dump them because they deleivered very few black vote sthey wouldnt behave this must be them as no arrests have made even though the PPP "knows" who is responsible.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Here they go again

How do you know its APNU. Given that you know that its them why no arrests?

Maybe if you all paid all those Burntham thugs that you hired and not dump them because they deleivered very few black vote sthey wouldnt behave this must be them as no arrests have made even though the PPP "knows" who is responsible.

I must give PNC/APNU credit for planting Hamilton, Bynoe and the union leader in the PPP camp. They brought nothing to the table for the PPP. This shows clearly that they were planted. A perfect CIA tactic, learned by the PNC. They did it during Grangers time in the GDF/PNC
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Here they go again

How do you know its APNU. Given that you know that its them why no arrests?

Maybe if you all paid all those Burntham thugs that you hired and not dump them because they deleivered very few black vote sthey wouldnt behave this must be them as no arrests have made even though the PPP "knows" who is responsible.

I must give PNC/APNU credit for planting Hamilton, Bynoe and the union leader in the PPP camp. They brought nothing to the table for the PPP. This shows clearly that they were planted. A perfect CIA tactic, learned by the PNC. They did it during Grangers time in the GDF/PNC
are you saying the ppp leaders is dumb,we already know that, but you is admitting it
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Here they go again

How do you know its APNU. Given that you know that its them why no arrests?

Maybe if you all paid all those Burntham thugs that you hired and not dump them because they deleivered very few black vote sthey wouldnt behave this must be them as no arrests have made even though the PPP "knows" who is responsible.

I must give PNC/APNU credit for planting Hamilton, Bynoe and the union leader in the PPP camp. They brought nothing to the table for the PPP. This shows clearly that they were planted. A perfect CIA tactic, learned by the PNC. They did it during Grangers time in the GDF/PNC
are you saying the ppp leaders is dumb,we already know that, but you is admitting it

We also planted some in the PNC and AFC. It's just the way the game is played
Originally posted by marlon:
I must give PNC/APNU credit for planting Hamilton, Bynoe and the union leader in the PPP camp. They brought nothing to the table for the PPP. This shows clearly that they were planted. A perfect CIA tactic, learned by the PNC. They did it during Grangers time in the GDF/PNC

So now you are telling us that the PPP is so foolish that they let the scarcely intelligent PNC outsmart them.

The problem is that the PPP refuses to believe that blacks hate them and so quickly wrap themselves up to the few who do. Invariably being tokens, stooges or scamps.
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Here they go again

How do you know its APNU. Given that you know that its them why no arrests?

Maybe if you all paid all those Burntham thugs that you hired and not dump them because they deleivered very few black vote sthey wouldnt behave this must be them as no arrests have made even though the PPP "knows" who is responsible.

I must give PNC/APNU credit for planting Hamilton, Bynoe and the union leader in the PPP camp. They brought nothing to the table for the PPP. This shows clearly that they were planted. A perfect CIA tactic, learned by the PNC. They did it during Grangers time in the GDF/PNC
are you saying the ppp leaders is dumb,we already know that, but you is admitting it

We also planted some in the PNC and AFC. It's just the way the game is played
sorry i think only kwame and bar--rat play games
Carib, I must disagree with you. You always demand fairness and equality but I am seeing a different side of you. Those who are moderates condemn when innocent Black women and children are shot but I do not see fairness and you are quick to lay blame. For Guyana to move forward, you must make a fair call when you see it or you will become just like those who partake in violent acts.
Originally posted by Alexander:
Bombing anyone's house is wrong. It cannot be justified and all should work to put an end to this violence.

I don't believe anyone here would condone harm being done to Philomena (Fireball) Sahoye-Shury.

People are questioning whether the channa bombs are a PPP diversion . . . false flag operations by the regime are a legitimate issue.

This is the 2nd suspicious 'attack' for no apparent reason on this lady's home . . . cui bono?
Originally posted by Guyana1:
fair call when you see it or you will become just like those who partake in violent acts.

And you are so ready to blame APNU arent you.

You dont know who is responsible. Urge the police to find out and stop throwing fire into a gas tank.

Ask yourself which party has most to gain by injecting violence into the act now...and which party has already shown violence since the election ended....clue...they shot peaceful marchers.

Not saying its the PPP but we dont know. It could be either, or it might even by neither but part of some other issue.

The fact that one of the PPPdummies are so quick to tie this to the APNU, instead of urging the police to do their job, is what makes some of us think that its a PPP plot....goading APNU marchers to riot didnt its on to plan B.
I am not blaming PNC/APNU. I am condemning anyone who throws a bomb and another persons house regardless of political affiliation. Be it PNC/APNU, PPP or AFC. We must all condemn violence otherwise we become silent partners of it. I strongly condemned the actions of police when protesters were shot you can show some civility by condemning those throwing bombs.

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