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Apology and retraction

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PUBLIC APOLOGY AND RETRACTION OF COLUMN ENTITLED “Op Ed – A PPP Financier Hosted the Diplomatic Mission on Election Day”

On Sunday, 3 May, 2020, Guyana Chronicle published the captioned column written by Adam Harris which, among other things, expressed that Mr. Tamesh Jagmohan was ‘a PPP financier’, a ‘drug dealer’, ‘blacklisted’ by the US Embassy, and connected him to making payments in gold or cash to Charrandass Persaud or Mercury LLC, respectively, at the behest of the PPP. This column did not meet the Guyana Chronicle’s editorial standards, and we are unable to substantiate the allegations made therein. We therefore retract the column and withdraw all allegations against Mr. Tamesh Jagmohan, and links to the column have been disabled and deleted. Guyana Chronicle deeply regrets and apologises to Mr. Tamesh Jagmohan for any public or private embarrassment or humiliation the publication of this column may have caused.

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When an article is withdrawn with a full apology for misstatements, etc., the source(s) could still face/pay penalties which are less that if the said organization(s) had not withdrawn such and the matter is resolved in the courts.

@kp posted:

Apology and retraction

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PUBLIC APOLOGY AND RETRACTION OF COLUMN ENTITLED “Op Ed – A PPP Financier Hosted the Diplomatic Mission on Election Day”

On Sunday, 3 May, 2020, Guyana Chronicle published the captioned column written by Adam Harris which, among other things, expressed that Mr. Tamesh Jagmohan was ‘a PPP financier’, a ‘drug dealer’, ‘blacklisted’ by the US Embassy, and connected him to making payments in gold or cash to Charrandass Persaud or Mercury LLC, respectively, at the behest of the PPP. This column did not meet the Guyana Chronicle’s editorial standards, and we are unable to substantiate the allegations made therein. We therefore retract the column and withdraw all allegations against Mr. Tamesh Jagmohan, and links to the column have been disabled and deleted. Guyana Chronicle deeply regrets and apologises to Mr. Tamesh Jagmohan for any public or private embarrassment or humiliation the publication of this column may have caused.

This also goes to show that the lines are drawn. Adam Harris, according to my uncle, ran the PNC propaganda piece New Nation. Harris, has returned home. He literally attacked the famous KN writer (you know who) of taking bribes to change his position and attack the current government. Harris is an apologist for the PNC...he is in his rightful place.

AND yes....Lilmohan (is this Mitwah??) in Canada, threatened to sue him and the newspaper....this one flew right under the nose of Moses.

Last edited by VishMahabir

And while you're at it note also that Kaieteur News today apologised to the GECOM chair for parts of Freddie Kissoon's column in yesterday's paper.  Someone actually quoted the offensive segment on this forum.


Yeah dis is de lastest example of how dem PNC bais does operate...dem is base dem knowledge and understandin and policy on DEM BAIs shere rumor and dem bais seh. Dem man seh how PPP tief 5 billion USD...hey hey hey hey...but is wan method to de madness...dem cyan set up agency like SARU foh gee wuk to dem mattie...hey hey hey.

@Totaram posted:

And while you're at it note also that Kaieteur News today apologised to the GECOM chair for parts of Freddie Kissoon's column in yesterday's paper.  Someone actually quoted the offensive segment on this forum.

And your point is?

@Former Member posted:

Yeah dis is de lastest example of how dem PNC bais does operate...dem is base dem knowledge and understandin and policy on DEM BAIs shere rumor and dem bais seh. Dem man seh how PPP tief 5 billion USD...hey hey hey hey...but is wan method to de madness...dem cyan set up agency like SARU foh gee wuk to dem mattie...hey hey hey.

Dem bais seh is the New PNC standard. Adam Harris is like a worn out tire and he was the culprit who led the PNC New Nation Organ of the thug and dictator Burnham. Good thing that Lalla gave him a kick in the behind.

Yes, SARA and other organizations were the Pig troughs that fed PNC pigs.

PNC will go down as the most racist administration in South America and the Caribbean. All under Granger's watch. Adam Harris is another PNC pig.

Last edited by Former Member
@VishMahabir posted:

This also goes to show that the lines are drawn. Adam Harris, according to my uncle, ran the PNC propaganda piece New Nation. Harris, has returned home. He literally attacked the famous KN writer (you know who) of taking bribes to change his position and attack the current government. Harris is an apologist for the PNC...he is in his rightful place.

AND yes....Lilmohan (is this Mitwah??) in Canada, threatened to sue him and the newspaper....this one flew right under the nose of Moses.

Nah! Mitwah is not a multi-millionaire. he is not Lilmohan either.


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