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The Appeal Court judges are human, they can make mistakes. In this case, a mathematical mistake.

Appeal Court  - 2 > 1

GECOM - 4 > 3

Parliament - 33 > 32

Even if you insert the word “ Absolute ” , it only means that you have to take into account all members of the parliament to calculate what is a majority. Since there is an odd number of parliamentarians, 65, you have to add 1 and divide by 2 . That is, (65 + 1)/2 = 66/2 = 33.

Note, in the case of an even number, you divide by 2 and add 1. 

There is no rounding up because there is no half person in parliament.

In the case of a “ Simple “ Majority, you take the number of parliamentarians present if there is a quorum and calculate the majority. 

For example, if there are 40 members present, the majority is 21. If there are 39 members present, the majority is 20. 

Long Live Democracy.





Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yonnette Cummings Edwards has lost a lot of credibility here.  I hope Rex and Nigel compensate her handsomely.  She has lost the trust of the nation and her judgment will be called into question going forward.

Like yuh neva hear  that 1+1=3. 

Only for PNC Jackasses. Persaud made his opinion very succinctly while those two jackasses dragged on their arguments painstaking and still ended up with stupid voodoo mathematics. It is safe to suggest that Basil Williams is their teacher. 😀


The 2 female Appelate Juctices need remedial math classes immediately

They brought shame to the court system  

No other court should accept these Justices as potential candidtae for higher offices

Math for Idiots

When, say 5 meembers cannot vote then 31 votes is needed from the 60 voting members. This is a Simple Majority

With a full house of 65 then 33 votes is necessary. This is the Absolute Majority

These judges were compromised.

They must be replaced soon


Vish M
Anan posted:

Do the hapless coalition government have the absolute majority of 34 in parliament?

Based on the ruling to defeat the NCV, is there a 1/2 MP on the government side?

Also, according to the appellate court judges, there are 66 MPs..

They don’t care, they will say it only applies in cases of NCV and everything else, simple majority is what matters.  And they have to military to enforce it!

Vish M posted:

The 2 female Appelate Juctices need remedial math classes immediately

They brought shame to the court system  

No other court should accept these Justices as potential candidtae for higher offices

Math for Idiots

When, say 5 meembers cannot vote then 31 votes is needed from the 60 voting members. This is a Simple Majority

With a full house of 65 then 33 votes is necessary. This is the Absolute Majority

These judges were compromised.

They must be replaced soon

Vish, this will not happen.  The PNC is a military backed regime and they know it.   Only bloodshed will force international attention and the PNC knows Indians prefer to take backtrack than stand and fight!

I believe more blatant actions are to come at election time and they will have no qualms about it!   This is the PNC we talking!

Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

The 2 female Appelate Juctices need remedial math classes immediately

They brought shame to the court system  

No other court should accept these Justices as potential candidtae for higher offices

Math for Idiots

When, say 5 meembers cannot vote then 31 votes is needed from the 60 voting members. This is a Simple Majority

With a full house of 65 then 33 votes is necessary. This is the Absolute Majority

These judges were compromised.

They must be replaced soon

Vish, this will not happen.  The PNC is a military backed regime and they know it.   Only bloodshed will force international attention and the PNC knows Indians prefer to take backtrack than stand and fight!

I believe more blatant actions are to come at election time and they will have no qualms about it!   This is the PNC we talking!

The PNC beating y’all at your own game of treachery. When the PPP gave Judas Charrandass his pieces of silver, y’all call the man a hero when he sold out his party for blood money. When the local judiciary was compromised and made a bogus ruling in favor of Jagdeo’s third term, y’all celebrated. Now you’re crying when the shoe is on the other foot. Bear up and tek y’all licks like a man and stop whining. Do fuh do nah obeah.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

The 2 female Appelate Juctices need remedial math classes immediately

They brought shame to the court system  

No other court should accept these Justices as potential candidtae for higher offices

Math for Idiots

When, say 5 meembers cannot vote then 31 votes is needed from the 60 voting members. This is a Simple Majority

With a full house of 65 then 33 votes is necessary. This is the Absolute Majority

These judges were compromised.

They must be replaced soon

Vish, this will not happen.  The PNC is a military backed regime and they know it.   Only bloodshed will force international attention and the PNC knows Indians prefer to take backtrack than stand and fight!

I believe more blatant actions are to come at election time and they will have no qualms about it!   This is the PNC we talking!

