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Apologise to the electorate – AFC urges President

By Stabroek editor | 0 Comments | Local | Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The AFC this afternoon called on President Donald Ramotar to apologise to the electorate and retract charges he made in a newspaper interview that the AFC and the APNU manipulated the election results at certain polling stations.

The President made the statement in an interview that appeared in the state-owned Sunday Chronicle and he also stated that the 48.3% of the votes that the party got should really have been around 52% to 53%. Ramotar’s statement has already been condemned by Leader of the Opposition, David Granger. Neither of the two overseas observer groups which monitored the November 28 general elections, the Commonwealth and the OAS, cited any irregularities with the voter count or with the final result.

The AFC statement follows:

“The AFC has noted with total disgust the recent comments by President Donald Ramotar accusing the AFC and APNU of rigging the 2011 Elections and campaigning along racial lines. This is totally unbecoming of the President and is designed to destabilise the political dispensation that the electorate voted for. It is a slap in the face for all those who took the time to go out and vote on Polling Day 2011.

“The electorate and all the people of Guyana know that the entire elections process was controlled by the government. The PPP/C had the greatest number of polling agents and other staff out on polling day, how could the AFC rig the elections?

“The AFC considers it totally ridiculous that President Ramotar would point to racial campaigning during the elections. The electorate knows full well, those, who over the years have campaigned on the race card.

“It is clear that President Ramotar does not intend to honour the will of the people as demonstrated by their votes at the last elections. The PPP/C excesses of the past and rampant abuse of power make it difficult for them to relax their stranglehold on power. They clearly fear the effectiveness of this new political dispensation and see themselves being forced to answer to the people and confirm with the Constitution of Guyana. This is alien to the PPP/C.

“The AFC calls on President Ramotar to apologise to the electorate and fully retract his statement.”

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Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon today said that President Donald Ramotar’s recent accusations that APNU and AFC manipulated the results of the 2011 general elections are justifiable.

Ramotar was quoted in the Guyana Chronicle’s Sunday edition as saying “For sure, I think we had over 50%. I think we lost some votes, no doubt, but I don’t think we lost enough to bring us under 50%, but the results were through manipulation when asked whether the PPP/C was robbed.

He later said that “My own realistic assessment was that we had probably between 52 [and] 53”, while also indicating that his party withdrew requests for partial recounts to avert any outbreak of violence.

“The external observers have pronounced and it is our contention if not withstanding what they have said that there is indeed justification for the comments made by the president. You might know that the PPP was the only contending party in the elections that lodged an objection or objections within the stipulated time frame. You might know also that after discussions the PPP withdrew those objections, primarily in Regions Three and Four”, Luncheon said in response to questions from this newspaper during a post-Cabinet press briefing.

Luncheon did not respond to a question on if it is the party’s position the elections were rigged but did address a question on the legitimacy of his government and the basis for the accusation.

“I don’t believe that the statement in any way could be construed to be a reflection or to have an impact on the legitimacy of the government save and except you might be speaking about the government and the plurality”, he said, pointing out that this is exactly what the president was alluding to.

“There wasn’t any question of the constitutionality of the decision made by the commission in appointing Donald Ramotar as the president of Guyana after the elections”, he said.

It was noted that what the president’s remarks led to, was an examination of the vote counting, the plurality and “most of his comments address those instances where the PPP insists that mischief was afoot in counting the votes”.

He said too that the PPP was the only one that lodged an objection or objections within the stipulated time frame.
AFC should call on the PNC to apologise for all them rigging while in power. Is there any dispute about that?
How about calling on the PNC to apologise for being in bed with the CIA and taking money from them to build their party?
Ramjattan is playing president with 10% vote and 7 seats, most of which he gained from Moses support. That is a coolie neemakaram that sold his soul to the devil. Everyone in the AFC is destined to go against their wished to work in cooperation for a fruitful Guyana with Ramjattan power struggle influence.
Originally posted by Breado:
AFC should call on the PNC to apologise for all them rigging while in power. Is there any dispute about that?
How about calling on the PNC to apologise for being in bed with the CIA and taking money from them to build their party?

AFC is the PNC side kick and choose to ignore that Granger has blood on his hands when the PNC army killed Berbicians protecting their ballot boxes from being stolen from PNC.

That evil man Granger must come clean on his role helping to prop up Burnham by rigging elections.

Guyanese must be aware that Granger has blood on his hands. Least we forget the 1973 election.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Talking about blood on hands.

Check Jagdeo and Gajraj hands.

No doubt about it--PNC supporters have mourned the killings of their beloved heroes like mass murderers Skinny and Fineman.

But Non PNC Guyanese are most grateful to Jags and Gaj for exterminating those uncivilized PNC criminals and terrorists.


Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Talking about blood on hands.

Check Jagdeo and Gajraj hands.

No doubt about it--PNC supporters have mourned the killings of their beloved heroes.

But Non PNC Guyanese are most grateful to Jags and Gaj for exterminating those uncivilized PNC criminals and terrorists.


Gajraj is hiding behind God's back in India. Why else do you think they sent him so far away ... to a place black people don't go.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Gajraj is hiding behind God's back in India. Why else do you think they sent him so far away ... to a place black people don't go.


You see how well behaved our PNC brothers and sisters are these days---no more shootings---no more lootings---no more burnings.

Let us thank Gajraj for a job well done.


Originally posted by Dondadda:
I think that Ramjattan and the AFC should apologize to Berbicians for joining up with APNU/PNC.

You want them to join with the PPP so the PPP can continue their crookish ways.
They are the Opposition.

You PPPites are sour because you cannot dip your hands in the cookie jar as you like now
Why should Berbicians apologize? They voted for people who will challenge the PPP and demand accountability rather than support a party blindly because of race. These "Apan Jatists" don't get it.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Africans lived in India for ages.

They are known as Siddis who are in India since about 630 AD.

So what? Those people are extinct from Indian society or at most their decendants are not identifable as a community.
Freddy is right. With exception of Gerhard, Benschop, Moses and Nigel Hughes. Donald is making the combined Opposition look like a bunch of amateurs. It is like Aaron Pryor vs Lennox Blackmore. All that we are waiting for now is the knockout (which will come in the next election).

If someone had told me that Gerhard, Benschop, Moses and Nigel Hughes would be the only opposition after the election. I would not have believed.

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