The PNC beating y’all at your own game of treachery. When the PPP gave Judas Charrandass his pieces of silver, y’all call the man a hero when he sold out his party for blood money. When the local judiciary was compromised and made a bogus ruling in favor of Jagdeo’s third term, y’all celebrated. Now you’re crying when the shoe is on the other foot. Bear up and tek y’all licks like a man and stop whining.

It looks like Granger paid twice as much for the two judges to change Guyana's mathematics and made sure he is not committed to stand trial for the murders of the two Berbice voters. 

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

The 2 female Appelate Juctices need remedial math classes immediately

They brought shame to the court system  

No other court should accept these Justices as potential candidtae for higher offices

Math for Idiots

When, say 5 meembers cannot vote then 31 votes is needed from the 60 voting members. This is a Simple Majority

With a full house of 65 then 33 votes is necessary. This is the Absolute Majority

These judges were compromised.

They must be replaced soon

Vish, this will not happen.  The PNC is a military backed regime and they know it.   Only bloodshed will force international attention and the PNC knows Indians prefer to take backtrack than stand and fight!

I believe more blatant actions are to come at election time and they will have no qualms about it!   This is the PNC we talking!

The PNC beating y’all at your own game of treachery. When the PPP gave Judas Charrandass his pieces of silver, y’all call the man a hero when he sold out his party for blood money. When the local judiciary was compromised and made a bogus ruling in favor of Jagdeo’s third term, y’all celebrated. Now you’re crying when the shoe is on the other foot. Bear up and tek y’all licks like a man and stop whining.

It looks like Granger paid twice as much for the two judges to change Guyana's mathematics and made sure he is not committed to stand trial for the murders of the two Berbice voters. 

I’m not familiar with the rates that the PPP and the PNC paid to Charrandass and the judges in the third term case and the NCV case. Give us the numbers since you seem to be in the know and then we can decide who got a better deal. 

Granger murdered two voters in Berbice? That’s news to me. You have evidence in this case and you never disclosed it? Take it to Freedumb House so they could seek justice for those murdered. They might shove it under a rug though since they don’t want anyone to know about the hundreds their Phantom Squad murdered when they were trying to corner the drugs market.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

The 2 female Appelate Juctices need remedial math classes immediately

They brought shame to the court system  

No other court should accept these Justices as potential candidtae for higher offices

Math for Idiots

When, say 5 meembers cannot vote then 31 votes is needed from the 60 voting members. This is a Simple Majority

With a full house of 65 then 33 votes is necessary. This is the Absolute Majority

These judges were compromised.

They must be replaced soon

Vish, this will not happen.  The PNC is a military backed regime and they know it.   Only bloodshed will force international attention and the PNC knows Indians prefer to take backtrack than stand and fight!

I believe more blatant actions are to come at election time and they will have no qualms about it!   This is the PNC we talking!

The PNC beating y’all at your own game of treachery. When the PPP gave Judas Charrandass his pieces of silver, y’all call the man a hero when he sold out his party for blood money. When the local judiciary was compromised and made a bogus ruling in favor of Jagdeo’s third term, y’all celebrated. Now you’re crying when the shoe is on the other foot. Bear up and tek y’all licks like a man and stop whining.

It looks like Granger paid twice as much for the two judges to change Guyana's mathematics and made sure he is not committed to stand trial for the murders of the two Berbice voters. 

I’m not familiar with the rates that the PPP and the PNC paid to Charrandass and the judges in the third term case and the NCV case. Give us the numbers since you seem to be in the know and then we can decide who got a better deal. 

Granger murdered two voters in Berbice? That’s news to me. You have evidence in this case and you never disclosed it? Take it to Freedumb House so they could seek justice for those murdered. They might shove it under a rug though since they don’t want anyone to know about the hundreds their Phantom Squad murdered when they were trying to corner the drugs market.

Any wrongdoings of the PNC is news to their supporters. The phantom squad was needed for national security. All countries do this.

skeldon_man posted:


Any wrongdoings of the PNC is news to their supporters. The phantom squad was needed for national security. All countries do this.

I’m not one of their supporters but I do know of several wrongdoings by the PNC. I’ve never seen any evidence linking Granger to murders but I’m open minded so present the evidence that you possess or are you just pulling this out of your rectum like you’re prone to do on a regular basis? 

All countries have hit squads going around carrying out extrajudicial killing of their citizens in their own country? Again, that’s news to me. 

Last edited by Mars

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